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Leland Melvin
(STS-122, STS-129)

April 3, 2025
Boulder, Colorado

7:00pm -

Leland Melvin

(STS-122, STS-129)

Distinguished Speakers Board presentation
Macky Auditorium, University of Colorado, Boulder

April 12, 2025
Chicago, Illinois

2:15pm -

Leland Melvin

(STS-122, STS-129)

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LEFT: RIGHT: Charlie Bolden, Livingston Holder, Bob Curbeam, Leland Melvin and Bernard Harris with Cheryl McNair, July 27, 2024, Chantilly, VA (CREDIT: Neil Da Costa);
LEFT: Michael Collins, Scott Kelly and Leland Melvin with Miles O'Brien, May 31, 2019, New York, NY (CREDIT: George Piro); RIGHT: Leland Melvin with Brad MacKinnon, January 15, 2019, Grand Rapids, MI (CREDIT: Brad MacKinnon);
LEFT: Leland Melvin, Anousheh Ansari, Nicole Stott and Ron Garan with Tim Gagnon, December 21, 2018, KSC, FL (CREDIT: Tim Gagnon); RIGHT: Leland Melvin and Mike Massimino, June 3, 2017, New York, NY (CREDIT: Aurelio Stagnaro);
LEFT: Leland Melvin with Neil Da Costa, May 23, 2017, Ridgewood, NJ (CREDIT: Neil Da Costa); RIGHT: Leland Melvin with Charles Atkeison, February 1, 2017, Houston, TX (CREDIT: Charles Atkeison);
LEFT: Leland Melvin, August 14, 2013, Arlington, VA (Credit: Tom Celentano); RIGHT: Leland Melvin with Nichelle Nichols and, August 5, 2012, Pasadena, CA (Credit: collectSPACE);
LEFT: Leland Mevin, Alan Poindexter and Chris Ferguson, April 19, 2012, Chantilly, VA (Credit: John Youskauskas); RIGHT: Leland Melvin, Ken Cockrell, Joe Allen and Paolo Nespoli, April 19, 2012, Chantilly, VA (Credit: John Youskauskas);
LEFT: Leland Melvin, February 20, 2012, Columbus, OH (Credit: Brad MacKinnon); RIGHT: Leland Melvin with Marek Pribyl, June 2, 2011, Vienna, Austria (Credit: Tomas Pribyl);
LEFT: Leland Melvin, Shannon Walker, Wendy Lawrence and Jon McBride, April 27, 2011, KSC, FL (Credit: Nick Thomas); RIGHT: Leland Melvin with Jacques van Oene, October 29, 2010, KSC, FL (Credit: Jacques van Oene);
LEFT: Sandy Magnus and Leland Melvin, June 6, 2010, New York, NY (Credit: Hart Sastrowardoyo); RIGHT: Bobby Satcher and Leland Melvin with Brad MacKinnon, January 27, 2010, Canton, OH (Credit: Mark Pattison);
Randy Bresnik, Leland Melvin, Greg Hobaugh, Butch Wilmore, Mike Foreman and Bobby Satcher, October 16, 2009, Houston, TX (Credit: collectSPACE);
Stan Love, Hans Schlegel, Rex Walheim, Leland Melvin, Alan Poindexter and Steve Frick, June 1, 2008, Berlin, Germany (Credit: Jürgen Esders);
Steve Frick, Leland Melvin, Alan Poindexter, Hans Schlegel, Rex Walheim and Stan Love, May 30, 2008, Aachen, Germany (Credit: Christoph Kaspari);
Steve Frick, Alan Poindexter, Leland Melvin, Rex Walheim, Hans Schlegel and Stan Love, April 1, 2008, Washington, DC (Credit: collectSPACE);
Steve Frick, Alan Poindexter, Leland Melvin, Rex Walheim, Hans Schlegel and Stan Love, February 20, 2008, KSC, FL (Credit: Gerhard Daum);
Stan Love, Leland Melvin, Alan Poindexter, Stephen Frick, Rex Walheim, Leopold Eyharts and Hans Schlegel, November 16, 2007, Houston, TX (Credit: collectSPACE);
LEFT: Leland Melvin, March 27, 2003, Philadelphia, PA (Credit: Hart Sastrowardoyo); RIGHT: Leland Melvin, March 21, 2003, Pasadena, CA (Credit: NASA);