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Bruce Melnick
(STS-41, STS-49)

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LEFT: Bruce Melnick with Tim Gagnon, June 15, 2022, KSC, FL (CREDIT: Tim Gagnon); RIGHT: Curt Brown, Scott Altman and Bruce Melnick with Lisa Schott, June 9, 2022, Cape Canaveral, FL (CREDIT: Mark Usciak);
LEFT: Bruce Melnick and Charlie Duke, January 29, 2022, Cape Canaveral, FL (CREDIT: Mark Usciak); RIGHT: Dan Burbank and Bruce Melnick, May 19, 2018, Barnstable, MA (CREDIT: Neil Da Costa);
LEFT: Bruce Melnick, November 11, 2016, KSC, FL (CREDIT: collectSPACE); RIGHT: Bruce Melnick with Brad MacKinnon, November 7, 2015, KSC, FL (CREDIT: Brad MacKinnon);
LEFT: Bruce Melnick with Alex Ward, July 9, 2011, KSC, FL (Credit: Alexander Ward); RIGHT: Bruce Melnick with Alex and Megan Ward, September 25, 2010, London, UK (Credit: Alexander Ward);
LEFT: Bruce Melnick with Nick Thomas, July 10, 2010, KSC, FL (Credit: Nick Thomas); RIGHT: Bruce Melnick, Jon McBride and Jay Apt with Nick Thomas, May 14, 2010, KSC, FL (Credit: Nick Thomas);
LEFT: Bruce Melnick, May 25, 2007, KSC, FL (Credit: collectSPACE); RIGHT: Bruce Melnick, May 6, 2006, KSC, FL (Credit: Rob Joyner);