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Kjell Lindgren
(Soyuz TMA-17M, ISS 44/45, SpaceX Crew-4, ISS 67/68)

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LEFT: Kjell Lindgren, September 3, 2016, New York, NY (CREDIT: Aurelio Stagnaro); RIGHT: Gennady Padalka, Andreas Mogensen, Sergei Volkov, Mikhail Kornienko, Oleg Kononenko, Kimiya Yui, Kjell Lindren and Scott Kelly, April 20, 2016, Houston, TX (CREDIT: collectSPACE);
LEFT: Kjell Lindgren, Alan Bean and Mike Foreman, February 6, 2016, Houston, TX (CREDIT: collectSPACE); RIGHT: Kimiya Yui, Oleg Kononenko and Kjell Lindgren with Nicole Cloutier, March 18, 2015, Houston, TX (Credit: collectSPACE);
LEFT: Kjell Lindgren, September 29, 2012, Houston, TX (Credit: collectSPACE);