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Janice Voss
(STS-57, STS-63, STS-83, STS-94, STS-99)

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LEFT: Terry Virts, Tracy Caldwell Dyson and Janice Voss, August 27, 2011, Houston, TX (Credit: collectSPACE); RIGHT: Hoot Gibson, Janice Voss and Rhea Seddon with Francis French, November 5, 2010, KSC, FL (Credit: Mark Janovec);
LEFT: Joe Allen and Janice Voss with Mark Pattison, February 26, 2009, Crawfordville, IN (Credit: Mark Pattison); RIGHT: Janice Voss, March 29, 2008, Santa Clara, CA (Credit: Francis French);
LEFT: Janice Voss and Sally Ride, October 2, 2005, Moffett Field, CA (Credit: Francis French);