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Timothy "TJ" Creamer
(Soyuz TMA-17, ISS 22/23, Flight Director)

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LEFT: TJ Creamer with Brad MacKinnon, December 12, 2015, Houston, Texas (CREDIT: Robert Pearlman); RIGHT: TJ Creamer with Gerhard Daum, September 24, 2010, Speyer, Germany (Credit: Gerhard Daum);
Jeff Hoffman, Buzz Aldrin, TJ Creamer, Terry Hart, Rick Hauck, Byron Lichtenberg and Mike Massimino, April 26, 2011, Cambridge, MA (Credit: Hart Sastrowardoyo);
LEFT: TJ Creamer, July 29, 2010, Washington, DC (Credit: Cliff Lentz); RIGHT: TJ Creamer, Oleg Kotov, Jeff Williams, Soichi Noguchi and Maxim Suraev, July 1, 2010, Houston, TX (Credit: collectSPACE);
LEFT: TJ Creamer, Oleg Kotov and Soichi Noguchi, September 17, 2009, Houston, TX (Credit: collectSPACE); RIGHT: TJ Creamer, May 21, 2006, Berlin, Germany (Credit: Jurgen Esders);