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Valery Bykovsky
(Vostok 5, Soyuz 22, Soyuz 31)

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Yuri Gidzenko, Valery Bykovsky, Thomas Reiter, Sigmund Jähn, Vasily Tsibliev, Ernst Messerschmid, Eberhard Köllner and Gerhard Thiele, May 17, 2008, Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz, Germany (Credit: Frank Leuband);
LEFT: Valery Bykovsky, May 17, 2008, Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz, Germany (Credit: Christoph Kaspari); RIGHT: Valery Bykovsky with Derek Horne, October 10, 2004, London, UK (Credit: Derek Horne);