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Mark Brown
(STS-28, STS-48)

September 27, 2025
Carmel, Indiana


Mark Brown

(STS-28, STS-48)

Jerry Ross

(STS-61B, STS-27, STS-37, STS-55, STS-74, STS-88, STS-110)

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LEFT: Mark Brown with Brad MacKinnon, October 12, 2019, West Lafayette, IN (CREDIT: Brad MacKinnon); RIGHT: David Wolf, Charlie Walker, Tony England, Joe Allen, Mark Brown, Jerry Ross and Kevin Ford with Patrick Jones, July 15, 2017, Mitchell, IN (CREDIT: Patrick Jones);
LEFT: Mark Brown with Chip Freeman, July 15, 2017, Mitchell, IN (CREDIT: Chip Freeman); RIGHT: Mark Brown, Charlie Walker, Gary Payton, Loren Shriver, Gene Cernan, Drew Feustel and Scott Tingle with Mitch Daniels, April 12, 2014, West Lafayette, IN (Credit: Brad MacKinnon);
LEFT: Mark Brown with David Houseworth, May 11, 2012, Dayton, OH (Credit: David Houseworth); RIGHT: Mark Brown with Amanda Wright Lane, June 20, 2007, Paris, France (Credit: Max White);
Mary-Ellen Weber, Mike Foreman, Michael Gernhardt, Kevin Kregel, Don Thomas, Suni Williams, Nancy Currie, Tom Henricks, Ron Sega, Mark Brown, Greg Harbough, Tom Hennen, Carl Walz, Ken Cameron, Bob Springer, Neil Armstrong, John Glenn, Jim Lovell and Kathy Sullivan, August 29, 2008, Cleveland, OH (Credit: Michael Blair);
LEFT: Mark Brown with Mark Pattison, November 30, 2006, Springfield, OH (Credit: Mark Pattison); RIGHT: Mark Brown, October 4, 2003, West Lafayette, IN (Credit: Brad Beiter);