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NASA Astronaut Portraits ID Guide

Compiled by Ed Hengeveld and Philip Corneille

The following table, organized alphabetically by astronaut surnames, provides a listing for all known NASA portraits of astronauts selected between in 1959 and 2004.

In a few cases, the NASA ID numbers aren't known. If you have information that can add to this guide, please contact Ed Hengeveld or Philip Corneille.

For an illustrated version of this guide with thumbnails for all Mercury, Gemini and Apollo portraits, see Chris Spain's site, Astronaut Portrait Guide.

Astronaut Year Portrait ID Description
Acaba, Joseph 2004 JSC2004-21455 blue flightsuit
Acton, Loren 1985 S85-31406 light blue flightsuit
Adamson, James 1984 S84-36727 blue flightsuit
Adamson, James 1984 S84-40229 light blue flightsuit
Akbar, Taufik 1986 S86-31199 light blue flightsuit
Akers, Thomas 1987 S87-45895 blue flightsuit
Akers, Thomas 1992 S92-42896 STS EVA suit
Al-Bassam, Abdulmohsen 1985 S85-33781 light blue flightsuit
Al-Saud, Salman 1985 S85-33318 light blue flightsuit
Aldridge, Edward 1986 S86-39745 light blue flightsuit
Aldrin, Edwin 1963 S63-20056 business suit
Aldrin, Edwin 1964 S64-31484 business suit
Aldrin, Edwin 1969 S69-31743 Apollo spacesuit
Aldrin, Edwin 1969 S69-63724 Apollo spacesuit (facing sideways)
Allen, Andrew 1987 S87-45896 blue flight suit
Allen, Andrew 1994 S94-26084 STS orange launch & entry suit
Allen, Joseph 1971 S71-51278 business suit (holding STS model)
Allen, Joseph 1971 S71-51279 Apollo spacesuit
Allen, Joseph 1979 S79-36411 STS brown emergency escape suit
Altman, Scott 1995 S95-09040 blue flightsuit
Altman, Scott 1999 S99-02362 STS orange launch & entry suit
Anders, William 1963 S63-20057 business suit
Anders, William 1964 S64-31555 business suit
Anderson, Michael 1995 S95-10761 blue flightsuit
Anderson, Clayton 1998 S98-16196 blue flightsuit
Antonelli, Dominic 2000 JSC2000-07308 blue flightsuit
Apt, Jerome 1985 S85-41888 light blue flightsuit
Apt, Jerome 1990 S90-42988 STS EVA suit
Apt, Jerome 1995 S95-10987 STS EVA suit
Archambault, Lee 1998 S98-16197 blue flightsuit
Armstrong, Neil 1958 E-3342 business suit
Armstrong, Neil 1962 62-X15-7 business suit
Armstrong, Neil 1962 S62-7965 business suit
Armstrong, Neil 1964 S64-17089 early Gemini spacesuit
Armstrong, Neil 1964 S64-31452 business suit
Armstrong, Neil 1964 S64-31453 business suit (holding Apollo model)
Armstrong, Neil 1969 S69-31741 Apollo spacesuit
Armstrong, Neil 1969 JSC2002-E01692 Apollo spacesuit (smiling)
Arnold, Richard 2004 JSC2004-21457 light blue flightsuit
Ashby, Jeffrey 1995 S95-07010 blue flightsuit
Ashby, Jeffrey 1998 S98-19775 STS orange launch & entry suit
Bagian, James 1981 S81-25299 light blue flightsuit
Bagian, James 1989 S89-25243 STS orange launch & entry suit
Baker, Ellen 1984 S84-40235 light blue flightsuit
Baker, Ellen 1992 S92-45740 STS orange launch & entry suit
Baker, Michael 1985 S85-41895 light blue flightsuit
Baker, Michael 1997 S97-06260 blue flightsuit
Barratt, Michael 2000 JSC2000-07305 blue flightsuit
Barry, Dan 1992 S92-45153 blue flightsuit
Barry, Dan 1993 S93- blue flightsuit
Barry, Dan 2001 JSC2001-00955 STS orange launch & entry suit
Bartoe, John-David 1985 S85-31404 light blue flightsuit
Bassett, Charles 1963 S63-20059 business suit
Bassett, Charles 1964 S64-31443 business suit
Baudry, Patrick 1984 S84-43894 light blue flightsuit
Bean, Alan 1963 S63-20060 business suit
Bean, Alan 1964 S64-31849 business suit
Bean, Alan 1964 S64-31850 business suit
Bean, Alan 1969 S69-38859 Apollo spacesuit
Bean, Alan 1971 S71-51300 business suit
Behnken, Robert 2000 JSC2000-07603 blue flightsuit
Belt, Michael 1991 S91-28756 blue flightsuit
Blaha, John 1981 S80-42910 light blue flightsuit
Blaha, John 1988 S88-45293 STS orange launch & entry suit
Blaha, John 1995 S95-21468 Sokol spacesuit
Bloomfield, Michael 1995 S95-08844 blue flightsuit
Bloomfield, Michael 1995 S95-10530 blue flightsuit
Bluford, Guion 1978 S78-35290 blue flightsuit
Bluford, Guion 1992 S92-48766 STS orange launch & entry suit
Bobko, Karol 1970 S70- business suit (with lunar globe)
Bobko, Karol 1970 S71-51304 business suit (holding magazine)
Bobko, Karol 1971 S71-51305 Apollo spacesuit
Bobko, Karol 1979 S79-36438 STS yellow emergency escape suit
Boe, Eric 2000 JSC2000-07304 blue flightsuit
Bolden, Charles 1980 S80-42913 light blue flightsuit
Bolden, Charles 1986 S86-37233 light blue flightsuit
Bolden, Charles 1991 S91-49083 STS orange launch & entry suit
Bondar, Roberta 1991 S91-51633 STS orange launch & entry suit
Booen, Michael 1985 S85-39867 light blue flightsuit
Borman, Frank 1962 S62-5227 business suit
Borman, Frank 1964 S64-31455 business suit
Borman, Frank 1964 S64-31456 business suit
Borman, Frank 1964 S64-31457 business suit
Borman, Frank 1988 S88-55758 business suit
Bowen, Stephen 2000 JSC2000-07483 blue flightsuit
Bowersox, Kenneth 1987 S87-45887 blue flightsuit
Boyle, Anthony 1984 S84-34318 military uniform
Brady, Charles 1992 S92-48439 blue flightsuit
Brady, Charles 1996 S96-08585 STS orange launch & entry suit
Brand, Vance 1966 S66-27408 business suit
Brand, Vance 1966 S66- business suit
Brand, Vance 1971 S71-51263 Apollo spacesuit
Brand, Vance 1971 S71-51264 business suit (with lunar globe)
Brand, Vance 1979 S79-36528 STS yellow emergency escape suit
Brand, Vance 1985 S85-26148 light blue flightsuit
Brand, Vance 1986 S86-38100 blue flightsuit
Brandenstein, Daniel 1978 S78-35291 blue flightsuit
Brandenstein, Daniel 1984 S84-40228 blue flightsuit
Bridges, Roy 1980 S80-42916 light blue flightsuit
Brown, Curt 1987 S87-45891 blue flightsuit
Brown, Curt 1997 S97-07601 STS orange launch & entry suit
Brown, David 1996 S96-14484 blue flightsuit
Brown, David 2002 JSC2002-00544 STS orange launch & entry suit
Brown, Mark 1984 S84-39440 light blue flightsuit
Brummer, Renate 1993 S93-25962 blue flightsuit
Buchli, James 1978 S78-35296 blue flight suit
Buchli, James 1987 S87-29019 light blue flightsuit
Buckey, Jay 1992 S92-47530 blue flightsuit
Buckey, Jay 1998 S98-01664 STS orange launch & entry suit
Budarin, Nicholai 2002 JSC2002-44140 STS orange launch & entry suit
Bull, John 1966 S66-33757 business suit (holding LM model)
Burbank, Daniel 1996 S96-16629 blue flightsuit
Burbank, Daniel 2003 JSC2003-12208 STS EVA suit
Bursch, Dan 1990 S90-45391 blue flightsuit
Bursch, Dan 2000 JSC2000-02899 STS EVA suit
Butterworth, William 1985 S85-25623 light blue flightsuit
Cabana, Robert 1985 S85-41885 light blue flightsuit
Cabana, Robert 1993 S93-26392 STS orange launch & entry suit
Cagle, Yvonne 1996 S96-16639 blue flightsuit
Caldeiro, Fernando 1996 S97-01585 blue flightsuit
Caldeiro, Fernando 2000 JSC2000-01759 STS orange launch & entry suit
Caldwell, Tracy 1998 S98-18638 blue flightsuit
Camarda, Charlie 1996 S96-16638 blue flightsuit
Camarda, Charlie 2003 JSC2004-00591 STS orange launch & entry suit
Cameron, Kenneth 1984 S84-40231 light blue flightsuit
Carey, Duane 1996 S96-14777 blue flightsuit
Carpenter, Scott 1960 G60-2737 business suit (Mercury-Atlas model)
Carpenter, Scott 1963 S63-1066 burinsess suit (world map behind him)
Carpenter, Scott 1962 62-MA6-78 in spacesuit with tracking antenna
Carpenter, Scott 1962 62-MA7-55 in spacesuit in front of NASA emblem
Carpenter, Scott 1962 S62-5538 business suit (holding Boyscout emblem)
Carpenter, Scott 1964 S64-34357 business suit
Carr, Gerald 1966 S66-33758 business suit
Carr, Gerald 1971 S71-52261 military gala uniform
Carr, Gerald 1971 S71-51282 Apollo spacesuit
Carr, Gerald 1971 S71-51283 business suit (holding Skylab model)
Carter, Manley 1984 S84-40463 light blue flightsuit
Casper, John 1984 S84-40243 light blue flightsuit
Casper, John 1994 S94-25739 STS orange launch & entry suit
Cassidy, Christopher 2004 JSC2004-21450 blue flightsuit
Cenker, Robert 1985 S85-45499 light blue flightsuit
Cernan, Eugene 1963 S63-20052 business suit
Cernan, Eugene 1964 S64-31844 business suit
Cernan, Eugene 1964 S64-31845 business suit (with Gemini-Titan model)
Cernan, Eugene 1969 S69-32614 Apollo-10 spacesuit
Cernan, Eugene 1969 S69-31617 Apollo-10 spacesuit
Cernan, Eugene 1971 S71-51308 Apollo-17 spacesuit
Cernan, Eugene 1971 S71-51309 business suit
Cernan, Eugene 1974 S74-22061 business suit
Chaffee, Roger 1963 S63-20049 business suit
Chaffee, Roger 1964 S64-31447 business suit (with Apollo CSM model)
Chaffee, Roger 1964 S64-31448 business suit
Chamitoff, Gregory 1998 S98-19475 blue flightsuit
Chang-Diaz, Franklin 1980 S80-42911 light blue flightsuit
Chang-Diaz, Franklin 1988 S88-43990 STS orange launch & entry suit
Chang-Diaz, Franklin 1997 S97-06573 STS orange launch & entry suit
Chapman, Philip 1967 S67-47933 business suit (with Apollo CSM model)
Chapman, Philip 1971 S71-51269 business suit (holding Shuttle model)
Chapman, Philip 1971 S71-51270 Apollo spacesuit
Chappell, Charles 1991 S91-52629 blue flightsuit
Chawla, Kalpana 1995 S95-07647 blue flightsuit
Chawla, Kalpana 2002 JSC2002-25323 STS orange launch & entry suit
Cheli, Maurizio 1992 S92-46438 blue flightsuit
Cheli, Maurizio 1996 ESA 96.01.010-001 STS orange launch & entry suit
Chiao, Leroy 1990 S90-45388 blue flightsuit
Chiao, Leroy 1998 S98-01237 STS EVA suit
Chilton, Kevin 1987 S87-45897 blue flightsuit
Chilton, Kevin 1994 S94-28019 STS orange launch & entry suit
Chretien, Jean-Loup 1984 S84-43893 light blue flightsuit
Chretien, Jean-Loup 1995 S95-08571 blue flightsuit
Clark, Laurel 1996 S96-16627 blue flightsuit
Cleave, Mary 1981 S81-25293 light blue flightsuit
Cleave, Mary 1985 S85-29954 light blue flightsuit
Clervoy, Jean-Francois 1992 S92-44931 blue flightsuit
Clervoy, Jean-Francois 1997 S97-02547 STS orange launch & entry suit
Clervoy, Jean-Francois 1999 S99-13237 STS orange launch & entry suit
Clifford, Rich 1990 S90-46441 blue flightsuit
Clifford, Rich 1996 S96-06367 STS EVA suit
Coats, Michael 1978 S78-35297 blue flightsuit
Coats, Michael 1984 S84-38499 light blue flightsuit
Coats, Michael 1989 S89-25242 STS orange launch & entry suit
Cockrell, Kenneth 1990 S90-45137 blue flightsuit
Cockrell, Kenneth 1997 S97-06616 STS orange launch & entry suit
Coleman, Catherine 1992 S92-47167 blue flightsuit
Coleman, Catherine 1999 S99-03805 STS orange launch & entry suit
Collins, Eileen 1990 S90-45442 blue flightsuit
Collins, Eileen 1999 S99-00858 STS orange launch & entry suit
Collins, Michael 1963 S63-19843 business suit (B&W)
Collins, Michael 1963 S63-20058 business suit (color)
Collins, Michael 1964 S64-29926 business suit
Collins, Michael 1969 S69-31742 Apollo spacesuit
Conrad, Charles 1962 S62-7802 business suit (B&W)
Conrad, Charles 1962 S62-7964 business suit (color)
Conrad, Charles 1964 S64-31465 business suit
Conrad, Charles 1969 S69-38866 Apollo spacesuit
Conrad, Charles 1971 S71-51259 business suit (holding book)
Cooper, Gordon 1960 G60-2738 business suit (Mercury-Atlas model)
Cooper, Gordon 1962 S62-5530 Mercury spacesuit
Cooper, Gordon 1963 S63-01756 Mercury spacesuit (holding helmet)
Cooper, Gordon 1964 S64-31847 business suit
Covey, Richard 1978 S78-35298 blue flightsuit
Covey, Richard 1985 S85-31767 light blue flightsuit
Covey, Richard 1990 S90-45098 STS orange launch & entry suit
Creamer, Timothy 1998 S98-17927 blue flightsuit
Creighton, John 1978 JSCL-168 blue flightsuit
Creighton, John 1985 S85-25802 light blue flightsuit
Crippen, Robert 1970 S70-28023 business suit (with LM model)
Crippen, Robert 1971 S71-51302 business suit
Crippen, Robert 1971 S71-51303 Apollo spacesuit
Crippen, Robert 1979 S79-31777 STS yellow emergency escape suit
Crippen, Robert 1992 KSC-92PC-190 business suit
Crombie, Robert 1990 S90-48211 blue flightsuit
Crouch, Roger 1991 S91-51293 STS orange launch & entry suit
Crouch, Roger 1996 S96-16127 blue flightsuit
Crouch, Roger 1997 S97-00989 STS orange launch & entry suit
Culbertson, Frank 1984 S84-40232 light blue flightsuit
Culbertson, Frank 1990 S90-38573 STS orange launch & entry suit
Culbertson, Frank 2001 JSC2001-01342 STS orange launch & entry suit
Cunningham, Walter 1963 S63-20061 business suit
Cunningham, Walter 1964 S64-31816 business suit
Curbeam, Robert 1995 S95-09671 blue flightsuit
Curbeam, Robert 2001 JSC2001-00079 STS EVA suit
Currie, Nancy 1990 S90-45843 blue flightsuit
Currie, Nancy blue flightsuit
Currie, Nancy 1995 S95-06514 STS orange launch & entry suit
Davis, Jan 1987 S87-45883 blue flightsuit
DeLucas, Lawrence 1991 S91-41413 blue flightsuit
Dezhurov, Vladimir 2001 JSC2001-00928 STS orange launch & entry suit
Doi, Takao 1991 S91-25201 blue flightsuit
Doi, Takao 1995 S95-08959 blue flightsuit
Drew, Alvin 2000 JSC2000-07601 blue flightsuit
Duffy, Brian 1985 S85-41886 light blue flightsuit
Duffy, Brian 2000 JSC2000-02585 STS orange launch & entry suit
Duke, Charles 1966 S66-34847 business suit
Duke, Charles 1971 71-H-1695 business suit
Duke, Charles 1971 S71-51289 Apollo spacesuit
Dunbar, Bonnie 1981 S81-25297 light blue flightsuit
Dunbar, Bonnie 1987 S87-30050 light blue flightsuit
Dunbar, Bonnie 1998 S98-00617 STS orange launch & entry suit
Dunlap, Alexander 1998 S98-01675 STS orange launch & entry suit
Durrance, Samuel 1984 S84-43513 business suit
Durrance, Samuel 1986 S86-25839 light blue flightsuit
Durrance, Samuel 1990 S90-34032 STS orange launch & entry suit
Duque, Pedro 1995 S95-14563 blue flightsuit
Duque, Pedro 1996 S96-08081 STS orange launch & entry suit
Duque, Pedro 1996 S96-16131 blue flightsuit
Dutton, James 2004 JSC2004-21449 blue flightsuit
Edwards, Joe 1995 S95-07749 blue flightsuit
Eisele, Donn 1963 S63-19846 business suit (B&W)
Eisele, Donn 1963 S63-20053 business suit (color)
Eisele, Donn 1964 S64-31469 business suit
England, Anthony 1971 S71-51274 Apollo spacesuit
England, Anthony 1971 S71-51275 business suit
England, Anthony 1980 S80-29802 business suit
Englang, Anthony 1982 S82-38430 light blue flightsuit
Engle, Joe 1966 S66-39058 business suit
Engle, Joe 1971 S71-52273 business suit (holding Shuttle model)
Engle, Joe 1971 S71-52272 Apollo spacesuit
Engle, Joe 1976 S76-28363 blue flightsuit (ALT)
Engle, Joe 1979 S79-36838 STS yellow emergency escape suit
Engle, Joe 1981 S81-34642 STS yellow emergency escape suit (blue bg.)
Engle, Joe 1986 S86-26417 light blue flightsuit
Engle, Joe 1986 S86-26418 leather jacket (holding airplane model)
Evans, Ronald 1966 S66-34630 business suit
Evans, Ronald 1971 S71-51273 Apollo spacesuit
Eyharts, Leopold 2000 JSC2000-01694 blue flightsuit
Fabian, John 1978 S78-35304 blue flightsuit
Farrimond, Richard 1985 S85-27248 light blue flightsuit
Favier, Jean-Jacques 1993 S93-045081 blue flightsuit
Ferguson, Christopher 1998 S98-17924 blue flightsuit
Fettman, Martin 1992 S92-48423 blue flightsuit
Feustel, Andrew 2001 JSC2001-00425 blue flightsuit
Fincke, Michael 1996 S96-14483 blue flightsuit
Fisher, Anna 1978 S78-35303 blue flightsuit
Fisher, Anna 1985 S85-34357 light blue flightsuit (red background)
Fisher, Anna 1985 S85-34358 light blue flightsuit (blue background)
Fisher, Anna 2002 JSC2002-43293 blue flightsuit
Fisher, William 1981 S81-25292 light blue flightsuit
Foale, Michael 1987 S87-45890 blue flightsuit
Foale, Michael 1997 S97-06565 Sokol spacesuit
Ford, Kevin 2000 JSC2000-07484 blue flightsuit
Foreman, Michael 1998 S98-17087 blue flightsuit
Forrester, Patrick 1996 S96-13831 blue flightsuit
Forrester, Patrick 2001 JSC2001-00956 STS orange launch & entry suit
Fossum, Michael 1998 S99-01169 blue flightsuit
Freeman, Theodore 1963 S63-20051 business suit
Freeman, Theodore 1964 S64-31476 business suit
Frick, Steven 1996 S96-16628 blue flightsuit
Frimout, Dirk 1991 S91- Blue flightsuit
Frimout, Dirk 1991 S91-51295 STS orange launch & entry suit
Fuglesang, Christer 1996 S96-19098 blue flightsuit
Fuglesang, Christer 2003 JSC2003-31747 STS EVA suit
Fullerton, Gordon 1970 S70- business suit (with lunar globe)
Fullerton, Gordon 1971 S71-51276 business suit
Fullerton, Gordon 1971 S71-51277 Apollo spacesuit
Fullerton, Gordon 1971 S71-57598 business suit (different)
Fullerton, Gordon 1976 S76-28476 blue flightsuit (ALT)
Fullerton, Gordon 1979 S79-36380 STS yellow emergency escape suit
Fullerton, Gordon 1987 EC87-0051-002 with airplane at Edwards
Fullerton, Gordon 1989 EC89-0136-001 with airplane at Edwards
Furrer, Reinhard 1984 S84-47033 light blue flightsuit
Gaffney, Francis 1984 S84-41296 light blue flightsuit
Gaffney, Francis 1990 S90-41128 STS orange launch & entry suit
Garan, Ronald 2000 JSC2000-07388 blue flightsuit
Gardner, Dale 1978 S78-25706 business suit
Gardner, Dale 1978 S78-34884 blue flightsuit
Gardner, Guy 1981 S81-25298 light blue flightsuit
Gardner, Guy 1990 S90-32808 STS orange launch & entry suit
Garn, Jake 1985 S85-25500 light blue flightsuit
Garneau, Marc 1984 S84-35964 light brown CSA-flightsuit
Garneau, Marc 1984 S84-40079 light blue flightsuit
Garneau, Marc 1992 S92-44959 blue flightsuit
Garneau, Marc 2000 JSC2000-05266 STS orange launch & entry suit
Garriott, Owen 1965 S65-54933 business suit (with LM model)
Garriott, Owen 1971 S71-51298 business suit
Gattiott, Owen 1971 S71-51299 Apollo spacesuit
Garriott, Owen 1981 S81-29032 light blue flightsuit
Gemar, Charles 1985 S85-41894 light blue flightsuit
Gemar, Charles 1991 S91-37552 STS orange launch & entry suit
Gernhardt, Michael 1992 S92-48167 blue flightsuit
Gernhardt, Michael 1995 S95-14485 STS EVA suit
Gibson, Edward 1965 S65-46588 business suit
Gibson, Edward 1965 S65-46589 business suit
Gibson, Edward 1971 S71-52274 business suit
Gibson, Edward 1971 S71-52275 Apollo spacesuit
Gibson, Robert 1978 S78-34886 blue flightsuit
Gibson, Robert 1984 S84-42271 light blue flightsuit
Givens, Edward 1966 S66-34846 business suit
Glenn, John 1960 G-60-2739 business suit (Mercury-Atlas model)
Glenn, John 1961 S87-41328 Mercury spacesuit
Glenn, John 1962 62-MA6-31 Mercury spacesuit (with NASA emblem)
Glenn, John 1962 62-MA6-77 Mercury spacesuit (with tracking antenna)
Glenn, John 1962 S64-14869 Mercury spacesuit (with tracking antenna)
Glenn, John 1962 S62-5540 business suit
Glenn, John 1964 S64-36156 business suit
Glenn, John 1998 S98-02044 blue polo
Glenn, John 1998 S98-06862 STS orange launch & entry suit
Godwin, Linda 1985 S85-41884 light blue flightsuit
Godwin, Linda 1990 S90-26968 blue flightsuit
Godwin, Linda 2001 JSC2001-02624 STS EVA suit
Good, Michael 2000 JSC2000-07306 blue flightsuit
Gordon, Richard 1963 S63-20050 business suit
Gordon, Richard 1964 S64-31459 business suit (with Gemini-Titan model)
Gordon, Richard 1964 S64-31460 business suit (with Gemini-Titan model)
Gordon, Richard 1969 S69-38862 Apollo spacesuit
Gordon, Richard 1971 S71-56480 business suit
Gorie, Dominic 1995 S95-11198 blue flightsuit
Gorie, Dominic 2001 JSC2001-01915 STS orange launch & entry suit
Grabe, Ronald 1980 S80-42908 light blue flightsuit
Grabe, Ronald 1989 S89-29594 STS orange launch & entry suit
Graveline, Duane 1965 S65-28553 business suit
Graveline, Duane 1965 S65-40596 business suit (with LM model)
Gregory, Frederick 1978 S78-34885 blue flightsuit
Gregory, Frederick 1985 S85-41544 light blue flightsuit
Gregory, Frederick 1991 S91-38499 blue flightsuit
Gregory, William 1990 S90-45778 blue flightsuit
Gregory, William 1991 S91-45515 blue flightsuit
Gregory, William 1997 S97-11067 STS orange launch & entry suit
Griggs, David 1978 S78-35306 blue flightsuit
Grissom, Virgil 1960 G60-2740 business suit (Mercury-Atlas model)
Grissom, Virgil 1961 S88-55873 Mercury spacesuit
Grissom, Virgil 1962 S62-5539 business suit
Grissom, Virgil 1964 S64-32110 business suit (with Gemini-Titan model)
Grissom, Virgil 1964 S64-32343 business suit
Grissom, Virgil 1964 S64-36393 military uniform
Grunsfeld, John 1992 S92-45921 blue flightsuit
Grunsfeld, John 2000 JSC2000-06750 STS EVA suit
Guidoni, Umberto 1991 S91-45645 blue flightsuit
Guidoni, Umberto 1996 S96-00284 STS orange launch & entry suit
Guidoni, Umberto 1996 S96-15448 blue flightsuit
Guidoni, Umberto 2001 JSC2001-00744 STS orange launch & entry suit
Guidoni, Umberto 2001 JSC2001-00745 STS orange launch & entry suit (alternate)
Gutierrez, Sidney 1984 S84-40240 light blue flightsuit
Gutierrez, Sidney 1990 S90-52749 STS orange launch & entry suit
Gutierrez, Sidney 1991 S91-35916 blue flightsuit
Hadfield, Chris 1992 S92-44954 blue flightsuit
Hadfield, Chris 1997 S97-00690 STS orange launch & entry suit
Hadfield, Chris 2001 JSC2001-00431 STS EVA suit
Haise, Fred 1966 S66-33992 business suit
Haise, Fred 1969 S69-62235 Apollo spacesuit
Haise, Fred 1969 S69-62238 Apollo spacesuit
Haise, Fred 1971 S71-51260 business suit (with Shuttle model)
Haise, Fred 1976 S76-28475 blue flightsuit (ALT)
Halsell, James 1990 S90-46750 blue flightsuit
Halsell, James 1991 S91-29578 blue flightsuit
Halsell, James 1996 S96-08719 STS orange launch & entry suit
Ham, Kenneth 1998 S98-18640 blue flightsuit
Hammond, Blaine 1984 S84-40241 light blue flightsuit
Hammond, Blaine 1997 S97-11264 STS orange launch & entry suit
Harbaugh, Gregory 1987 S87-45888 blue flightsuit
Harbaugh, Gregory 1993 S93-32841 STS EVA suit
Harris, Bernard 1990 S90-45201 blue flightsuit
Harris, Bernard 1991 S91-46689 STS orange launch & entry suit
Harris, Bernard 1995 S95-17568 STS EVA suit
Hart, Terry 1978 S78-35301 blue flightsuit
Hartsfield, Henry 1971 S71-51271 Apollo spacesuit
Hartsfield, Henry 1971 S71-51272 business suit
Hartsfield, Henry 1979 S79-36412 STS yellow emergency escape suit
Hartsfield, Henry 1984 S84-46589 light blue flightsuit
Hauck, Frederick 1978 S78-35289 blue flightsuit
Hauck, Frederick 1985 S85-36058 light blue flightsuit
Hawley, Steven 1978 S78-35292 blue flightsuit
Hawley, Steven 1984 S84-38498 blue polo
Hawley, Steven 1996 S96-14625 blue flightsuit
Helms, Susan 1990 S90-45390 blue flightsuit
Helms, Susan 1994 S94-38174 STS orange launch & entry suit
Henize, Karl 1967 S67-47941 business suit (holding camera)
Henize, Karl 1971 S71-52278 Apollo spacesuit
Henize, Karl 1971 S71-52279 business suit
Henize, Karl 1981 S81-29031 light blue flightsuit
Hennen, Thomas 1991 S91-26837 blue flightsuit
Hennen, Thomas 1991 S91-45399 blue flightsuit (with mission patch)
Henricks, Tom 1985 S85-41891 light blue flightsuit
Henricks, Tom 1991 S91-50000 blue flightsuit
Henricks, Tom 1996 S96-09454 STS orange launch & entry suit
Hernandez, Jose 2004 JSC2004-21453 blue flightsuit
Herrington, John 1996 S96-14768 blue flightsuit
Herrington, John 2002 JSC2002-21740 STS EVA suit
Hieb, Richard 1985 S85-41893 light blue flightsuit
Hieb, Richard 1992 S92-41511 STS EVA suit
Higginbotham, Joan 1996 S96-19805 blue flightsuit
Higginbotham, Joan 2003 JSC2003-00591 STS orange launch & entry suit
Hilliard, Patricia 1998 S98-15782 blue flightsuit
Hilmers, David 1980 S80-42909 light blue flightsuit
Hilmers, David 1990 S90-38883 STS orange launch & entry suit
Hire, Kathryn 1995 S95-10063 blue flightsuit
Hobaugh, Charles 1996 S96-19502 blue flightsuit
Hoffman, Jeffrey 1978 S78-35294 blue flightsuit
Hoffman, Jeffrey 1986 S86-42105 light blue flightsuit
Hoffman, Jeffrey 1990 JSCIL-341a STS EVA suit
Hoffman, Jeffrey 1990 S90-34031 STS orange launch & entry suit
Holmes, Christopher 1984 S84-34319 business suit
Holmes, Christopher 1985 S85-27249 light blue flightsuit
Holmquest, Donald 1967 S67-47931 business suit
Holmquest, Donald 1971 S71-52282 business suit (with LM model)
Holmquest, Donald 1971 S71-52283 Apollo spacesuit
Holt, Glynn 1994 S94-43193 blue flightsuit
Horowitz, Scott 1992 S92-44932 blue flightsuit
Horowitz, Scott 2001 JSC2001-00957 STS orange launch & entry suit
Hughes-Fulford, Millie 1984 S84-44094 light blue flightsuit
Hurley, Douglas 2000 JSC2000-07599 blue flightsuit
Husband, Rick 1995 S95-12243 blue flightsuit
Husband, Rick 1999 S99-06560 STS orange launch & entry suit
Irwin, James 1966 S66-33759 business suit (with Apollo CSM model)
Irwin, James 1966 S66-33760 business suit (with LM model)
Irwin, James 1971 S71-51301 business suit
Irwin, James 1971 S71-56478 Apollo spacesuit
Ivins, Marsha 1984 S84-37915 light blue flightsuit
Ivins, Marsha 1996 S96-13321 blue flightsuit
Jarvis, Gregory 1985 S85-25624 light blue flightsuit
Jemison, Mae 1987 S87-45893 blue flightsuit
Jemison, Mae 1992 S92-40463 STS orange launch & entry suit
Jernigan, Tamara 1985 S85-41889 light blue flightsuit
Jernigan, Tamara 1990 S90-34899 blue flightsuit
Jernigan, Tamara 2001 JSC2001-02059 STS EVA suit
Jett, Brent 1992 S92-47144 blue flightsuit
Jett, Brent 2003 JSC2003-01649 STS launch & entry suit
Johnson, Gregory C. 1998 S98-16776 blue flightsuit
Johnson, Gregory H. 1998 S98-15652 blue flightsuit
Johnson, Mary-Helen 1984 S84-36143 light blue flightsuit
Jones, Tom 1990 S90-45387 blue flightsuit
Jones, Tom 1991 S91-30620 blue flightsuit
Jones, Tom 1997 S97-06159 STS EVA suit
Kadenyuk, Leonid 1997 S97-07450 blue flightsuit
Kadenyuk, Leonid 1997 S97-07451 STS orange launch & entry suit
Kavandi, Janet 1995 S95-09670 blue flightsuit
Kavandi, Janet 2001 JSC2001-00898 STS orange launch & entry suit
Kelly, Jim 1996 S96-14959 blue flightsuit
Kelly, Mark 1996 S96-14626 blue flightsuit
Kelly, Scott 1996 S96-14778 blue flightsuit
Kelly, Scott 2001 JSC2001-01916 STS orange launch & entry suit
Kerwin, Joseph 1965 S65- business suit (with microscope)
Kerwin, Joseph 1965 S65-56977 business suit (with Gemini model)
Kerwin, Joseph 1971 S71-52264 Apollo spacesuit
Kerwin, Joseph 1971 S71-52265 business suit (with LM model)
Kerwin, Joseph 1980 S80-29804 navy uniform
Kimbrough, Robert 2004 JSC2004-21451 blue flightsuit
Kondakova, Yelena 1996 S96-20217 STS orange launch & entry suit
Kopra, Timothy 2001 JSC2001-00132 blue flightsuit
Korzun, Valeri 2001 JSC2001-03047 STS orange launch & entry suit
Koszelak, Stan 1990 S90-44291 blue flightsuit
Kregel, Kevin 1992 S92-45000 blue flightsuit
Kregel, Kevin 1996 S96-09453 STS orange launch & entry suit
Krikalev, Sergei 1993 S93-040675 STS orange launch & entry suit
Kubasov, Valeri 1974 S74-20820 business suit
Lampton, Michael 1982 ESA82.10.010-186 light blue flightsuit
Lampton, Michael 1983 S83-41301 light blue flightsuit
Lawrence, Wendy 1992 S92-44927 blue flightsuit
Lawrence, Wendy 1997 S97-06247 Sokol spacesuit
Lawrence, Wendy 2003 JSC2004-00590 STS orange launch & entry suit
Lee, Mark 1984 S84-40242 light blue flightsuit
Lee, Mark 1993 S93-48446 blue flightsuit
Lee, Mark 1995 S95-12319 STS EVA suit
Leestma, David 1980 S80-42914 light blue flightsuit
Leestma, David STS orange launch & entry suit
Leestma, David 1993 S93-25689 business suit
Lenoir, William 1967 S67-47936 business suit (with LM model)
Lenoir, William 1971 S71-51286 business suit
Lenoir, William 1971 S71-51287 Apollo spacesuit
Lenoir, William 1979 S79-36440 STS yellow emergency escape suit
Leonov, Alexei 1974 S74-20824 business suit
Leslie, Fred 1994 S94-41786 blue flightsuit
Lichtenberg, Byron 1982 ESA82.10.010-172 light blue flightsuit
Lichtenberg, Byron 1983 S83-38067 light blue flightsuit
Lichtenberg, Byron 1991 S91-51294 STS orange launch & entry suit
Lind, Don 1966 S66-37059 business suit (with LM model)
Lind, Don 1971 S71- business suit
Lind, Don 1971 S71-51280 Apollo spacesuit
Lind, Don 1981 S81-29030 light blue flightsuit
Lindsey, Steven 1995 S95-07009 blue flightsuit
Lindsey, Steven 1998 S98-01464 STS orange launch & entry suit
Linenger, Jerry 1992 S92-44930 blue flightsuit
Linenger, Jerry 1995 S95-10762 STS orange launch & entry suit
Linenger, Jerry 1995 S95-21467 Sokol spacesuit
Linnehan, Richard 1992 S92-49225 blue flightsuit
Linnehan, Richard 2000 JSC2000-03747 STS orange launch & entry suit
Linteris, Gregory 1996 S96-13318 blue flightsuit
Linteris, Gregory 1997 S97-00905 STS orange launch & entry suit
Llewellyn, John 1967 S67-47932 business suit (with LM model)
Lockhart, Paul 1996 S96-19099 blue flightsuit
Lonchakov, Yuri 2001 JSC2001-00428 STS orange launch & entry suit
Longhurst, Peter 1984 S84-34320 military uniform
Longhurst, Peter 1985 S85-27251 light blue flightsuit
Lopez-Alegria, Michael 1992 S92-44929 blue flightsuit
Lopez-Alegria, Michael 2000 JSC2000-03028 STS EVA suit
Loria, Christopher 1996 S96-14689 blue flightsuit
Loria, Christopher 2002 JSC2002-20496 STS orange launch & entry suit
Lounge, Michael 1980 S80-42915 light blue flightsuit
Lousma, Jack 1966 S66-33763 business suit
Lousma, Jack 1971 S71-52262 Apollo spacesuit
Lousma, Jack 1979 S79-36410 STS yellow emergency escape suit
Love, Stanley 1998 S98-17925 blue flightsuit
Lovell, James 1962 S62- business suit
Lovell, James 1964 S64- business suit (with Gemini-Titan model)
Lovell, James 1969 S69- Apollo spacesuit
Lovell, James 1969 S69-62241 Apollo spacesuit
Low, David 1984 S84-40239 light blue flightsuit
Low, David 1993 S93-49618 STS EVA suit
Low, David 1995 S95-17823 STS orange launch & entry suit
Lu, Edward 1995 S95-06572 blue flightsuit
Lu, Edward 2000 JSC2000-06748 STS orange launch & entry suit
Lucid, Shannon 1978 S78-35287 blue flightsuit
Lucid, Shannon 1995 S95-21469 Sokol spacesuit
Lucid, Shannon 1997 S97-06343 blue flightsuit
Maclean, Steve 1992 S92-44998 STS orange launch & entry suit
Maclean, Steve 1997 S97-05509 blue flightsuit
Maclean, Steve 2002 JSC2002-43795 STS EVA suit
Magilton, Gerard 1985 S85-45500 light blue flightsuit
Magnus, Sandra 1996 S96-16637 blue flightsuit
Magnus, Sandra 2002 JSC2002-16084 STS orange launch & entry suit
Malenchenko, Yuri 1999 S99-07350 STS orange launch & entry suit
Malerba, Franco 1991 S91-45646 blue flightsuit (small model)
Malerba, Franco 1992 S92-30926 blue flightsuit (large model)
Marshburn, Thomas 2004 JSC2004-21454 blue flightsuit
Massimino, Michael 1996 S96-16636 blue flightsuit
Massimino, Michael 2001 JSC2001-02670 STS EVA suit
Mastracchio, Richard 1996 S96-16635 blue flightsuit
Matthiesen, David 1994 S94-42769 blue flightsuit
Matthiesen, David 1995 S95-10000 STS orange launch & entry suit
Mattingly, Thomas 1966 S66-33761 business suit
Mattingly, Thomas 1969 S69-62239 business suit (with Saturn-5 model)
Mattingly, Thomas 1969 S69-62237 Apollo-13 spacesuit
Mattingly, Thomas 1969 S69-62234 Apollo-13 spacesuit (smiling)
Mattingly, Thomas 1971 S71-51294 business suit (with LM model)
Mattingly, Thomas 1971 S71-51295 Apollo-16 spacesuit
Mattingly, Thomas 1979 S79-36667 STS yellow emergency escape suit
Mayo, Itzhak 1999 S99-04320 blue flightsuit
McArthur, Megan 2000 JSC2000-07600 blue flightsuit
McArthur, William 1990 S90-45389 blue flightsuit
McArthur, William 1991 S91-49490 blue flightsuit
McArthur, William 1996 S96-11469 STS orange launch & entry suit
McArthur, William 2000 JSC2000-04051 STS EVA suit
McAuliffe, Christa 1985 S85-41239 light blue flightsuit
McBride, Jon 1978 S78-35286 blue flightsuit
McBride, Jon 1984 S84-39998 light blue flightsuit
McCandless, Bruce 1966 S66-37484 business suit
McCandless, Bruce 1971 S71-51285 business suit (holding magazine)
McCandless, Bruce 1971 S71-51284 Apollo spacesuit
McCandless, Bruce 1982 S82-36442 STS EVA suit
McCool, William 1997 S97-06617 blue flightsuit
McCool, William 2001 JSC2001-02492 STS orange launch & entry suit
McCulley, Michael 1984 S84-40236 light blue flightsuit
McDivitt, James 1962 S62-7806 business suit (B&W)
McDivitt, James 1962 S62-7962 business suit
McDivitt, James 1964 S64-31852 business suit
McDivitt, James 1968 S68-55278 military uniform
McDivitt, James 1965 S65-37253 Gemini spacesuit
McDivitt, James 1971 S71-59425 Apollo spacesuit
McMonagle, Donald 1987 S87-45894 blue flightsuit
McNair, Ronald 1978 S78-35300 blue flightsuit
McNair, Ronald 1985 S85-36539 light blue flightsuit
Meade, Carl 1985 S85-41887 light blue flightsuit
Meade, Carl 1990 S90-38572 STS orange launch & entry suit
Melnick, Bruce 1987 S87-45886 blue flightsuit
Melvin, Leland 1998 S98-17923 blue flightsuit
Melroy, Pamela 1995 S95-05778 blue flightsuit
Melroy, Pamela 2003 JSC2003-34617 STS orange launch & entry suit
Merbold, Ulf 1982 ESA82.10.010-170 light blue flightsuit
Merbold, Ulf 1991 S91-52649 STS orange launch & entry suit
Messerschmidt, Ernst 1984 S84-47034 light blue flightsuit
Metcalf-Lindenburger, Dorothy 2004 JSC2004-21456 light blue flightsuit
Michel, Curt 1965 S65-56975 business suit
Mitchell, Edgar 1966 S66-34893 business suit (with LM model)
Mitchell, Edgar 1970 S70-55388 Apollo-14 spacesuit
Mitchell, Edgar 1971 S71- Business suit
Mohri, Mamoru 1990 S90-48196 blue flightsuit
Mohri, Mamoru 1997 S97-05508 blue flightsuit
Money, Kenneth 1991 S91-50475 STS orange launch & entry suit
Morgan, Barbara 1985 S85-41240 light blue flightsuit
Morgan, Barbara 1998 S98-19773 blue flightsuit
Morin, Lee 1996 S96-14779 blue flightsuit
Morukov, Boris 1999 S99-07607 STS orange launch & entry suit
Mukai, Chiaki 1990 S90-50548 blue flightsuit
Mukai, Chiaki 1993 S93-47136 blue flightsuit
Mukai, Chiaki 1997 S97-00568 blue flightsuit
Mullane, Michael 1978 S78-35295 blue flightsuit
Mullane, Michael 1986 S86-38570 light blue flightsuit (without nametag)
Mullane, Michael 1986 S86-40741 light blue flightsuit
Musgrave, Story 1967 S67-47937 business suit
Musgrave, Story 1971 S71-56481 Apollo spacesuit
Musgrave, Story 1971 S71-56482 business suit (holding book)
Musgrave, Story 1979 S79-37745 STS yellow emergency escape suit
Nagel, Steven 1978 S78-35302 blue flightsuit
Nagel, Steven 1986 S86-29527 light blue flightsuit
Nagel, Steven 1992 S92-50604 STS orange launch & entry suit
Nelson, George 1978 S78-35288 blue flightsuit
Nelson, George 1984 S84-41700 light blue flightsuit
Nelson, William 1985 S85-43440 light blue flightsuit
Neri, Rodolfo 1985 S85-39865 light blue flightsuit
Nespoli, Paolo 1999 S99-05279 blue flightsuit
Newman, James 1990 S90-47741 blue flightsuit
Newman, James 1995 S95-14660 STS EVA suit
Nicollier, Claude 1981 S81-33467 light blue flightsuit
Nicollier, Claude 1993 S93-40688 STS orange launch & entry suit
Nicollier, Claude 1999 S99-13232 STS orange launch & entry suit
Noguchi, Soichi 1997 S97-00567 blue flightsuit
Noguchi, Soichi 2001 JSC2001-01619 STS orange launch & entry suit
Nordsieck, Kenneth 1984 S84-43514 business suit
Nordsieck, Kenneth 1986 S86-25841 light blue flightsuit
Noriega, Carlos 1995 S95-06513 blue flightsuit
Noriega, Carlos 1999 S99-13424 STS EVA suit
Nowak, Lisa 1996 S96-19100 blue flightsuit
Nyberg, Karen 2000 JSC2000-07602 blue flightsuit
O'Connor, Bryan 1980 S80-42917 light blue flightsuit
O'Connor, Bryan 1990 S90-41751 STS orange launch & entry suit
O'Leary, Brian 1967 S67-47938 business suit (with LM model)
Ochoa, Ellen 1990 S90-45386 blue flightsuit
Ochoa, Ellen 1997 S97-01586 blue flightsuit
Ochoa, Ellen 2002 JSC2002-08185 STS orange launch & entry suit
Ockels, Wubbo 1981 S81-33399 light blue flightsuit
Ockels, Wubbo 1982 ESA82.10.010-188 light blue flightsuit
Ockels, Wubbo 1989 ESA 89.01.013-002 light blue flightsuit
Odle, Randy 1992 S92-32790 blue flightsuit
Oefelein, William 1998 S98-17088 blue flightsuit
Oefelein, William 2003 JSC2003-47249 STS orange launch & entry suit
Olivas, John 1998 S98-17926 blue flightsuit
Onizuka, Ellison 1978 S78-35307 blue flightsuit
Onizuka, Ellison 1986 S86-25964 light blue flightsuit
Onufrienko, Yuri 2001 JSC2001-02113 STS orange launch & entry suit
Oswald, Stephen 1985 S85-41890 light blue flightsuit
Oswald, Stephen 1992 S92-31007 STS orange launch & entry suit
Overmyer, Robert 1971 S71-51292 Apollo spacesuit
Overmyer, Robert 1971 S71-51293 business suit
Overmyer, Robert 1979 S79-36439 STS yellow emergency escape suit
Overmyer, Robert 1985 S85-25804 light blue flightsuit
Pailes, William 1985 S85-39897 militar uniform
Pailes, William 1985 S85-39868 light blue flightsuit
Parazynski, Scott 1992 S92-44926 blue flightsuit
Parazynski, Scott 1998 S98-01036 STS EVA suit
Parise, Ronald 1984 S84-43516 business suit
Parise, Ronald 1986 S86-25840 light blue flightsuit
Parise, Ronald 1990 S90-31349 STS orange launch & entry suit
Parise, Ronald 1995 S95-03171 blue flightsuit
Parker, Robert 1967 S67-47940 business suit
Parker, Robert 1971 S71-52270 Apollo spacesuit
Parker, Robert 1981 S81-29029 light blue flightsuit
Patrick, Nicholas 1999 S99-04988 blue flightsuit
Pawelczyk, James 1997 S97-00906 blue flightsuit
Payette, Julie 1996 S96-17109 blue flightsuit
Payette, Julie 1999 S99-04091 STS orange launch & entry suit
Payton, Gary 1984 S84-44373 light blue flightsuit
Peralta Fabi, Ricardo 1985 S85-39866 light blue flightsuit
Perrin, Philippe 1997 S97- blue flightsuit (wrong nametag)
Perrin, Philippe 1997 S97-09921 blue flightsuit
Peterson, Donald 1971 S71-51267 Apollo spacesuit
Peterson, Donald 1971 S71-51268 business suit
Peterson, Donald 1979 S79-36378 STS yellow emergency escape suit
Pettit, Donald 1996 S96-16632 blue flightsuit
Pettit, Donald 2002 JSC2002-43073 STS orange launch & entry suit
Phillips, John 1996 S96-14486 blue flightsuit
Phillips, John 2002 JSC2002-00859 STS orange launch & entry suit
Phillips, Robert 1984 S84-41297 light blue flight suit
Piper, Heide 1997 S97-06558 blue flightsuit
Piper, Heide 2003 JSC2003-30910 STS EVA suit
Pogue, William 1966 S66-33993 business suit
Pogue, William 1971 S71-52268 business suit (holding Skylab model)
Pogue, William 1971 S71- Apollo spacesuit (with Skylab model)
Pogue, William 1975 S75-31305 Apollo spacesuit (with Skylab model)
Poindexter, Alan 1998 S98-15653 blue flightsuit
Polansky, Mark 1996 S96-16631 blue flightsuit
Pontes, Marcos 1998 S98-19774 blue flightsuit
Prahl, Joseph 1991 S91-42208 blue flightsuit
Precourt, Charles 1990 S90-45441 blue flightsuit
Precourt, Charles 1991 S91-32688 blue flightsuit
Precourt, Charles 2000 JSC2000-03029 STS orange launch & entry suit
Prinz, Dianne 1985 S85-31405 light blue flightsuit
Pustovyi, Yaroslav 1997 S97-07448 STS orange launch & entry suit
Ramon, Ilan 1999 S99-04318 blue flightsuit
Ramon, Ilan 2001 JSC2001-02920 STS orange launch & entry suit
Readdy, William 1987 S87-45884 blue flightsuit
Reightler, Kenneth 1987 S87-45889 blue flightsuit
Reightler, Kenneth 1993 S93-42398 STS orange launch & entry suit
Reilly, James 1995 S95-08801 blue flightsuit
Reilly, James 1998 S98-00122 STS EVA suit
Reisman, Garrett 1998 S99-00076 blue flightsuit
Resnik, Judith 1978 S78-35305 blue flightsuit
Richards, Paul 1996 S96-16630 blue flightsuit
Richards, Paul 2001 JSC2001-00124 STS EVA suit
Richards, Richard 1980 S80-42912 light blue flightsuit
Richards, Richard 1989 S89-29425 STS blue launch & entry suit
Richards, Richard 1994 S94-36625 STS orange launch & entry suit
Ride, Sally 1978 S78-25689 civil suit
Ride, Sally 1978 S78-35308 blue flightsuit
Ride, Sally 1984 S84-37256 blue polo
Robinson, Stephen 1995 S95-11471 blue flightsuit
Rominger, Kent 1992 S92-44961 blue flightsuit
Rominger, Kent 2001 JSC2001-01913 STS orange launch & entry suit
Ronney, Paul 1996 S96-12027 blue flightsuit
Roosa, Stuart 1966 S66-35213 business suit (with LM model)
Roosa, Stuart 1970 S70-55390 Apollo-14 spacesuit
Roosa, Stuart 1971 S71-59427 business suit (holding CSM model)
Ross, Jerry 1981 S81-25296 light blue flightsuit
Ross, Jerry 1988 S88-50921 STS EVA suit
Ross, Jerry 1996 S96-00265 STS EVA suit
Runco, Mario 1987 S87-45885 blue flightsuit
Runco, Mario 1993 S93-32840 STS EVA suit
Ryumin, Valery 1998 S98-02782 STS orange launch & entry suit
Sacco, Albert 1991 S91-44589 blue flightsuit
Sacco, Albert 1994 S94-46763 blue flightsuit
Satcher, Robert 2004 JSC2004-21448 blue flightsuit
Schirra, Walter 1960 G60-2741 business suit (mercury-Atlas model)
Schirra, Walter 1962 S62-5526 Mercury spacesuit
Schirra, Walter 1964 S64-31480 business suit
Schlegel, Hans 1993 S93-26032 blue flightsuit
Schlegel, Hans 1998 S98-20023 blue flightsuit
Schmitt, Harrison 1966 S66-19126 business suit
Schmitt, Harrison 1970 S70-29660 business suit (with moon globe)
Schmitt, Harrison 1971 S71-52260 Apollo-17 spacesuit
Schweickart, Russell 1963 S63-20062 business suit
Schweickart, Russell 1964 S64-29936 business suit (with Saturn-5 model)
Schweickart, Russell 1971 S71-51266 business suit (with globe)
Schweickart, Russell 1971 S71-51265 Apollo spacesuit
Scobee, Francis 1975 ECN-4896 with X-24B lifting body
Scobee, Francis 1975 ECN-4972 with X-24B lifting body
Scobee, Francis 1978 S78-35293 blue flightsuit
Scobee, Francis 1984 S84-39408 light blue flightsuit
Scott, David 1963 S63-20054 business suit
Scott, David 1964 S64-31472 business suit
Scott, David 1971 S71-52276 Apollo spacesuit
Scott, David 1971 S71-52277 business suit (with LRV model)
Scott, David 1975 ECN-4503 business suit (FRC Director)
Scott, Winston 1992 S92-45226 blue flightsuit
Scott, Winston 1996 S96-10840 STS EVA suit
Scully-Power 1984 S84-38407 light blue flightsuit
Searfoss, Richard 1990 S90-46295 blue flightsuit
Searfoss, Richard 1998 S98-00611 STS orange launch & entry suit
Seddon, Rhea 1978 S78-35314 blue flightsuit
Seddon, Rhea 1992 S92-36739 blue flightsuit
See, Elliot 1962 S62-7801 business suit (B&W)
See, Elliot 1962 S62- business suit
See, Elliot 1964 S64-29933 business suit
Sega, Ron 1990 S90-48091 blue flightsuit
Sega, Ron 1992 S92-45896 blue flightsuit
Sega, Ron STS orange launch & entry suit
Sellers, Piers 1996 S96-14960 blue flightsuit
Sellers, Piers 2002 JSC2002-11030 STS orange launch & entry suit
Sharipov, Salizan 1997 S97-12565 STS orange launch & entry suit
Shaw, Brewster 1978 S78-35284 blue flightsuit
Shaw, Brewster 1989 S89-29371 STS blue launch & entry suit
Shaw, Brewster 1990 KSC-90C-705 business suit
Shepard, Alan 1959 L59-2364 business suit
Shepard, Alan 1960 G60-2742 business suit (Mercury-Atlas model)
Shepard, Alan 1964 S64-29932 business suit
Shepard, Alan 1970 S70-55389 Apollo-14 spacesuit
Shepard, Alan 1971 S71-51258 business suit
Shepherd, William 1984 S84-40234 light blue flightsuit
Sherlock, Nancy see: Currie, Nancy
Shriver, Loren 1978 S78-35312 blue flightsuit
Shriver, Loren 1986 S86-36394 blue flightsuit
Shulman, Ellen see: Baker, Ellen
Simon, George 1985 S85-31407 light blue flightsuit
Slayton, Donald 1960 G60-2743 business suit (Mercury-Atlas model)
Slayton, Donald 1962 S62-5536 business suit
Slayton, Donald 1964 S64-31709 business suit
Slayton, Donald 1971 S71-51290 light blue flightsuit (holding helmet)
Slayton, Donald 1971 S71-51291 business suit
Slayton, Donald 1974 S74-15240 Apollo spacesuit
Slayton, Donald 1981 S81-27620 light blue flightsuit
Smith, Michael 1981 S81-25295 light blue flightsuit
Smith, Steven 1992 S92-44999 blue flightsuit
Smith, Steven 1997 S97-17579 STS EVA suit
Spring, Sherwood 1981 S81-25294 light blue flightsuit
Springer, Robert 1981 S81-25578 light blue flightsuit
Springer, Robert 1988 S88-49485 STS orange launch & entry suit
Stafford, Thomas 1962 S62-7959 business suit
Stafford, Thomas 1966 S66-15994 Gemini spacesuit (B&W)
Stafford, Thomas 1966 S66-16512 Gemini spacesuit
Stafford, Thomas 1969 S69-32618 Apollo-10 spacesuit
Stafford, Thomas 1972 S72-35016 Apollo spacesuit
Stefanyshyn-Piper, Heide see: Piper, Heide
Stewart, Robert 1978 S78-35309 blue flightsuit
Stewart, Robert 1983 S83-43688 STS EVA suit
Still, Susan 1995 S95-08952 blue flightsuit
Still, Susan 1997 S97-01439 STS orange launch & entry suit
Still, Susan 2000 JSC2000-01984 STS orange launch & entry suit
Stott, Nicole 2000 JSC2000-07307 blue flightsuit
Sturckow, Frederick 1995 S95-05777 blue flightsuit
Sudarmono, Pratiwi 1986 S86-31198 light blue flightsuit
Sullivan, Kathryn 1978 S78-35313 blue flightsuit
Sullivan, Kathryn 1984 S84-37982 blue polo
Sullivan, Kathryn 1984 S84-44219 llght blue flightsuit
Swanson, Steven 1998 S98-17339 blue flightsuit
Swigert, John 1966 S66-34892 business suit (with LM model)
Swigert, John 1971 S71-52266 Apollo spacesuit (with LM model)
Swigert, John 1971 S71-52266 business suit (holding magazine)
Tani, Danile 1996 S96-16634 blue flightsuit
Tani, Daniel 2001 JSC2001-02581 STS EVA suit
Tanner, Joseph 1992 S92-45228 blue flightsuit
Tanner, Joseph 2002 JSC2002-00186 STS EVA suit
Thagard, Norman 1978 S78-35299 blue flightsuit
Thiele, Gerhard 1993 S93-26886 blue flightsuit
Thiele, Gerhard 1997 S97-01066 blue flightsuit
Thirsk, Robert 1984 S84-40081 light blue flightsuit
Thirsk, Robert 1995 S95-15076 blue flightsuit
Thomas, Andrew 1992 S92-49268 blue flightsuit
Thomas, Andrew 1996 S96-04832 STS orange launch & entry suit
Thomas, Andrew 1997 S97-06249 Sokol spacesuit
Thomas, Andrew 1997 S97-17661 Sokol spacesuit
Thomas, Andrew 2001 JSC2001-00299 STS EVA suit
Thomas, Donald 1990 S90-47435 blue flightsuit
Thomas, Donald 1991 S91-48165 blue flightsuit
Thomas, Donald 1997 S97-02819 STS orange launch & entry suit
Thorne, Stephen 1985 S85-41892 light blue flightsuit
Thornton, Kathryn 1984 S84-40237 light blue flightsuit
Thornton, Kathryn 1992 S92-42897 STS EVA suit
Thornton, William 1967 S67-47939 business suit (with LM model)
Thornton, William 1971 S71-59426 Apollo spacesuit
Thornton, William 1981 S81-29033 light blue flightsuit
Thuot, Pierre 1985 S85-41896 light blue flightsuit
Thuot, Pierre 1992 S92-41763 STS EVA suit
Titov, Vladimir 1993 S93-27942 STS orange launch & entry suit
Tognini, Michel 1995 S95-07813 blue flightsuit
Tokarev, Valery 1999 S99-03799 STS orange launch & entry suit
Treschev, Yuri 2001 JSC2001-03046 STS orange launch & entry suit
Trinh, Eugene 1984 S84-36142 light blue flightsuit
Trinh, Eugene 1991 S91-46260 blue flightsuit
Truly, Richard 1971 S71-51297 Apollo spacesuit
Truly, Richard 1976 S76-28364 blue flightsuit (ALT)
Truly, Richard 1979 S79-36527 STS yellow emergency escape suit
Truly, Richard 1989 S89-45887 business suit (NASA Administrator)
Tryggvason, Bjarni 1992 S92-46528 blue flightsuit
Tryggvason, Bjarni 1997 S97-06278 STS orange launch & entry suit
Tyurin, Michail 2001 JSC2001-00929 STS orange launch & entry suit
Urbani, Luca 1995 S95-14280 blue flightsuit
Urbani, Luca 1996 S96-06193 STS orange launch & entry suit
Usachev, Yuri 2000 JSC2000-02040 STS orange launch & entry suit
Van Den Berg, Lodewijk 1984 S84-36140 light blue flightsuit
Van Hoften, James 1978 S78-35311 blue flightsuit
Van Hoften, James 1984 S84-42000 light blue flightsuit
Vangen, Scott 1994 S94-030252 blue flightsuit
Veach, Lacy 1984 S84-40233 light blue flightsuit
Virts, Terry 2001 JSC2001-00033 blue flightsuit
Vittori, Roberto 2000 JSC2000-07238 blue flightsuit
Voss, James 1987 S87-45892 blue flightsuit
Voss, James 1995 S95-14061 STS EVA suit
Voss, James 1997 S97-06248 Sokol spacesuit
Voss, Janice 1990 S90-45392 blue flightsuit
Voss, Janice 1991 S91-46126 blue flightsuit
Voss, Janice 1997 S97-02820 blue flightsuit
Wakata, Koichi 1992 S92-44960 blue flightsuit
Wakata, Koichi 1999 S99-15795 STS launch & entry suit
Walheim, Rex 1997 S97-04231 blue flightsuit
Walheim, Rex 2003 JSC2003-47248 STS orange launch & entry suit
Walker, Charles 1983 S83-36130 business suit
Walker, Charles 1984 S84-27269 light blue flightsuit
Walker, Charles 1985 S85-28868 light blue flightsuit (red background)
Walker, David 1978 S78-35285 blue flightsuit
Walker, David 1986 S86-35145 light blue flightsuit
Walker, David 1989 S89-29426 STS blue launch & entry suit
Walker, David 1992 S92-47653 STS orange launch & entry suit
Walker, Shannon 2004 JSC2004-21452 blue flightsuit
Walter, Ulrich 1993 S93-26030 blue flightsuit
Walter, Ulrich 1993 S93-26031 STS orange launch & entry suit
Walz, Carl 1990 S90-45287 blue flightsuit
Walz, Carl 1991 S91-32691 blue flightsuit
Walz, Carl 1995 S95-15563 STS EVA suit
Wang, Taylor 1984 S84-36141 light blue flightsuit
Watterson, Brett 1986 S86-34147 light blue flightsuit
Weber, Mary Ellen 1992 S92-45227 blue flightsuit
Weber, Mary Ellen 1996 S96-07944 STS orange launch & entry suit
Weitz, Paul 1966 S66-33762 business suit (with LM model)
Weitz, Paul 1971 S71-51307 Apollo spacesuit
Weitz, Paul 1979 S79-36379 STS yellow emergency escape suit
Weitz, Paul 1984 S84-41148 blue flightsuit
Weitz, Paul 1986 S86-41798 business suit
Wetherbee, James 1984 S84-40238 light blue flightsuit
Wetherbee, James 1989 S89-48930 STS orange launch & entry suit
Wheelock, Douglas 1998 S98-16777 blue flightsuit
White, Edward 1963 S63-15896 business suit
White, Edward 1963 S63-15898 business suit
White, Edward 1964 S64-31631 Gemini spacesuit
White, Edward 1966 S66-35219 military uniform
Whitson, Peggy 1996 S96-16633 blue flightsuit
Whitson, Peggy 2001 JSC2001-03044 STS orange launch & entry suit
Wilcutt, Terrence 1990 S90-47740 blue flightsuit
Wilcutt, Terrence 1994 S94-31663 STS orange launch & entry suit
Wilcutt, Terrence 2003 JSC2003-41874 STS orange launch & entry suit
Williams, Bill 1984 S84-41298 light blue flightsuit
Williams, Clifton 1964 S64-31711 business suit
Williams, David 1995 S95-07027 blue flightsuitl
Williams, David 2001 JSC2001-00190 STS launch & entry suit
Williams, Donald 1978 S78-25714 business suit
Williams, Donald 1978 S78-35310 blue flightsuit
Williams, Donald 1986 S86-42151 light blue flightsuit
Williams, Jeffrey 1996 S96-14769 blue flightsuit
Williams, Sunita 1998 S99-01168 blue flightsuit
Wilmore, Barry 2000 JSC2000-07135 blue flightsuit
Wilson, Stephanie 1997 S97-10246 blue flightsuit
Wisoff, Jeff 1990 S90-45443 blue flightsuit
Wisoff, Jeff blue flightsuit
Wisoff, Jeff 2000 JSC2000-04968 STS EVA suit
Wolf, David 1990 S90-45136 blue flightsuit
Wolf, David 1997 S97-06250 Sokol spacesuit
Wolf, David 2000 JSC2000-03056 STS EVA suit
Wood, Nigel 1984 S84-34322 military uniform
Wood, Nigel 1985 S85-27250 light blue flightsuit
Wood, Robert 1985 S85-39592 business suit
Wood, Robert 1985 S85-43556 light blue flightsuit (red background)
Woodward, Neil 1998 S98-16513 blue flightsuit
Worden, Alfred 1966 S66-39057 business suit (with LM model)
Worden, Alfred 1971 S71- Business suit (with lunar globe)
Worden, Alfred 1971 S71-52280 Apollo-15 spacesuit
Young, John 1962 S62-7960 business suit
Young, John 1964 S64-29940 Gemini spacesuit
Young, John 1969 S69-32616 Apollo-10 spacesuit
Young, John 1971 S71-51262 business suit
Young, John 1971 S71-51261 Apollo-16 spacesuit
Young, John 1979 S79-31776 STS yellow emergency escape suit
Young, John 1986 S86-38018 blue flightsuit
Young, John 1992 S92-50603 blue flightsuit
Young, John 2002 JSC2002-00394 blue flightsuit
Young, Lawrence 1992 S92-49243 blue flightsuit
Yurchikhin, Fyodor 2002 JSC2002-09639 STS orange launch & entry suit
Zamka, George 1998 S98-18639 blue flightsuit

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