NASA Means Business Student Competition 2009University Students � ALL MAJORS: NASA Needs Your Help!
NASA needs your help in designing a strategy to articulate the many anticipated contributions that its Constellation Program will make to space exploration as well as to everyday life on Earth. In return, NASA wants to give YOU an outstanding, one-of-a-kind educational experience, and a chance to fly in zero-gravity!
The Constellation Program is designing and building America's next generation human spaceflight system, which will replace the Space Shuttle by providing access to the International Space Station and other destinations in Earth orbit. It will also take America back to the Moon and on to Mars.
Your assignment is to:
- Design and prepare a Constellation Program Branding Strategy, and
- Illustrate that strategy in a 30-second video public service announcement (PSA) production.
For this effort we strongly urge you organize a team with a wide range of backgrounds - not just science and engineering, but also business, advertising, marketing, public relations, graphic arts and animation, communication, radio-television-film, journalism and other similar disciplines.Win Cash, Take Road Trips to NASA, and Fly in Zero-Gravity
NASA Means Business Student Competition 2009 has two rounds - one in the Fall 2008 semester and the other in the Spring 2009 semester.
During the Fall 2008 semester, your team will prepare and submit a proposal describing your ideas about how NASA can better brand the Constellation Program, including a preliminary video production storyboard.
If your proposal is selected, your team will compete in Spring 2009 round against four other Finalist Teams by actually producing a full Branding Strategy and a 30-second video.
Each of the five Finalist Teams will receive:
- A cash award of $1,000, and
- An invitation and travel expense award to "behind-the-scenes" visits at both the Johnson Space Center in Houston and the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
If your team receives the Grand Prize, you will: - Present your work to senior officials at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
- Choose between:
- Experiencing weightlessness - identical to what astronauts experience in space - aboard the Zero Gravity Corporation's specially modified aircraft, G-FORCE ONE� or
- A cash award of $10,000!
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