Topic: Were all 12 Apollo moonwalkers ever together?
spaceflori Member Posts: 1541 From: Germany Registered: May 2000
posted 02-09-2006 09:33 AM
I was wondering if there was a single event since 1972 when Apollo 17 returned from the moon where all 12 moonwalkers have been together at one place?Surely no photo is known so I doubt they all met at one place? |
Scott Member Posts: 3338 From: Houston, TX Registered: May 2001
posted 02-09-2006 09:56 AM
I recall Jim Irwin once was planning a gathering of all 12 of them at a retreat somewhere, but it didn't happen because Armstrong declined to participate. Armstrong felt that just the 12 of them gathering would be ignoring the contributions of the command module pilots (and possibly others). That's not to say they never met elsewhere. Interesting question and hopefully someone has more info. |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 53578 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 02-09-2006 10:13 AM
I've inquired with several of them if such a photo (of the 12) exists and each have said that there wasn't the opportunity to reunite. The closest attempt to such a photo appears to be this one, taken in 1978. |
mjanovec Member Posts: 3811 From: Midwest, USA Registered: Jul 2005
posted 02-09-2006 10:36 AM
Can we assume that in 1978 Young was too busy training for STS-1 to attend? |
spaceflori Member Posts: 1541 From: Germany Registered: May 2000
posted 02-09-2006 10:40 AM
The photo is interesting and somewhat telling that Armstrong stayed in the very back while Aldrin and Collins right in front. |
Scott Member Posts: 3338 From: Houston, TX Registered: May 2001
posted 02-09-2006 11:06 AM
Interesting what Florian notes about Armstrong's apparent choice of where to stand. At the Alan Shepard Memorial I noticed he sat near the very back of the auditorium, whereas most of his pre-shuttle colleagues were in the first rows. |
spaceflori Member Posts: 1541 From: Germany Registered: May 2000
posted 02-09-2006 11:11 AM
Looking at Armstrong's face, he rather seems to be uncomfortable with the whole scene... however that may be a bit too much interpreting now. |
icarkie Member Posts: 618 From: BURTON ON TRENT /England Registered: Nov 2002
posted 02-09-2006 11:33 AM
I wonder if Dick Gordon has still kept his shirt.  |
Bob M Member Posts: 1967 From: Atlanta-area, GA USA Registered: Aug 2000
posted 02-09-2006 01:19 PM
What a great photo! Nine of the 12 moonwalkers are there, lacking Bean, Young and Schmitt. Complete Apollo crews only Apollo 11, Apollo 14 and Apollo 15. Lacking from crews: Apollo 7 - Eisele; Apollo 8 - Borman; Apollo 9 - McDivitt; Apollo 10 - Young; Apollo 12 - Bean; Apollo 13 - Haise and Swigert; Apollo 16 - Young and Mattingly; and Apollo 17 - Schmitt. "Extras" (not on Apollo) - Cooper and Pogue. |
AlanLawrie Member Posts: 108 From: hitchin, herts, UK Registered: Oct 2003
posted 02-09-2006 04:27 PM
I have the original NASA photo release of this one. On the back of the print it says: Gathered around the Command Module mockup in front are Aldrin, Cunningham and Collins. On steps, front row, left to right, are Shepard, Mitchell, Gordon, Conrad, Evans, Irwin. Second row of steps, l-r Schirra, Schweickart, Anders, Lovell, Scott, Worden, Roosa, Stafford, and Pogue. Third row on the steps, l-r Cernan, Duke, Cooper and Armstrong". 30 August 1978 # 116-KSC-78P-192. |
User997 Member Posts: 59 From: Registered: Oct 2005
posted 02-09-2006 04:32 PM
If this is a group photo of all Apollo astronauts, what is Gordo's reason for being in it? Anyone else know exactly what the reasoning was behind the taking of this photo? |
Matt T Member Posts: 1373 From: Chester, Cheshire, UK Registered: May 2001
posted 02-09-2006 04:59 PM
Depends where you draw the line on 'Apollo astronaut' as Gordo was A10 back-up commander. Pogue is more of a stretch as he was on a support crew rather than backup. |
FFrench Member Posts: 3298 From: San Diego Registered: Feb 2002
posted 02-09-2006 05:34 PM
Gordo considered himself an Apollo astronaut, because of his work as a backup commander. Pogue also flew an Apollo spacecraft, it just happened to be during the Skylab program... |
muirfield Member Posts: 52 From: Portland, OR, USA Registered: Jun 2005
posted 02-09-2006 05:56 PM
Hmmm, is it just me, or is Jim Irwin the spitting image of Luke Wilson in this photo? |
Rob Sumowski Member Posts: 468 From: Macon, Georgia Registered: Feb 2000
posted 02-10-2006 09:19 AM
You know, Dick Gordon sure was a snazzy dresser in those days! |
Scott Member Posts: 3338 From: Houston, TX Registered: May 2001
posted 02-10-2006 11:31 AM
Is it possible the 12 moonwalkers were never together in the same place? One would think there must have been some time when they were in the same room or event. Perhaps not. Would be interesting to know the answer. Maybe someone reading this who knows one of them can ask. |
Machodoc Member Posts: 209 From: Bryn Mawr PA Registered: Aug 2005
posted 02-12-2006 11:52 PM
The separation between the Apollo 11 crew really stands out to the point of being a little strange. Also, Roosa is a long way away from his crewmates as well. Wally and Walt are also far apart, and leave it to the Apollo 12 guys (together with Rusty) to make a casual fashion statement! |
Blackarrow Member Posts: 3778 From: Belfast, United Kingdom Registered: Feb 2002
posted 02-13-2006 06:30 PM
It's a sad and sobering thought that six of the men in that photograph are no longer with us, and everyone else has passed "three score years and ten." Tempus fugit. |
spaceman1953 Member Posts: 953 From: South Bend, IN Registered: Apr 2002
posted 01-16-2008 04:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by Scott: Is it possible the 12 moonwalkers were never together in the same place?
So, yeah, I wondered the same thing a few weeks ago about "the 12" (isn't that also the number of Jesus' disciples?) being together... but since apparently we ain't got no picture of the 12 AFTER they walked on the Moon, do we have any pics of them BEFORE they became the 12? Like some desert training? |
mjanovec Member Posts: 3811 From: Midwest, USA Registered: Jul 2005
posted 01-16-2008 06:05 PM
I would guess that there might be photos out there with all 12, but I've never seen any.As far as training goes, remember that all 12 moonwalkers came from 5 different classes of astronauts: - First class: Alan Shepard
- Second class: Neil Armstong, Pete Conrad, John Young
- Third class: Buzz Aldrin, Alan Bean, Dave Scott, Gene Cernan
- Fourth class: Jack Schmitt
- Fifth class: Ed Mitchell, Jim Irwin, Charlie Duke
It would be rare for all five classes of astronauts to be going through the same training at the same time. The earlier classes, as you might expect, completed their basic geology and survival training before the later classes did. |
mconway Member Posts: 54 From: chicago, illinois Registered: May 2002
posted 01-17-2008 08:10 AM
I recall attending the AirVenture when the 25th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission was observed. I recall a great many Apollo astronauts were present, and held briefings for EAA members throughout the day. Perhaps, someone at the EAA in Oshkosh has pictures and videos of the fascinating briefings. |
KSCartist Member Posts: 3096 From: Titusville, FL Registered: Feb 2005
posted 01-17-2008 09:29 AM
There is a video and it is run on NASA TV every summer during the Apollo 11 anniversary. |
Blackarrow Member Posts: 3778 From: Belfast, United Kingdom Registered: Feb 2002
posted 01-19-2008 02:10 PM
The original question was whether all twelve Moonwalkers have ever been photographed together. Since Jim Irwin died in 1991, the maximum number you might spot at a 1994 event, sadly, is only eleven. |
kr4mula Member Posts: 642 From: Cinci, OH Registered: Mar 2006
posted 02-14-2008 11:03 AM
A related question comes to mind: Did they ever take a group photo of ALL the astronauts in NASA (pre-shuttle) at any point in time, like as a yearly thing perhaps? I imagine it would've been nearly impossible to arrange all their schedules so that you'd get everyone, but you'd think it would've occurred to someone to try (perhaps around a launch?). If they did, you'd have all the moonwalkers, albeit spread among their peers. |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 53578 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 10-13-2015 01:57 PM
As an update to this 2008 thread... quote: Originally posted by User997: Anyone else know exactly what the reasoning was behind the taking of this photo?
The group photo posted above, taken in August 1978, was at an event organized by Chris Kraft, who was then director of the Johnson Space Center, to provide technical briefings to NASA's former astronauts.The agenda included an overview by NASA Administrator Robert Frosch and a review of the then-new Space Transportation System by John Yardley, associate administrator for the shuttle program. Glynn Lunney, Tom Stafford, Deke Slayton and John Young also briefed the attendees on aspects related to the new orbiter. Source: NASA press release 78-37 (Aug. 15, 1978): "Former NASA Astronauts to Attend Briefings at Johnson Space Center." quote: Originally posted by Scott: Is it possible the 12 moonwalkers were never together in the same place?
By happenstance, I recently came across an AP article describing the May 19, 1981 luncheon at the White House in honor of STS-1 astronauts John Young and Bob Crippen. The article states: It was the largest assembly ever of former American astronauts....six of the seven original Project Mercury pilots were there ...all 12 Americans who walked on the moon were there, including the first two, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, as were the nine men of Skylab. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like a group shot was among the activities that day. The Reagan Library has several pages of photo index sheets from the astronaut luncheon, but the closest one comes to a shot showing them all is a wide shot of all of the guests seated at round tables under a tent (with numerous people with their backs to the camera). |
JasonB Member Posts: 1091 From: Registered: Sep 2003
posted 10-15-2015 07:57 AM
That 1978 group shot is proof positive that the party starts wherever Dick Gordon is standing! What a shirt! |
Go4Launch Member Posts: 563 From: Seminole, Fla. Registered: Jul 2003
posted 10-15-2015 04:35 PM
As a sidenote, that White House luncheon was among Reagan's first public events after the assassination attempt, as he had been released from the hospital the previous month.His recovery meant cancelling a planned trip to JSC during STS-1, but he did make it for STS-2. |
LM-12 Member Posts: 4027 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Oct 2010
posted 10-15-2015 10:21 PM
How many of the 12 were at the Cape for the Apollo 11 launch? |
Rick Member Posts: 379 From: Yadkinville, NC Registered: Jun 2000
posted 11-02-2015 10:38 AM
At least two of them... |
328KF Member Posts: 1391 From: Registered: Apr 2008
posted 11-02-2015 10:55 AM
But they didn't stay long... |
LM-12 Member Posts: 4027 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Oct 2010
posted 04-02-2024 07:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by Robert Pearlman: ...appears to be this one, taken in 1978.
Here is some film footage of the 1978 group photo. |
LM-12 Member Posts: 4027 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Oct 2010
posted 04-04-2024 12:27 AM
That NASA press release 78-37 has a list of the 31 former astronauts invited to the two-day briefing sessions at JSC on August 21-22, 1978:Aldrin, Anders, Armstrong, Borman, Carpenter, Carr, Cernan, Collins, Conrad, Cooper, Cunningham, Duke, Eisele, England, Evans, Glenn, Gordon, Irwin, Lovell, McDivitt, Mitchell, Pogue, Roosa, Schirra, Schmitt, Schweickart, Scott, Shepard, Stafford, Swigert, Worden The only moonwalker I can't find at the event is Schmitt: - Armstrong ... in photo
- Aldrin ... in photo
- Conrad ... in photo
- Bean ... not in photo, but seen on briefing tour
- Shepard ... in photo
- Mitchell ... in photo
- Scott ... in photo
- Irwin ... in photo
- Young ... not in photo, but briefing the astronauts on crew selection and training, according to the press release
- Duke ... in photo
- Cernan ... in photo
- Schmitt ... ?
cddfspace Member Posts: 692 From: Morris County, NJ, USA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 04-04-2024 07:47 AM
Schmitt was a Senator at the time. Maybe he was on the Hill doing Senate stuff... |
Blackarrow Member Posts: 3778 From: Belfast, United Kingdom Registered: Feb 2002
posted 04-04-2024 11:25 AM
quote: Originally posted by LM-12: Here is some film footage of the 1978 group photo.
I have often seen the still photo, but it was fascinating to see the movie footage of the event. Unlike his appearance in the photo, Neil Armstrong looks much more cheerful in the film. I was pleased to see quite a few sequences showing Ron Evans, the year after he retired from NASA. |
LM-12 Member Posts: 4027 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Oct 2010
posted 04-04-2024 11:48 AM
Also Carpenter, Carr, Eisele and England are not in the group photo, but they can be seen in some of the film footage.More film footage of the event here.
c670cj Member Posts: 32 From: Renton, Washington Registered: Jul 2016
posted 04-04-2024 01:19 PM
Apollo 25th anniversary at Oshkosh. I was very fortunate to have been the guest of Bill Anders at that gathering. What a incredible group of intrepid aviators that was! |
LM-12 Member Posts: 4027 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Oct 2010
posted 04-11-2024 08:24 AM
quote: Originally posted by LM-12: the two-day briefing sessions at JSC on August 21-22, 1978
Another Apollo astronaut (Fred Haise) might have been there also. From the JSC Roundup: ALT crewmen Fred Haise, Gordon Fullerton, Joe Engle and Dick Truly will describe last year's glide flights in Orbiter Enterprise |
LM-12 Member Posts: 4027 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Oct 2010
posted 04-13-2024 12:15 PM
The ALSJ has this caption for photo S78-34135: Astronaut reunion at NASA Johnson. See a labeled detail for identifications, some of which were provided by Jack Schmitt. 22 August 1978. Scan by J.L. Pickering. I wonder if Schmitt mentioned if he was there or not. |
Captain Apollo Member Posts: 367 From: UK Registered: Jun 2004
posted 04-15-2024 11:53 AM
quote: Originally posted by LM-12: Here is some film footage of the 1978 group photo.
Watching the film, I can't work out what, if any rationale applied to the "Who Stands Where" of the photo. Somehow Aldrin, Cunningham and Collins end up at the front and everyone else seems to think it's appropriate from their demeanour, but it foxes me. Were they just the three best dressed in lounge suits? The three most pushy? The film also shows other photos being taken and the photographer lining people up again, but again, apparently randomly. Do we have those photos? |
Philip Member Posts: 6284 From: Brussels, Belgium Registered: Jan 2001
posted 10-18-2024 11:26 AM
Looking for the title of the (1979?) book in which the 12 moonwalkers described their experiences after Apollo... |