Topic: Astronaut Autograph & Memorabilia Show 2012
Ade74 Member Posts: 47 From: Peterborough, England Registered: Nov 2009
posted 10-09-2012 09:46 AM
A few questions on the event: - are credit cards accepted for autograph payment? (I think they were in 2009 when I was there last)
- has it been confirmed where the Apollo 17 Dinner is to be held yet?
Also, I'd like to see Atlantis at the Exploration Park but, as someone has already mentioned, this is quite expensive for an overseas visitor e.g. $35 for sending the ticket to the UK, so I was wondering if nearer the time and tickets are still available do people think KSC will slacken the double charging (car park/entry) for us AAMS ticket holders and also allow collection at KSC visitors centre?...22 days and counting!! |
capoetc Member Posts: 2204 From: McKinney TX (USA) Registered: Aug 2005
posted 10-09-2012 12:16 PM
Word of advice -- if you are going to use a credit card at the event (past events have allowed the use of credit cards), make sure you contact your credit card company and inform them where you will be and what you will be doing -- otherwise, they will recognize the activity as unusual and turn off your credit card, assuming it must have been stolen. |
cycleroadie Member Posts: 454 From: Apalachin, NY USA Registered: May 2011
posted 10-09-2012 12:26 PM
Yes credit cards will be accepted.Apollo dinner is at the Radisson Hotel. As far as KSC, if you are a Platinum or Plat Plus ticket holder, you will get admission to see the rollover, not Exploration Park however. And I assume that will include your parking. I would not count on KSC lightening up, they are selling plenty of tickets so no reason for them to. As far as "Day of" purchase for Exploration Park, only time will tell if they sell out prior to the event. |
Ade74 Member Posts: 47 From: Peterborough, England Registered: Nov 2009
posted 10-09-2012 01:07 PM
Thank you for replies and reminding me about contacting credit card company!Shame the dinner is not at the Saturn V centre... was looking forward to that setting given I attended the Apollo 12 dinner at the Radisson. Hope KSC at least lighten up on delivery the nearer we get to 1 Nov. |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 44346 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 10-09-2012 01:13 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ade74: Hope KSC at least lighten up on delivery the nearer we get to 1 Nov.
Is picking up your tickets at the 'will call' counter not an option for international visitors? I would not expect rates to change closer to the event. And if seeing Atlantis at Exploration Park is important to you, I would suggest acting sooner, rather than later. |
Ade74 Member Posts: 47 From: Peterborough, England Registered: Nov 2009
posted 10-09-2012 03:59 PM
I called to ask if I could collect at the counter but the lady said no the price is the price, unfortunately. Need to check the pennies!
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 44346 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 10-09-2012 04:29 PM
I just realized a possible reason why there is no will call: for that day, anyone arriving at the Visitor Complex is going to need a car placard, otherwise they will be turned away... |
Skyguy48 Member Posts: 142 From: Scotland Registered: Jun 2011
posted 10-09-2012 05:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by capoetc: ...make sure you contact your credit card company and inform them where you will be and what you will be doing
That's good advice. If someone's card was stolen the pattern of "spending" would be identical to how I would spend at the AAMS... Like last year I have informed my card company what to expect. quote: Originally posted by Ade74: Hope KSC at least lighten up on delivery the nearer we get to 1 Nov.
For the money they are charging, I would expect to FLY in Atlantis not LOOK at it! |
Chariot412 Member Posts: 157 From: Lockport, NY, 14094 Registered: Jun 2011
posted 10-10-2012 12:22 AM
Will the Gold ticket holders also have admission to the rollover event? |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 44346 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 10-10-2012 02:01 AM
As noted earlier in this thread: Please be assured that your ASF Astronaut Autograph & Memorabilia Show package will include the necessary Kennedy Space Center Rollover Admission Ticket for Friday, November 2, and admission into the park on Saturday, November 3. No additional action is required on your part. This ticket will equate to Level 4 admittance, which grants you access to the park and includes viewing of the orbiter as it moves into its final home inside the complex. So Gold (and all other level) ticket holders will be able to see Atlantis arrive at the Visitor Complex. If you desire to see and walk around Atlantis at Exploration Park however, you will need to purchase an additional ticket. |
OLDIE Member Posts: 278 From: Portsmouth, England Registered: Sep 2004
posted 10-10-2012 02:37 AM
quote: Originally posted by Robert Pearlman: I just realized a possible reason why there is no will call: for that day, anyone arriving at the Visitor Complex is going to need a car placard, otherwise they will be turned away...
In my confirmation e-Mail for my Gold ticket, it said that my credentials would be available at will call. Admittedly, the e-mail was dated 29th Sept, so things might have changed (it also said another e-Mail would be sent out in Oct.). |
cycleroadie Member Posts: 454 From: Apalachin, NY USA Registered: May 2011
posted 10-10-2012 04:12 AM
quote: Originally posted by OLDIE: In my confirmation e-mail for my Gold ticket, it said that my credentials would be available at will call.
You are talking about ASF's Will Call to get your ASF package, which I assume will be at the hotel (On Thursday?). Robert is talking about KSCVC will call to get KSC's tickets. Your admission for KSC will be in your ASF package. |
JasonB Member Posts: 1091 From: Registered: Sep 2003
posted 10-11-2012 08:41 PM
Since I'm getting Lovell at his signing, anyone know of a good quote for Haise to write from their flight? I remember seeing something he signed where he wrote what he said right around the explosion but can't recall it off the top of my head. Any good, rather short quotes anyone can think of that I could have him write at the ASF show? Thanks. |
thump Member Posts: 575 From: washington dc usa Registered: May 2004
posted 10-12-2012 09:35 AM
I, as usual, will be unable to attend the show, but would like to get two lithos signed (one Mary Cleave, and one Don Williams). Is there any one that would be willing to help me out? I, of course, will pay fees in advance, and whatever else to make things fair (I've never asked before, so don't know what is "standard" in cases such as this). Contact me via e-mail, and thank you in advance!! |
emilyc1978 Member Posts: 11 From: St. Petersburg, FL, USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted 10-12-2012 01:21 PM
I will be going on Saturday only...what can I expect? I've never been to one of these shows! I am *ducking* out of the Atlantis rollover (I have work)...------------------ |
thump Member Posts: 575 From: washington dc usa Registered: May 2004
posted 10-12-2012 01:34 PM
quote: Originally posted by thump: Is there any one that would be willing to help me out?
Thank you to Lloyd for agreeing to help me out, and also to Jason for offering! |
mcrest New Member Posts: 4 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted 10-12-2012 04:42 PM
Sounds very cool. I have never been to one of these and am trying to decide if it's worth flying down just for the Saturday, as that is all that is available. Thoughts?(Though if anyone has a last minute change of plans and wants to sell a tix, let me know) Cool message board, by the way. Glad I found it. |
MCroft04 Member Posts: 1668 From: Smithfield, Me, USA Registered: Mar 2005
posted 10-12-2012 05:49 PM
I flew down for the Apollo's 15 and 16 40th celebrations, and it was absolutely worth it. Granted those events were more intimate (fewer attendees), but the Apollo 17 celebration seems worth it. Plus you'll be able to attend the autograph show that day and astronaut presentations. |
mcrest New Member Posts: 4 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted 10-13-2012 07:52 AM
Thanks for the response. My concern is that the only tickets left are only for the autograph show, so I wouldn't be able to attend any of the other events. That would be a bit of a bummer. I was hoping to buy a Platinum ticket but they are sold out. If anyone knows someone selling their ticket, keep me in mind. Thanks and enjoy the event everyone! |
capoetc Member Posts: 2204 From: McKinney TX (USA) Registered: Aug 2005
posted 10-13-2012 11:07 AM
Send an e-mail to the ASF folks and ask to be placed on a waiting list in case anyone contacts them and says they cannot attend. You might get lucky. |
Chariot412 Member Posts: 157 From: Lockport, NY, 14094 Registered: Jun 2011
posted 10-16-2012 07:47 AM
Anyone still looking for a Gold ticket? Might have one. |
J.L Member Posts: 681 From: Bloomington, Illinois, USA Registered: May 2005
posted 10-16-2012 12:22 PM
quote: Originally posted by mcrest: (Though if anyone has a last minute change of plans and wants to sell a tix, let me know)
Send me an e-mail ( I might have a lead on a dinner ticket for you. |
cycleroadie Member Posts: 454 From: Apalachin, NY USA Registered: May 2011
posted 10-16-2012 12:46 PM
16 days to go, and no lecture schedule yet. Since I never followed past events so closely, since I wasn't going to them, I was wondering if anyone knew if this was normal? And if so, about when do they post the lectures? I am trying to work out a schedule with the Atlantis rollover and all, and knowing what the lectures are would be helpful. |
YankeeClipper Member Posts: 623 From: Dublin, Ireland Registered: Mar 2011
posted 10-16-2012 01:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by cycleroadie: 16 days to go, and no lecture schedule yet.
Met the ASF girls at UK Autographica which was a very pleasant experience!Linn said they had some small admin issues to resolve, but assured me they would be sorted by the time the event comes around. Unfortunately that means we may not know the lecture line-up and timings until a lot closer to the show.  |
mcrest New Member Posts: 4 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted 10-17-2012 01:30 PM
Thanks for the responses. I have a few leads.Thanks everyone!! |
edgeofspace Member Posts: 15 From: United States Registered: Nov 2011
posted 10-17-2012 03:10 PM
I am going to the autograph show, so if anyone needs a autograph send me a e-mail. Also I'm not planning on renting a car while I'm down there, would anyone mind if I travel with them from the Radisson to the KSCVC? |
jemmy Member Posts: 185 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted 10-18-2012 12:45 PM
I am gutted I am unable to attend the up coming ASF show.I have available the following tickets: - One ticket for the Apollo 17 40th Anniversary and Apollo Program Celebration Dinner (SOLD OUT)
- One Apollo 17 photo shoot with Cernan and Schmitt (Sold out), and
- One-Day Saturday Pass Only.
Please email me if interested, thanks. |
jemmy Member Posts: 185 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted 10-18-2012 02:59 PM
Sorry, forgot to say I am selling all three tickets as a whole and for the price I paid for them from ASF (Total $465 PayPal only) |
Buel Member Posts: 690 From: UK Registered: Mar 2012
posted 10-19-2012 01:06 AM
My girlfriend and I are both attending the rollover so will buy entrance tickets for the autograph show on the day (Autograph show told me that I would be able to being as I have tickets for the rollover), my question is will entrance tickets allow me to see any of the lectures or are they priced separately, as in Autographica last weekend?Oh and is there a price guide for autograph prices? Thank you. |
topmiler Member Posts: 148 From: eastleigh, hampshire, UK Registered: Jul 2012
posted 10-19-2012 02:15 AM
Yes the entry ticket includes the lectures.This is the signing fee page. |
cycleroadie Member Posts: 454 From: Apalachin, NY USA Registered: May 2011
posted 10-19-2012 10:38 AM
Just an FYI, all the astronauts signing fees, with the exception of Buzz (Bring your platinum card I think for him) are now posted on ASF's fee page. |
mjanovec Member Posts: 3811 From: Midwest, USA Registered: Jul 2005
posted 10-21-2012 12:58 PM
It's unfortunate that most of the shuttle astronauts are now charging $50+ per signature. While I respect that they can charge whatever rate they choose, I can't help but wonder if the shuttle astronauts were advised by another party on what rate to set. The pricing seems too consistent to be coincidental. The shuttle astronauts at these shows used to offer an affordable alternate to the sky-high prices charged by the Apollo astronauts. Collectors on a budget or young collectors (who grew up in the shuttle era) could still get signatures from astronauts without breaking the bank. Now these shows appear to only cater to individuals with large disposable incomes. I fear that the end result will be shuttle astronauts who will generate very little business at their current prices, which could result in boredom and disenchantment with autograph shows. |
Ken Havekotte Member Posts: 3060 From: Merritt Island, Florida, Brevard Registered: Mar 2001
posted 10-21-2012 03:40 PM
I don't think Schweickart is coming as he had to cancel. The only other full crews present at some of the ASF signings had been (not counting Apollos 9 and 12) would be the last two Skylab missions (SL-3/4). For Gemini crews, in recent years, it would only be GT-12.
intrepid12 Member Posts: 16 From: decatur,il Registered: Jun 2010
posted 10-21-2012 09:27 PM
Any chance the ASF will be able to get Platinum Plus and Platinum ticket holders the chance to see Atlantis at Exploration Park on 11/2? |
RSimon007 Member Posts: 24 From: Saginaw, MI USA Registered: Apr 2004
posted 10-21-2012 10:18 PM
I received a message from ASF stating that the Platinum Plus visit to the Astronaut Hall of Fame is being replaced with an astronaut guided visit to Exploration Park. This will be very nice but I wish it had been decided before I spent over $120 to purchase the KSC package to get the Exploration Park ticket. (Not ASF's fault, I'm sure)If anyone is in need of the package (Exploration Park badge, rollover badge, parking permit) please feel free to e-mail me. I have already received it and it now sounds like all if this will be part of my Platinum Plus package. I'll suck up the $30 postage and take the $90 cost (or best offer). I can give it to the purchaser the day before at the hotel. Feel free to e-mail if interested. SOLD - THANKS |
DChudwin Member Posts: 1110 From: Lincolnshire IL USA Registered: Aug 2000
posted 10-21-2012 10:24 PM
I don't want to get into a discussion about whether autograph fees are too high, but it is interesting that all the Skylab guys (except Bean) are $75. In the past some were higher (Garriott) and some were lower (Lousma and others). For those on a budget, the fees by the special guests are lower. Men like Gerry Griffin and Glynn Lunney and women like Dee O'Hara played just as important a role in the MGA era as many of the astronauts. |
DCCollector Member Posts: 227 From: Washington, DC USA Registered: Dec 2006
posted 10-23-2012 10:56 AM
As with RSimon007, due to the change in the ASF show schedule, I have two Explorer Package tickets that are no longer needed.I have two adult admission tickets, two adult tickets to Exploration Park, and one parking pass for the day of the event. The total price for the package was $215.80, but I am willing to cover the shipping and handling fees, and throw in the $10 parking placard, and sell for face value of the tickets ($90 each for the tickets, or $180 (or best offer)). Please email me if you're interested. Thanks. |
cycleroadie Member Posts: 454 From: Apalachin, NY USA Registered: May 2011
posted 10-24-2012 03:46 PM
Just updated on ASF website today , "Due to the special rollover of Space Shuttle Atlantis, ASF astronaut lectures will only take place Saturday, November 3"
BMacKinnon Member Posts: 231 From: Waterford, MI. USA Registered: Jul 2007
posted 10-25-2012 09:50 AM
One week away and stil no prices/fees for Buzz. I have to get an item completed by him and it would be nice to know how much I have to bring. I know what he charged recently but I am hoping he doesn't increase his fees for his "last" show. I might not be able to afford an increase. Otherwise, I look forward to the show and all the events @ KSC with the Shuttle Rollover! |
JasonIUP Member Posts: 282 From: PA Registered: Apr 2004
posted 10-25-2012 11:19 AM
Buzz's "last" show? Was there an announcement I missed? |