Topic: Astronaut Autograph & Memorabilia Show 2012
stsmithva Member Posts: 1971 From: Fairfax, VA Registered: Feb 2007
posted 09-17-2012 12:43 PM
I am thinking of going to the ASF show this year. Since I treated myself to a Platinum ticket in 2008, I might buy just buy the autograph admission ticket (along with the special Friday KSC ticket for Atlantis and the launch pad close-up tour). I know I'd miss out on the afternoon lectures and the Saturday dinner that I'd get to attend if I got the Gold ticket, so I'd like to know if there are cS members in the same situation who are coming up with plans for Friday and/or Saturday night. Please e-mail me if you know of any plans for a get-together, or if you just have any suggestions for a fun (preferably space-related) place or activity for those evenings. Since the Friday Nov. 2 tickets go on sale tomorrow, I think I need to make a decision today about whether or not to come, so I'd really appreciate any tips. |
MCroft04 Member Posts: 1668 From: Smithfield, Me, USA Registered: Mar 2005
posted 09-17-2012 07:19 PM
Steve, Hope you make the trip; I think you should! |
YankeeClipper Member Posts: 623 From: Dublin, Ireland Registered: Mar 2011
posted 09-18-2012 09:31 AM
quote: Originally posted by topmiler: As I've got the 2 day ASF show admission, and the KSC annual pass now isn't valid for the Friday, it's going to cost another $50 individual day admission to the KSC. Sneaky.
Unfortunately it will cost you over $100. KSC Visitor Complex for Friday 02 Nov $50, parking $10, FedEx International Shipping for the ticket $35, plus tax comes in at $100+.The line-up of astronauts and special guests for the show is superb and worth the admission, but you do get the distinct feeling of being 'nickel-and-dimed' with the extra parking and ticket shipping charges. |
cycleroadie Member Posts: 454 From: Apalachin, NY USA Registered: May 2011
posted 09-18-2012 09:51 AM
quote: Originally posted by topmiler:'s going to cost another $50 individual day admission to the KSC. Sneaky.
Well KSCVC was going to make this a blackout day and charge special admission all along I would suspect. To them it's just like a launch day. I have to wonder if KSCVC took into account the ASF show or not. Anyway the point is, I do not see anything sneaky about it, it's just too bad that it falls on the shows weekend. Or is it? I mean the show might get extra attendees that would not have come, but will now since they are there for Atlantis. This is good for the astronauts signing autographs, and more importantly for the ASF as they will get more money into their coffers for scholarships. And when push comes to shove, this show is for those scholarships for those kids. It is not just so you can get an autograph, or meet an Apollo astronaut, though that is why I am going, but I also remember where some of the money is going. So, anyone going to the show, just ponder that you will spend how many hundreds of dollars to get something signed? So what's a few bucks to KSCVC really? |
YankeeClipper Member Posts: 623 From: Dublin, Ireland Registered: Mar 2011
posted 09-18-2012 10:15 AM
quote: Originally posted by cycleroadie: So what's a few bucks to KSCVC really?
When you're attending these shows internationally, extra charges start to impact.I calculated that to attend Spacefest in Tucson, by the time you have paid for international flights, hotel accommodation, transport to the hotel, show admission, meals, tips etc. it was costing circa $2000 just to set foot inside the door of the show. That doesn't include any special show tickets or astronaut signatures. Trust me, extra charges are not deal breakers but do add up. |
DChudwin Member Posts: 1110 From: Lincolnshire IL USA Registered: Aug 2000
posted 09-20-2012 10:25 PM
Received an email from ASF that the Apollo 17 dinner is being moved back to the hotel instead of the Saturn V Center. If this is correct, it is a disappointment because the Saturn V Center is a better venue than an anonymous hotel ballroom in Cape Canaveral. |
cycleroadie Member Posts: 454 From: Apalachin, NY USA Registered: May 2011
posted 09-21-2012 06:39 AM
I have not yet recieved an email, but checking ASF's webpage for the dinner, it indeed shows the hotel again. While it will still be a good time, I was looking forward to it much more being in the Saturn V center. |
Chariot412 Member Posts: 157 From: Lockport, NY, 14094 Registered: Jun 2011
posted 09-21-2012 10:06 AM
Well, I sold my Platinum Plus, but will still be attending as a Gold. If any collectSPACE members would like to get together, that would be fun! Befriend Max Peck on Facebook and we can make an ASF 2012 group. |
DChudwin Member Posts: 1110 From: Lincolnshire IL USA Registered: Aug 2000
posted 09-21-2012 01:24 PM
There was no general email about the site of the dinner. The email I received was to me only and was only in response to my query about the dinner site. Please do not make further calls to ASF and I apologize to Nicole about the lack of clarity in my post. |
disglobes Member Posts: 602 From: Orting, WA Registered: May 2000
posted 09-21-2012 01:31 PM
Has anyone heard what the fees are going to be for the guests that are signing? |
stsmithva Member Posts: 1971 From: Fairfax, VA Registered: Feb 2007
posted 09-21-2012 01:44 PM
I won't be able to attend, but I thought I'd post a link to a cS post with downloadable collages that can be printed on 16x20 or 20x24 photo paper, such as at They are for several of the astronauts at ASF, or Lovell for the mail-in. Just click on the image and you'll get the huge version.
Chariot412 Member Posts: 157 From: Lockport, NY, 14094 Registered: Jun 2011
posted 09-21-2012 03:11 PM
Steve: Wow, those are really nice! Thank you for sharing them! |
Grounded! Member Posts: 401 From: Bennington, Vermont, USA Registered: Feb 2011
posted 09-21-2012 08:04 PM
Sadly, it will be difficult if not impossible for me to make it down for the ASF show this year. There are two autographs that I would like to get (one in each of two books). Is there a cS menber heading to the show that could help me out? You will be handsomely rewarded!Please e-mail me. Thanks! |
Grounded! Member Posts: 401 From: Bennington, Vermont, USA Registered: Feb 2011
posted 09-23-2012 07:12 PM
Thanks to all who responded to my request above. I have made arrangements with a cS member who kindly offered to take my items to the show. I wish I could go... hope you all have a good time! |
Sam Que Member Posts: 180 From: Chicago, IL, United States Registered: Feb 2009
posted 09-24-2012 07:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by gliderpilotuk: THAT would make a great group photo.
I was fortunate to get that Skylab group shot a couple of years ago at the ASF event. If I remember correctly , it was added at the last minute. That year they offered a Gemini group shot too. |
MCroft04 Member Posts: 1668 From: Smithfield, Me, USA Registered: Mar 2005
posted 09-24-2012 09:30 PM
I was lucky to get that photo also. And yes it was a last minute opportunity, so I had to make a decision; stay at the table with Jim and Marilyn Lovell or get the photo. Fortunately it only took a few minutes to get the photo, so good decision. I have so many great photo's with legendary astronauts courtesy of the ASF. And in November I'll have one with Geno and Jack. Just wish Ron could be there! |
OLDIE Member Posts: 278 From: Portsmouth, England Registered: Sep 2004
posted 09-26-2012 08:32 AM
I note that Jack King, a launch commentator for Mercury, Gemini and Apollo flights, has now been added to the list of guests appearing at the ASF Show. |
ASF1984 Member Posts: 167 From: Titusville, Florida USA Registered: Sep 2009
posted 09-26-2012 02:54 PM
We've posted signing fees online for this year's shows. The chart will be updated as we receive information.Thanks! |
cycleroadie Member Posts: 454 From: Apalachin, NY USA Registered: May 2011
posted 09-26-2012 04:25 PM
Are Al Worden, Mike Mullane, Gene Cernan, or Buzz Aldrin going to sign their books for free? Just so I can determine what to pack. Thanks!
edgeofspace Member Posts: 15 From: United States Registered: Nov 2011
posted 09-26-2012 10:48 PM
I am going this year to the ASF autograph show. If anyone wants an autograph all you have to do is PayPal me the money for each person's autograph you want. I will TRY to get a picture of the astronaut signing the item. I'll make sure we have each others' phone numbers in case anything weird happens (you want Buzz's autograph and he's not there, do you want me to get some one else? that type of thing). If you want more info please e-mail me at |
mjanovec Member Posts: 3811 From: Midwest, USA Registered: Jul 2005
posted 09-27-2012 12:08 AM
quote: Originally posted by cycleroadie: Are Al Worden, Mike Mullane, Gene Cernan, or Buzz Aldrin going to sign their books for free?
You might wish to pack light. The astronauts most likely require a fee to sign... since it's an autograph show and not a book signing. With Cernan now asking $300 a signature and Aldrin likely asking $400+, it's doubtful they will sign books for free. They may have lower fees for their books, however, but you probably won't know what they are until you attend the show. If you want Mike Mullane to sign your book for free, follow the instructions on his website. Expect him to charge for signatures at the autograph show. |
Daugherty54 Member Posts: 608 From: Cabot, Arkansas, USA Registered: Sep 2010
posted 09-27-2012 01:54 AM
Wow, these fees have really jumped. I guess that settles it for me. No more autograph shows. They finally reached my breaking point financially. I hope Lovell's mail-in signing doesn't reflect such a huge jump. I have an Earthrise and a damaged SM I want to get signed before I quit. |
cycleroadie Member Posts: 454 From: Apalachin, NY USA Registered: May 2011
posted 09-27-2012 05:12 AM
quote: Originally posted by mjanovec: You might wish to pack light. The astronauts most likely require a fee to sign... since it's an autograph show and not a book signing.
Yes I understand it's an autograph show, and I have other items I want signed anyway, but if I could get a book done also, I figured while I was there, why not. Since some of them Cernan, Mullane, will sign there books for free if you send it to them, I figured it did not hurt to ask, save them and I the time to pack and ship, etc. |
Hart Sastrowardoyo Member Posts: 3446 From: Toms River, NJ Registered: Aug 2000
posted 09-27-2012 07:17 AM
[Gently] Can we avoid the back and forth on autograph fees which resolves nothing? There are a few people from whom I'd like autographs from, and two of them total are already $100. Short story, I realize I may not be able to afford all that I'm looking for, and may just limit it to the one person on my bucket list - someone whom I've seen but didn't/couldn't get an autograph from - and one or two others. If I can't afford it, I can't afford it. I'll just hope to catch them later on. Within the past year I've been lucky to cross two people off my list, and they've been on it since 2004. |
OLDIE Member Posts: 278 From: Portsmouth, England Registered: Sep 2004
posted 09-27-2012 02:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by cycleroadie: I figured it did not hurt to ask, save them and I the time to pack and ship, etc.
For what it's worth, the last time I attended the show (when Neil Armstrong was a guest speaker) Gene Cernan was kind enough to sign his book for me for free. A smile and a very polite request can often do the trick (except, in some cases, with Buzz, who can be somewhat abrupt!) |
lspooz Member Posts: 385 From: Greensboro, NC USA Registered: Aug 2012
posted 09-28-2012 04:57 PM
Thanks for the post of the signing fees - I'd like to get a few copies of "Two Sides of the Moon" signed by Col. Scott whose fee is posted as TBD. Has anyone had things inscribed by him in the past, and can you comment on what he's like with requests and prices? |
AJ Member Posts: 511 From: Plattsburgh, NY, United States Registered: Feb 2009
posted 09-28-2012 05:56 PM
I haven't had any experiences with special requests, but I can tell you that when I was at the ASF show two years ago, having another item signed, I mentioned to him how much I enjoyed the book and he seemed surprised and very pleased. So while he may not adjust his fee or anything like that, you might just put him in a good mood.  |
JasonB Member Posts: 1091 From: Registered: Sep 2003
posted 09-29-2012 08:34 AM
Someone else very graciously got some items signed for me last year and Scott was one of them. He was $200 and he added his mission designation and an extra line of wording that I wanted at no extra cost. I think he's much like most of them except Aldrin. As long as its something short and around 5 or 10 words they'll usually write it for you for the price of the signature, probably because they are not cheap.I have heard on here that Scott shys away sometimes from writing quotes on things, but I wouldnt think a simple inscription would be a problem or cost more. Of course they havent posted his fee yet so just hope he doesnt decide to jack his price up to $300 like Cernan. |
jiffyq58 Member Posts: 221 From: Durham, NC, USA Registered: Jun 2011
posted 09-29-2012 09:32 AM
I was sort of hoping that Gene's big jump in price was a typo, but I'm sure that's a pipedream. Glad I got a couple of things signed by him at Spacefest in June at the old, "low" price! |
jtheoret Member Posts: 367 From: Albuquerque, NM USA Registered: Jul 2003
posted 09-29-2012 11:19 AM
Scott added a short inscription I asked for at the last Spacefest without charging anything extra and was gracious about it. Kind of surprised at the $100 jump in Cernan's fee, but we shouldn't be I suppose...
AJ Member Posts: 511 From: Plattsburgh, NY, United States Registered: Feb 2009
posted 10-01-2012 08:29 AM
edit: I had a Platinum Plus ticket for sale, but that is now sold!I wish I could make it to the show but it just does not seem to be in the cards for me this year. I'm looking forward to hearing about it from all of you!  |
topmiler Member Posts: 148 From: eastleigh, hampshire, UK Registered: Jul 2012
posted 10-03-2012 02:16 AM
Oh no, another one disappears from the list.Rusty Schweickart has dropped out now. |
ASF1984 Member Posts: 167 From: Titusville, Florida USA Registered: Sep 2009
posted 10-03-2012 11:34 AM
Unfortunately, Rusty Schweickart had to cancel due to scheduling conflicts. |
JasonB Member Posts: 1091 From: Registered: Sep 2003
posted 10-03-2012 12:40 PM
Now that stinks. I was really looking forward to meeting the entire Apollo 9 crew and getting something signed by the three of them.Is there anyway to get Schweickart to sign other than at a show? Just wondering as it would definitely change what I'm getting signed at the ASF show. |
topmiler Member Posts: 148 From: eastleigh, hampshire, UK Registered: Jul 2012
posted 10-03-2012 01:26 PM
I too was looking forward to the entire Apollo 9 crew. |
jemmy Member Posts: 185 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted 10-03-2012 01:52 PM
That's a disappointment that Rusty is not going to be appearing, maybe a mail in signing could be a option for Nicole and the ASF team sometime. |
RSimon007 Member Posts: 24 From: Saginaw, MI USA Registered: Apr 2004
posted 10-03-2012 11:44 PM
A little good news! It looks as if Daniel C. Brandenstein is back on the list of astronauts appearing at the show. |
BMacKinnon Member Posts: 231 From: Waterford, MI. USA Registered: Jul 2007
posted 10-04-2012 08:27 AM
That is great news that the ASF was able to get Dan back on the guest list! I look forward to their next suprise addition! This promises to be a great show this year - Lovell, Schweickart and Cunningham will be missed, but the additional Shuttle astronauts and new guests will make this one of the ASF's best shows! Plus an opportunity to see a shuttle up close! Is it November yet? |
MarkRP Member Posts: 177 From: Michigan, USA Registered: Nov 2002
posted 10-06-2012 08:34 AM
Is anyone flying into the Orlando/Sanford airport on Thursday Nov 1st who is going out to the host hotel? I have a fellow cS member friend who is arriving at the airport in the morning but another friend and I are not arriving till 5 PM. We were going to car pool together but he has tickets for the Thursday night events at the host hotel and could use a ride out there so he doesn't miss out on the reception and dinner and a movie. Anyone who can help out please contact me by e-mail. Thank you. |
MCroft04 Member Posts: 1668 From: Smithfield, Me, USA Registered: Mar 2005
posted 10-06-2012 12:49 PM
I volunteered but missed the part about Sanford airport, so Mark is still looking for a ride. |