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  Have you ever actually met a moon-hoaxer?

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Author Topic:   Have you ever actually met a moon-hoaxer?

Posts: 1309
From: Denver, CO
Registered: Jun 2004

posted 09-04-2011 05:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GoesTo11   Click Here to Email GoesTo11     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The release of Apollo 18, and the discussion surrounding it (I haven't seen the movie yet), makes me curious: Has anyone here really met anyone who seriously thinks the moon landings were faked?

I haven't. I'm a college-educated American about to turn 36 years old, and I keep hearing and reading that X percent of the people surveyed think the whole thing might have been a sham...but I have yet to knowingly interact with anyone who asserts that Americans didn't actually land on the moon, and that the whole thing was filmed in a Hollywood studio or whatever.

Seriously, have any cSers ever had an interaction with anyone who earnestly believes that we "faked it?"

I'm not talking about self-promoting hucksters like Bart Sibrel and his ilk.

I mean your family, friends, professional associates, etc. Have you really been confronted with this lunacy (no pun intended)? How did you feel, and how did you react?


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posted 09-04-2011 05:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for randy   Click Here to Email randy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have. I was part of the Space Day presentation at a local mall back in the early '80s. There was a display asking people where they were when A11 landed, then provided them with 3x5 cards for their replies. One said they were in the studio when the landing was filmed. It surprised me. It was the first time I'd heard about the landing "hoax" theory.


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From: Auburn, Alabama, United States
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posted 09-04-2011 05:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Tyler   Click Here to Email Tyler     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, although I have never met an adult who really believed it. I was in eighth grade when that asinine FOX program aired and several junior high kids approached me the next day to profess their belief in the conspiracy theory.

I knew the primary reason they did so was that they knew of my passion for the Apollo program, and they wanted to make me feel bad. That was the way these eighth and ninth graders operated. But ten years later, I am pleased to see that the Apollo hoax movement is in a lull right now. I sense a lack of activity, which makes me happy.


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posted 09-04-2011 05:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GACspaceguy   Click Here to Email GACspaceguy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I woked with a fellow that even gave me a book to read that "proved" it was faked. So yes I have.


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posted 09-04-2011 06:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fezman92   Click Here to Email Fezman92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My brother who was the valedictorian of his high school class and is at Yale.

Jay Gallentine

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posted 09-04-2011 08:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jay Gallentine   Click Here to Email Jay Gallentine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I used to work with a guy who was convinced of this hoax. Worked with him for three years. We'd talk about the subject off and on.

One day he said, "I'll change my mind when they turn the Hubble telescope around and take pictures of the landing sites."

I said, "The Hubble wouldn't be able to image lunar landing sites. It's not set up for that."

His response: "Isn't that convenient!!"

Great guy to work with, a wonderful family man, but he frankly did not have the slightest grasp on any of the basics - like, even the shape of the Van Allen belts. All of his research was watching YouTube videos, which he readily fessed up to.

Another time he said, "They didn't even know how to navigate to the moon in 1969."

I responded, "They knew how to navigate to the moon in 1959!" I suggested he read such books as 'Moon Lander' by Tom Kelly, but I don't believe it ever graced his nightstand.

Nevertheless, we remained good friends. It was never a serious pressure point between us. By the time he left our employ, his attitude had shifted from "definite hoax" to "I'm on the fence."

As he was kind enough to buy my own book about space exploration, I inscribed it: "I too must have joined the conspiracy!"


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posted 09-04-2011 09:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ilbasso   Click Here to Email ilbasso     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My son-in-law - who believes in ghosts and goes on ghost hunts regularly.

Rob Joyner

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posted 09-04-2011 10:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rob Joyner   Click Here to Email Rob Joyner     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I had a political science class in college taught by a Col. Crouch. Mr. Crouch was an older, loud and arrogant person who had been in the army, and he demanded that everyone address him by his rank. The class was required so I sat through his BS until almost mid-term. I can still hear him now - "...and some people would have you believe we actually went to the Moon. It never happened."

Well, that was it. Required class or not, I canceled it that day and got at least some of my money back as it was before the actual mid-term date. I also explained to the office staff that they had an arrogant idiot on the payroll they needed to get rid of. I eventually took the class again - from a different teacher. I don't know whatever happened to Col. Crouch. Maybe he was eaten up by that awful dragon that periodically devours the Sun.


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posted 09-05-2011 08:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for star61   Click Here to Email star61     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I had a rather unusual conversation with a young man some years back. I was renting a van from a hire company and while giving the vehicle a walk around noticed a stunning Moon over some trees. I just commented off hand, as I am prone to do on such occasions, how unbelievable it was that 20 odd years had past since we were there. He looked at me in a quizzical way..." Huh! ...but what about that shuttle thing, it goes there every week doesn't it?"

I was speechless. After giving him a short course in spaceflight history I came to a conclusion.

If people think all sorts of wrong things concerning manned spaceflight, we should just go ahead and spend whatever it takes to get to the planets. It is such a peripheral part of the average Joe's life that one way or another it matters not to them if we are or are not on the Moon, Mars, etc.

The benefits are there for all even if they do not appreciate it. Like treatments for cancer, until someone close is in dire need of such technologies, most folk don't give it a second thought.

Anyhow, this guy was what I guess is the opposite of hoax believers... but ignorant just the same.


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posted 09-05-2011 09:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ea757grrl   Click Here to Email ea757grrl     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes. My first year teaching college I had to teach Speech 101 (and my hat's off to anyone who can teach a required Public Speaking course year after year and retain his/her sanity). The usual Persuasive Speaking assignment came up. One student gave a speech arguing the Moon landings never happened and used the Fox TV special as her visual aid. Any attempt I made to rebut her (during the post-speech feedback period) was met with an all-knowing "Oh, that's what they *want* you to believe."

Not my proudest moment, nor my student's.

Cliff Lentz

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posted 09-05-2011 12:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Cliff Lentz   Click Here to Email Cliff Lentz     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have met literally hundreds of them! For several years I would go to the Philadelphia Eagles Pre-game radio shows that started three hours before the game, whether I was going to the game or just hanging at the sports bar. I always wore my leather shuttle tribute jacket that has the NASA meatball logo.

I would get at least 20 a game sometimes at the stadium and mostly at the bar that freely offered their opinions about the Moon landings. Generally if they did believe they happened, they also believed that the government was hiding something like in Apollo 18. Many said they found a hostel population and underground cities.

Looks like I'm in for more of the same in the future because of the movie!


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posted 09-07-2011 12:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mikepf   Click Here to Email mikepf     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A new employee at my old job saw the Buzz Aldrin visor photo in my cube. He was about 50 and said he had watched the moon landings live on TV as a kid. He said he used to believe in the moon landings until he saw the Fox show that proved to him that it was faked.


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posted 09-07-2011 12:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Beau08   Click Here to Email Beau08     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The Discovery Channel's "MythBusters" had an episode that did a really thorough job debunking all the conspiracy theorists "proof" that the landings were faked one by one.

I think the one that would be hardest to fake is the reflector on the surface of the moon that bounces laser light back to earth so the distance to the moon can be measured precisely.


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posted 09-07-2011 05:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for stsmithva   Click Here to Email stsmithva     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Beau08:
I think the one that would be hardest to fake is the reflector on the surface of the moon that bounces laser light back to earth so the distance to the moon can be measured precisely.

I'm afraid that conspiracy theorists will have an answer for anything, as long as they don't mind that it is illogical. In this case the answers are either "The reflector was placed by an unmanned probe" or "Everyone who SAYS they've personally worked with a laser to measure that distance is in on the conspiracy."

Hart Sastrowardoyo

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posted 09-07-2011 05:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hart Sastrowardoyo   Click Here to Email Hart Sastrowardoyo     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The easiest way to counter the moon hoaxers is to ask a single question: Why?

Yes, there have been government cover-ups, such as medical experiments done in Guatemala. But those cover-ups can usually answer the 'why' question: In the case of Guatemala, to further medical science (however misguided it may have been.) In the case of the U-2, to hide the fact it was a high-flying spy plane used for national security.

But why fake the moon landings? Why spend $24 billion? To make the public forget about Vietnam? If so, it did a poor job.


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From: New Jersey, USA
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posted 09-07-2011 07:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fezman92   Click Here to Email Fezman92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As one of the Apollo astronauts (can't recall of the top of my head) said "If we did fake it, then why fake it 7 times?"


Posts: 427
From: Pampa, TX, US
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posted 09-07-2011 07:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Spaceguy5   Click Here to Email Spaceguy5     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Not so sure if he thinks the moon landings are hoaxes, but my political science professor certainly thinks Apollo 13 is a hoax. Last week he was talking about his dislike of the media and how they always warp the true story behind movies. He brought up Apollo 13, saying his dad worked for NASA "with communications." He said that when the movie was released, he asked his dad if he wanted to see it. "I said, 'That's what you did during the mission, you talked to the astronauts, right?' 'Yeah but everything you've heard about the mission is wrong' He never talked about it though and took it to his grave; I guess there's something they aren't telling us." I guess he's never heard of the CAPCOM position.

With the recent release of the LRO images, it's obvious that the government's soundstage was quite large. I wonder how many conspiracy theorists will claim either that the whole landing site was set up by probes, or even that the pictures (the low resolution and higher resolution ones) were faked


Posts: 2474
From: Guyton, GA
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posted 09-07-2011 08:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GACspaceguy   Click Here to Email GACspaceguy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have posted this before but it would appear that a repost would be in order.

Try this approach with those who believe it was a hoax. Agree with them; tell them you collect for profit and then go on to explain to them that the whole atomic bomb thing was faked as well. That they faked pictures taken only by the "government" and it was all done to justify military spending in the 50's. The Russians caught on and they faked it too just to keep up. The US government could not say anything otherwise they would reveal their hoax. Thus the Cold War was faked as well!! It may not convince them the moon landing was real, but they won't even think about it anymore while they are off to research the "atomic bomb hoax".

The purpose here it show just how ridiculous the “Moon Hoax” is. When it comes to events that are accomplished by only a limited number of people anyone can call it a hoax.


Posts: 159
From: Peoria, AZ United States
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posted 09-07-2011 08:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Beau08   Click Here to Email Beau08     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Have the hoaxers crowd existed from the very beginning or did the "movement" get ramped up after the movie "Apocalypse Now"?


Posts: 427
From: Pampa, TX, US
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posted 09-07-2011 08:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Spaceguy5   Click Here to Email Spaceguy5     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I wonder how many people believe the International Space Station, or even the space shuttle are hoaxes. At a public event a few weeks ago, I remember an Apollo astronaut (I can't remember who though) mentioned that decades from now (perhaps when all of us are old or gone), we'll probably have people saying 'The space shuttle was a lie! You can't launch a spacecraft with wings and especially reuse it! That's impossible!'


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posted 09-07-2011 02:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for albatron   Click Here to Email albatron     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The assistant principal at my wife's old elementary where she taught, was an avowed moon hoaxer. I even gave her Phil Plait's book. Her response? I can explain away all of this is I wanted. LOL

Some years back Yury Usachev was speaking at this school. I told her she should mention to Yury her feelings on the moon landings. She did, and his answer was "do you not think Russia would have cried foul if they had?" Her response? What do you really know, there's no ISS up there, really.

And she's very educated.


Posts: 25
From: Melbourne, FL
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posted 09-07-2011 02:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for goldbera     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hoaxers can be found in the most unlikely of places.

A close friend of mine mentioned to me a few years ago that he believed that the Apollo program only went as far as lunar orbit. He was absolutely certain that the LM was incapable of landing on the moon, and was twice as sure that it did not have enough thrust to ever lift off again even if it did somehow manage to stumble its way down to the lunar surface.

I immediately sat him down with my trusty laptop, a calculator, and a ream of paper and spent hours researching the specs of the LM, the ascent and descent engines, mass/weight of rocks & equipment that returned, etc. We spent *hours* on a Saturday berating each other and furiously scribbling formulas on paper (I'm still grateful to his wife and family for humoring the two of us).

In the end, he was shocked that all the math and physics actually proved my point. He finally became a believer and apologized for thinking such hoaxy nonsense.

Mind-bending footnotes: he and I had been roommates at a well known engineering college. He has his BS and MS in Aerospace Engineering, recently acquired his P.E. license, and until very recently was employed as a Lead Fuel Cell Engineer for Discovery.


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posted 09-07-2011 08:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Blackarrow     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I suggest that the pictures of the Apollo landing sites taken by Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter should satisfy anyone with an open mind.

Some people have closed minds and will argue that if NASA could fake the "Moon landings" they could certainly fake LRO and its pictures. But if anyone tries to suggest that the LRO pictures are fakes, I suggest tackling them head on, by pointing out that they are making very serious allegations of a criminal conspiracy by NASA personnel and U.S. Congress budget officials to defraud the U.S. taxpayer out of millions of dollars for a mythical spacecraft; and pointing out that such a fraudulent conspiracy would destroy NASA, shake Congress to its foundations, and put hundreds of government employees and politicians in prison.

At these times of economic difficulty perhaps the Apollo hoax-believers would explain why nobody is mounting a witch-hunt to jail the people who "defrauded the American tax-payers over LRO." Might I suggest that no such witch-hunt is being organized because nobody could possibly believe such obvious b**lls**t?


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posted 09-09-2011 10:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for kyra   Click Here to Email kyra     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A friend of mine called me on Skype from his Maple Ridge BC Canada (SRTSS) Grade 11 Earth Science classroom and turned on the audio this spring. In the background was the substitute science teacher playing moon hoax videos from youtube in the classroom and preaching the whole moon hoax line. It was unbelieveable! Fortunately, my friend does not believe it.


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posted 09-15-2011 05:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for derek   Click Here to Email derek     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I too meet people who think we're still going to the moon; to the hoaxers I say, "I've met Irwin and Duke, who both became ministers after their flights. Now, would they have felt such a life-changing experience if they'd done it on a sound stage??!!!"


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posted 09-16-2011 05:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dogcrew5369   Click Here to Email dogcrew5369     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I once was confronted by not one, but two former fellow employees that did not believe we landed on the moon. All their reasons were, to me, stupid and ignorant. Worst of all I had to work with them. Needless to say I felt much smarter after the confrontation.


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posted 09-17-2011 07:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AstronautBrian   Click Here to Email AstronautBrian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A friend of my brother-in-law was convinced of a Moon hoax. He later ended up in the looney bin.

David Bryant

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posted 09-17-2011 09:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for David Bryant   Click Here to Email David Bryant     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Of course, we on here all have a vested interest: if the Moon landings DIDN'T take place, then all our Neil Armstrong autographs and flown bits of kapton aren't worth diddly! LOL!


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From: Yeovil, England
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posted 09-17-2011 12:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ApolloAlex   Click Here to Email ApolloAlex     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I myself always come across people who as soon as they find out my interest feel they have to prove to me that no one went to the Moon, nevertheless when I explain the usual facts and always show them pics taken recently by the LRO that usually shuts them up.

And not exactly a Moon hoaxer but a neighbour of mine didnt realise that the Shuttle just went to low Earth orbit and was convinced it went to the Moon. So you have the other end of the spectrum where someone believed we still went!


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posted 09-20-2011 09:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for p51   Click Here to Email p51     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I laughed just the other day while watching a scene from "From the Earth to the Moon" episode, "Is That All There Is" where Bean is messing around with the camera, to the right it looks clearly to me like a corner in the backdrop on the set way behind him. Somehow that seemed ironic for this topic.

My late Uncle (one of the chief geologists for the state of Florida in the past, and a well-educated and respected man) used to say they were faked, but I think he said it to come across as a "character" as he had a very odd sense of humor. Looking back, I now doubt he really believed that.

I served in the Army with a Sergeant who firmly believed it. We talked about it from time to time and really discussed it while sitting around one day at a gunnery exercise in the desert. I used pure logic and human behavior to turn him around.

He'd been in Desert Storm and I asked if they'd faked the use of fuel air bombs (they dropped a few right in front of him on the Iraqi lines before the ground war started), wouldn't that get out? He said of course it would because someone would have talked. I then pointed out that hundreds of thousands of people had their hands in the Apollo program and using his logic, several of them by then would have come forth or had deathbed confessions that they helped fake the landings.

Also, someone involved surely would have written a book by that point to make money for their kid's college fund or something like that. I also pointed out how gleefully the Russians would have busted such a hoax as they would have been able to track the flights and they said nothing.

He mulled it over for a moment and said, "Sir, that makes a lot of sense. I never thought about that but you're right. Someone in the know would have said something by now, wouldn't they?" and that was that. He later said he felt foolish for even thinking that the landings didn't happen.

Tom Hanks was asked about conspiracy theories and he replied, "We live in a society where there is no law [against] making money in the promulgation of ignorance or, in some cases, stupidity."

I would have loved to have seen Buzz Aldrin punch Bart Sibrel over this issue! Better yet was that nobody would prosecute Aldrin over the incident.


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posted 09-21-2011 09:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dss65   Click Here to Email dss65     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for your service, p51, and thanks for using logic to fight these ridiculous hoax claims. One conversation that I've been in simply involved pointing out the incredible speed that the Apollo spacecraft were travelling at when they passed through the Van Allen Radiation Belt. A lot of these claims are pretty easily refuted.

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