The devastating Earthquake that hit Haiti has inflicted extraordinary losses to the people of our neighboring island nation. My wife Jackie and I are deeply saddened and genuinely heartsick by this tragic event, and pray for the well being of the millions who are suffering in the aftermath of the disaster.
NASA joins the President, the nation, and the entire world in mourning those who have perished. To those of you who may have lost loved ones in Haiti, as well as those who still don’t know the status of relatives and friends there, I want you to know you are in the thoughts and prayers of the entire NASA family.
NASA's Earth-observing capabilities have been mobilized to provide information to support the disaster recovery efforts in Haiti. Our spacecraft will image areas hardest hit by this unfortunate tragedy to aid with damage assessments and recovery efforts. Many of you have asked what you personally can do to help during this time of emergency.
The Office of Personnel Management has authorized a special solicitation to federal employees to assist the ongoing relief efforts in Haiti with a one-time cash or check donation, outside the normal Combined Federal Campaign procedures.
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has recommended cash donations as the most effective way to help in this disaster response. For more information on how to donate to Haiti relief efforts, visit the White House Web site.
I encourage you to be generous in your giving to this urgent humanitarian effort and please keep the victims and everyone involved in the rescue and recovery efforts in your prayers.