Topic: You might be a space geek
WSTFphoto Member Posts: 70 From: Las Cruces, NM, USA Registered: May 2005
posted 07-25-2007 03:56 PM
That cracked me up, Rick! My office is a bit space-geeky, too:  |
Max Q Member Posts: 399 From: Whyalla South Australia Registered: Mar 2007
posted 07-27-2007 07:18 AM
You might be a Space Geek if you buy a N1 wireless system hoping your home network would take off like a rocket... Only to have an expensive and disappointing failure. |
garymilgrom Member Posts: 1966 From: Atlanta, GA Registered: Feb 2007
posted 07-27-2007 09:45 AM
quote: Originally posted by NavySpaceFan: ...and keep a stone from the Crawler/Transporter track on your desk.
Hey that's me you're talking about!! |
mikepf Member Posts: 441 From: San Jose, California, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 07-27-2007 09:52 AM
While passing a bank, my daughter asked me what the letters ATM stood for. I replied Apollo Telescope Mount. |
tegwilym Member Posts: 2331 From: Sturgeon Bay, WI Registered: Jan 2000
posted 07-27-2007 11:26 AM
Impressive stuff guys! I need to take some pictures of my living room, dining room, and family room. You'll then see that I'm right up there with the geekiest of the geeks. Heh! |
MCroft04 Member Posts: 1634 From: Smithfield, Me, USA Registered: Mar 2005
posted 07-29-2007 08:24 AM
You're a space geek; If you drive around the area surrounding JSC looking for the old homes of the astronauts, and taking pictures of them. I only have addresses of those that have been published in books (Aldrin, Cernan, a few more); anyone aware of others? |
SpaceCadet114 New Member Posts: From: Registered:
posted 08-12-2007 06:06 AM
On the parents evening at your school your 4 year old cousin gives your teacher a five minute run through of a space shuttle crew because she mentioned the word Endeavour. |
uk spacefan Member Posts: 168 From: London Registered: Jan 2007
posted 08-13-2007 08:45 AM
...if you cannot wait for the next Aurora or Superior Galleries Space auction and then wade through the brochures only to find that they don't have the items you want to add to your collection. |
Spacepsycho Member Posts: 818 From: Huntington Beach, Calif. Registered: Aug 2004
posted 08-13-2007 11:44 AM
You know you're a space geek...When you've having a fun evening EVA with the wife and you yell out, "We Have Hard Dock!" |
Jay Chladek Member Posts: 2272 From: Bellevue, NE, USA Registered: Aug 2007
posted 08-13-2007 04:11 PM
...if you first went to see Space Camp back in 1986 as a young lad and called out "Panel C3" about 15 seconds before Kate Capshaw's character did to Tate Donovan's when she was telling him which panel had the switches to dump the solid rocket boosters....if you read the Space Shuttle Operators Handbook cover to cover when it came out (also a reason I called out C3 in the theater). ...if you go to a book store and go right to the Science section to see if there are any new decent books about current space travel and/or astronaut biographies or similar non fiction books about astronauts. |
tegwilym Member Posts: 2331 From: Sturgeon Bay, WI Registered: Jan 2000
posted 09-12-2007 01:31 AM
quote: Originally posted by tegwilym: I need to take some pictures of my living room, dining room, and family room. You'll then see that I'm right up there with the geekiest of the geeks.
Here are the photos. Did I win as the top geek here? Or just a cry for help? Living room Dining room Dining room - the shuttle stuff. Collection of 1:18 models in family room (more out of view) How many of you have a 1:96 Saturn V above your couch? That's just some views of the house, there is a lot more crud out of view in the photos. |
Jay Chladek Member Posts: 2272 From: Bellevue, NE, USA Registered: Aug 2007
posted 09-12-2007 11:10 PM
So Tom, did you build the Monogram Columbia, Estes Spaceship 1 and Revell Saturn V yourself? They look nice man (even if the NASA "wurm" logo on the Columbia's wing isn't quite right)!  I also see I am not the only one who has 1/18 scale 21st Century Toys jets hanging from the ceiling. But in my case I am limited to just two planes, the F-86 (same as yours) and the Tigermeet RCAF F-104 Starfighter. Now if only 21st did a 1/18 T-38, I would be all over that, especially if they did one in NASA colors.  |
tegwilym Member Posts: 2331 From: Sturgeon Bay, WI Registered: Jan 2000
posted 09-13-2007 12:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by Jay Chladek: So Tom, did you build the Monogram Columbia, Estes Spaceship 1 and Revell Saturn V yourself? They look nice man (even if the NASA "wurm" logo on the Columbia's wing isn't quite right)!
The SpaceShipOne actually belongs to a friend. I had it signed (on the top) by Mike Melvill, I just hung it up to keep it safe. He still has to come get it. Yes, I built both the Saturn V and the shuttle. I know the decals are wrong, but that's what I had to deal with so I just used them. I also got so involved with painting the Saturn that I screwed up and painted the first stage as the 500F version - I was looking at the box. Then I realized that it wasn't painted like a flight version, so I just painted the rest as one of the flown Saturns. Oh well, only a geek would catch that so I left it that way. I do have several other 1:18 planes but they aren't in the photo. Those are great models, they just take up a lot of space! |
Jay Chladek Member Posts: 2272 From: Bellevue, NE, USA Registered: Aug 2007
posted 09-13-2007 07:09 PM
And now you know why I don't plan to get their 1/18 F-4 Phantom when it comes out as it will be just too dang big!Nice work on the models in any event. I've got a couple big Revell Saturns waiting in the wings (actually, three of them) for the day I can devote my full time and energy to them. For now though, I am just having too much fun with shuttle models. Do you think this might qualify for Space Geek? You might be a space geek if you are building a Monogram 1/72 shuttle with boosters and decide the cockpit is just too empty without a couple astronauts in the pilot seats   These are kitbashed from the Airfix Apollo astronauts (for the bodies). I ground off the PLSS chest packs and swapped the heads for ones from the Monogram spacewalking astronauts as those helmets looked closer to the ones used on the LES and ACES suits. With the model sitting vertical, light will be hitting the interior in such a way that the astronauts should be visible, especially the US flags on their shoulder patches. I just think a "manned" spacecraft is so much cooler, that's all.  |
derek Member Posts: 297 From: N.Ireland. Registered: Jul 2002
posted 09-23-2007 11:04 AM
When -- like me -- you've just bought a Virgin Galactic Pioneer-class ticket. |
Max Q Member Posts: 399 From: Whyalla South Australia Registered: Mar 2007
posted 09-23-2007 11:05 AM
Well if you change your mind at the last minute I would like to offer my services as camera bearer for you. But seriously Live the dream brother I think you win the Space Geek comp. |
Prospero Member Posts: 94 From: Manchester, UK Registered: Mar 2006
posted 09-30-2007 12:42 PM
When you've just done a parachute jump and not only do you rationalise it as "going EVA", but you think of the guy doing the radio talkdown as "CapCom", it might actually be helpful to be a space geek. |
tegwilym Member Posts: 2331 From: Sturgeon Bay, WI Registered: Jan 2000
posted 09-30-2007 01:35 PM
Does naming your sailboat "Delphinus" count as a geek? It's named after the dolphin constellation. |
SpaceCadet114 New Member Posts: From: Registered:
posted 10-01-2007 08:16 AM
Weird coincidence here! On friday we had a non-uniform day at school for the same cause as your parachute jump! It's a brilliant cause WELL DONE!! |
Prospero Member Posts: 94 From: Manchester, UK Registered: Mar 2006
posted 10-03-2007 12:27 PM
Cheers Space Cadet, I hope the non-uniform day also went well. |
Philip Member Posts: 5952 From: Brussels, Belgium Registered: Jan 2001
posted 10-03-2007 12:32 PM
You're having a space cake for the 50th anniversary of Space flight  |
Jake Member Posts: 464 From: Issaquah, WA U.S.A. Registered: Jun 2002
posted 10-03-2007 02:58 PM
Tom, (tegwilym), you didn't even mention your backyard observatory, knowledge of the subject matter, book collection, and girlfriend who LOVES spaceflight. You top my space geek list - in a good way my friend!By the way, I do not have a 1:96 Saturn above my couch (a 1/100 Saturn is on my fireplace mantel) because I have an 11 foot Wright Glider above my couch. :) |
Prospero Member Posts: 94 From: Manchester, UK Registered: Mar 2006
posted 10-13-2007 12:36 PM
If you're pleased as Punch to pick up a copy of Jim Lovell's book about Apollo 13 for 99p in a charity shop...If you actually do own a (very small) piece of moon rock... And if you tell your workmates that you're going to a talk being given by Alan Bean, resulting in blank looks all round... You're a space geek and proud of it.
Russ Still Member Posts: 535 From: Atlanta, GA USA Registered: Nov 1999
posted 11-02-2007 10:17 PM
Hey, if you're a friend of mine, you just might be a space geek! |
music_space Member Posts: 1179 From: Canada Registered: Jul 2001
posted 11-04-2007 05:41 PM
...when it's fall time as right now in Montreal, QC, and during daytime you keep the doors and windows all open, when dusk comes you close the house up, crank up the furnace and call this "repress"... |
contra Member Posts: 318 From: Kiel, Germany Registered: Mar 2005
posted 11-07-2007 02:45 AM
... you travel all the way from Germany to the States 5 times before you turn 25 just to see a shuttle launch and to shake some hands of some people who have walked on the moon... |
star61 Member Posts: 294 From: Bristol UK Registered: Jan 2005
posted 11-29-2007 03:02 PM
Driving into Wales the other day with the family. Noticed on the overhead traffic info board, the time. Four small glowing numbers indicating it was 1202... yes you can see where this is going... with out even thinking, i called out, "somebody give me a call on that 1202 alarm... 1202 alarm... are we go?"... family was just staring at me, heads slowly shaking.It's quite sad really... :( ...NOT. I love it and don't care a squat. :) |
Super Nova New Member Posts: 5 From: Morristown, NJ USA Registered: Jul 2007
posted 11-29-2007 07:49 PM
When the guys you drooled over as a teen were named John Young, Bob Crippen, Dick Truly and Gordon Fullerton, not George Michael, Prince or Sting. |
NavySpaceFan Member Posts: 655 From: Norfolk, VA Registered: May 2007
posted 12-01-2007 01:16 PM
While petting your kitten, MECO, you hear him purring and say "We have main engine start!" |
Kirsten Member Posts: 536 From: Delft, Netherlands Registered: Apr 2001
posted 12-04-2007 02:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by Super Nova: When the guys you drooled over as a teen were named John Young, Bob Crippen, Dick Truly and Gordon Fullerton, not George Michael, Prince or Sting.
You must be of about the same generation as I am. (35 years now) I felt just as strange at that age, having the early ESA astronauts as my heroes... |
Atlantis Member Posts: 111 From: Cullman, AL Registered: Dec 2007
posted 12-05-2007 11:56 PM
quote: Originally posted by Jay Chladek: You build stuff like this (guilty here!).
Or this:
  This is the AXM shuttle paper kit in STS-117 guise. Also, my favorite book when I was very young was Astronauts on the Moon, a Hallmark pop-up book from the mid to late 60's (it belonged to my dad) showing the sequence of events during a lunar mission. |
tegwilym Member Posts: 2331 From: Sturgeon Bay, WI Registered: Jan 2000
posted 12-06-2007 12:00 PM
Nice model! I like those paper models that can be downloaded and printed. I just hate cutting them out. My patience for all that cutting tends to wear thin... then I got back to plastic.
FutureAstronaut Member Posts: 372 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted 12-14-2007 03:00 PM
If in when your bored in your free time, you sit down with a pen and a piece of paper and see how many astronauts/cosmonauts you can name in one sitting.Guilty... I got 184. |
TellingHistory Member Posts: 63 From: Franklin, TN 37027 Registered: Dec 2007
posted 12-15-2007 10:46 PM
If you remind your child that they better study for their test next week "because failure is not an option," then you follow that up with, "I think this going to be your finest hour." - you might be a space geek. |
Mary13 Member Posts: 24 From: Vienna, Austria, Europe Registered: Mar 2007
posted 12-24-2007 03:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by FutureAstronaut: If in when your bored in your free time, you sit down with a pen and a piece of paper and see how many astronauts/cosmonauts you can name in one sitting.
I do something similar:...if you try how many complete space shuttle, apollo or gemini crews you remember during a boring lesson at school. ...if you look at the picture of a space shuttle in your physics book and tell your classmates that the picture was taken in 1981 (of course because the ET is white) ...if you're asked at school or at work why you look so tired and you answer is "I watched the NASA/ESA/JAXA webcast the whole night - didn't you hear about the launch?" |
tegwilym Member Posts: 2331 From: Sturgeon Bay, WI Registered: Jan 2000
posted 12-25-2007 02:14 AM
You might be a space geek if...- You see a light crossing the sky at night and you just know that is the ISS. Point it out to someone "Hey, there goes the space station!" They look at you funny. I got off the bus from work the other night looked up and saw it passing near the moon. - You know that the Mars rovers are still roving. - You Google your name and find more 6 pages on you... all related to space, astronomy, and aviation (fortunately nothing bad or embarrassing). - You read collectSPACE every day...  |
Max Q Member Posts: 399 From: Whyalla South Australia Registered: Mar 2007
posted 12-25-2007 04:33 AM
You know you might be a Space Geek when its 9.PM at night on Christmas day, you've had a perfect day with your family and you have to login to cS and wish everyone a Merry Christmas...Hope you all have a great day. |
Mary13 Member Posts: 24 From: Vienna, Austria, Europe Registered: Mar 2007
posted 12-25-2007 04:25 PM
...if you take the German expression "jemanden auf den Mond schiessen"- that means literally "to shoot somebody to the moon" but is used if somebody is getting on your nerves or if you are very angry on someone - too literally.Once that happened to me at school. Our physics teacher, who was new at school (and he didn't seem to be the ideal teacher), said to one of my classmates "If you don't know the answer of that simple question I'll shoot you to the moon." But he didn't know me good enough because I interrupted him and asked if he would do that with everyone of us. He replied "Yes, of course" Then I grinned and said: "Well, then I won't answer any of your questions!" (I'm very good at school, especially in Math and Physics so I can afford to be cheeky to some teachers) |
mikepf Member Posts: 441 From: San Jose, California, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 12-26-2007 11:35 PM
Still getting a tingle down my spine every Christmas Eve, remembering hearing the Apollo 8 broadcast. It had a profound effect on this 11-year old. |
kking Member Posts: 106 From: Topmost, KY Registered: Nov 2002
posted 12-26-2007 11:58 PM
You're a space geek when every Christmas Eve as part of family tradition at 9:30PM we watch the Apollo 8 Christmas broadcast. |