Topic: From Whence Your User ID?
DavidH Member Posts: 1217 From: Huntsville, AL, USA Registered: Jun 2003
posted 04-29-2004 01:32 PM
Alright, my own collectSPACE handle is pretty boring--stemming obviously from the fact that my first name is David and my last name starts with H. Pretty creative, huh?BUT--There are a bunch of people here with some really creative User ID's, that every time I see them I wonder, "What does that mean?" You know who you are--so where does your handle come from? ------------------ "America's challenge of today has forged man's destiny of tomorrow." - Commander Eugene Cernan, Apollo 17 Mission, 11 December 1972 |
Fra Mauro Member Posts: 1586 From: Bethpage, N.Y. Registered: Jul 2002
posted 04-29-2004 01:41 PM
My name comes from the landing site of Apollo 13/14. |
icarkie Member Posts: 618 From: BURTON ON TRENT /England Registered: Nov 2002
posted 04-29-2004 01:43 PM
icarkieMy name is Ian Arkesden. I've been called arkie (like my dad and his dad they spell it arky) since the year dot. The 'C' is my wife name Cathy,She ALWAYS calls me arkie unless I'm in trouble then it's Ian. All the best Ian (arkie) |
Ashy Member Posts: 157 From: Preston, England Registered: Mar 2004
posted 04-29-2004 01:44 PM
My name isn't exceptional but its something I've always been called from my schooldays onwards. It just comes from my surname, 'Ashcroft'. As a police officer I've had plenty of names over the years but this was the only one that could be printed! |
sts205cdr Member Posts: 649 From: Sacramento, CA Registered: Jun 2001
posted 04-29-2004 01:48 PM
Here's the previous thread on this topic: --John |
TrueNorth Member Posts: 161 From: Bathurst, NB, Canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted 04-29-2004 02:07 PM
I chose this handle for two reasons, well, actually three.1. I think it's cool. 2. It was the name I suggested to the CSA when they had contest to name Canadarm II (never heard the results of that, and I think it still goes by Canadarm - anyone know?). 3. The lyrics of the Canadian National Anthem "...true North strong and free". John |
astpexhibitor unregistered
posted 04-29-2004 02:09 PM
My user name stems from the fact that I have an ASTP collection that I exhibit at stamp shows around the country.  ------------------ John Macco Shady Side, Md. |
DavidH Member Posts: 1217 From: Huntsville, AL, USA Registered: Jun 2003
posted 04-29-2004 02:38 PM
(Thanks, John, thought I'd seen this before, but couldn't find it again. Still, there've been some new ones show up in the past year, and some not explained last time around, so IMHO it's worth repeating--FabFiveFreddy, where are you?)------------------ "America's challenge of today has forged man's destiny of tomorrow." - Commander Eugene Cernan, Apollo 17 Mission, 11 December 1972 |
072069 Member Posts: 206 From: Sayreville, NJ USA Registered: Oct 2003
posted 04-29-2004 03:59 PM
No mystery with my name...I hope :-)Bernie |
Nessa Member Posts: 19 From: Los Angeles, CA Registered: Feb 2004
posted 04-29-2004 04:10 PM
The Nessa were the Norse gods of the wind. Based on my field research (see History Channel documenary: Being a Norskie and doing wind research, I thought it appropriate. Dr. Clemmons |
november25 Member Posts: 646 From: Douglas, Isle of Man, UK Registered: Feb 2004
posted 04-29-2004 04:29 PM
November25 is my Birthday-I have achieved much in my life-this day has brought me-personally- a great deal to be very thankfull for-I guess you could say-its been lucky.-sagittarius-the star sign-so this is why-the interest in Space and Aviation themed topics, plus now- I hold a private pilots licence, also scuba dive, and swim with dolphins,a grandma, full of life,and proud to be so. What Next? fly a helicopter,or maybe hang-gliding. Thanks,Regards, Brenda Posted at gmt |
fuzzfoot Member Posts: 177 From: Registered: Oct 2003
posted 04-29-2004 04:36 PM
My user my feet do not look like the hobbit's in Lord of the Rings...rather, I build custom Fuzz Pedals for guitarists (that they step on to activate). Hence, Fuzzfoot.Best, Mike B. |
BLACKARROW unregistered
posted 04-29-2004 05:10 PM
Black Arrow was the launch vehicle which launched the first and last all-British satellite, "Prospero" in October, 1971. Even before the successful flight, the project had been cancelled, so the success was the project's swan-song. The unused fourth Black Arrow is an exhibit in the London Science Museum. It looks quite small and rather quaint, but it worked! And Prospero is still in orbit. |
HouseDadX4 unregistered
posted 04-29-2004 05:15 PM
HouseDadX4...hmmm...well, quite self explanatory actually...I'm a student, so I'm home during the day. My wife is the working person in this household, and we've got 4 kiddos... |
Kirsten Member Posts: 536 From: Delft, Netherlands Registered: Apr 2001
posted 04-29-2004 06:35 PM
Simply my first name. Boring, ain't it ? Though I must confess that on other forums I use the somewhat blasphemous screen name "gagarina" ...  [This message has been edited by Kirsten (edited April 29, 2004).] |
divemaster Member Posts: 1376 From: ridgefield, ct Registered: May 2002
posted 04-29-2004 07:47 PM
I learned to scuba dive the same year that Apollo finally launched. Divemaster is one of my 12 certification levels.Anyway, Ice Diver makes too many people cringe. -tracy
star51L Member Posts: 340 From: Vilano Beach, FL, USA Registered: Aug 2002
posted 04-29-2004 08:10 PM
A small tribute to the Challenger crew; 51L was their mission number and they were headed to the stars. |
dss65 Member Posts: 1156 From: Sandpoint, ID, USA Registered: Mar 2003
posted 04-29-2004 11:18 PM
This is too boring to even tell. Just my initials and a date of small personal significance. I figured nobody else would have it. I've sometimes wished I had taken more time and come up with something more interesting.------------------ Don |
Spacebug Member Posts: 72 From: Yacolt WA USA Registered: Aug 2003
posted 04-29-2004 11:57 PM
I have really big eyes, so "Bug" is my forever family nickname. (No Marty Feldman jokes, please)  |
denem Member Posts: 141 From: Columbia, SC, USA Registered: Sep 2002
posted 04-30-2004 12:24 AM
my user name is denem which is a combination of my first name "dennis" and my last name "hembree". in many cases, my user name is denem777.....i just made-up the "777" ....just thought it was a good number...dennis |
space1 Member Posts: 853 From: Danville, Ohio Registered: Dec 2002
posted 04-30-2004 10:26 AM
space1 is the name of my web site. "" was already taken in November 1996 when I was looking for a web site name. "space1" seemed the simplest alternative. I also use space1 as my ebay user name.------------------ John Fongheiser President Historic Space Systems |
tegwilym Member Posts: 2331 From: Sturgeon Bay, WI Registered: Jan 2000
posted 04-30-2004 02:34 PM
...Just a boring combination of my first, middle and last name.Google "Tom Gwilym" and it seems that the first 1.5 pages is me! Yikes. I need to get off the internet sometimes.  Tom
Jake Member Posts: 464 From: Issaquah, WA U.S.A. Registered: Jun 2002
posted 04-30-2004 04:35 PM
My UserName hsere is straightforward: Jake, but my eBay ID is: aerocarjake, since I have completed a book on the Aerocar which is at a publisher and should be out this fall.------------------ Jake Schultz - curator, Newport Way Air Museum (OK, it's just my home) |
Crsh4Csh Member Posts: 113 From: Registered: Aug 2003
posted 05-01-2004 12:08 AM
well Crsh4csh is ,Crash for cash. Its what i do for a living , professional stuntman , 24 yrs i cant believe it....Eddie |
collshubby Member Posts: 591 From: Madisonville, Louisiana Registered: Nov 1999
posted 05-01-2004 04:11 AM
I am Colleen's husband.------------------ Brian Peter |
Keith Barber Member Posts: 326 From: Warwickshire Registered: Mar 2001
posted 05-01-2004 05:21 AM
Simple one here- Keith[This message has been edited by Keith Barber (edited May 01, 2004).] |
spaceman1953 Member Posts: 953 From: South Bend, IN Registered: Apr 2002
posted 05-19-2004 07:17 PM
1953 for my birth year. |
SpaceCowboyX911 New Member Posts: From: Registered:
posted 05-19-2004 08:10 PM
Howdy Ya'all!!! Space Cowboy here jawjackin' about my handle. Well I have ta tell yah, I'm a might bit partial to the Movie Space Cowboys,(and Apollo 13). Since I work as a law enforcement officer, I kinda added the x911 as my extension number. I also kinda like to think of it as a special tribute to those fallen hereos on 9-11. I'm sure ya'all will be hearin more about me at the U.A.C.C. convention in Burbank. I'll be the one with the now infamous, one of a kind "NASA" Space Cowboy Boots made by Texas boot maker,Rocky Carroll, "Boot Maker to the Stars" and signed by a number of astronauts, the last being James Lovell while he was at Novaspace Graphics. Hope to be seein ya'all at the convention in September.Take Care Now Ya Hear!!! Till then, hope yer havin fun ridin the space range!! Space Cowboy x911 Marc ------------------
Above The Clouds New Member Posts: From: Registered:
posted 05-20-2004 06:02 PM
I use my username on a few different websites. I picked it as its the name of a song by Paul Weller who is my favorite musician, also as an airline pilot it is where I work.Dave
uzzi69 Member Posts: 181 From: Richmond, IN USA Registered: Jun 2001
posted 05-20-2004 08:16 PM
My original idea for an AOL user name was uzi9, named after my favorite handgun the UZI 9mm ( I collect handguns ), but it was taken, then I added an extra Z which was also taken. After a few other tries I was going to add 1969, the year of the lunar landing...but at the suggestion of my wife I shortened it to 69 ( blush ). Hence uzzi69.Regards, Bill uzzi69 |
tigga Member Posts: 28 From: Oakland, California Registered: Nov 2001
posted 05-21-2004 01:57 AM
this comes from a childhood nickname refering to my exuberant personality.... I bounce alot....<grin>..and I hope oneday to get the opportunity to do so in space...(teehee)Alex PS I'm female incase you were thinking that was a little weird. |
fabfivefreddy Member Posts: 1067 From: Leawood, Kansas USA Registered: Oct 2003
posted 05-21-2004 11:11 AM
An inside joke from my college days. Tahir |