This design is the eighth in the series "Celebrating 50 Years of America in Space" it honors the men and women of Apollo-Soyuz, Shuttle-Mir and the International Space Station Program.
EX ASTRUM INTELLIGENDO tranlated from Latin means "From Space (comes) Understanding. A sentiment at the heart of International Cooperation.
This month we celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Apollo-Soyuz so I this it was an appropriate time to offer this patch.

© 2010 Tim GagnonThis design takes its inspiration from the emblem of each program.
At the bottom is Apollo-Soyuz. Apollo-Soyuz was the first small but critical effort to see if the United States could cooperate with its former adversary the Soviet Union. Although only one mission, it opened the door.
In the center is Shuttle-Mir which took the success of Apollo-Soyuz to the next level. Taking place 20 years after it became Phase 1 of the ISS program.
At the top the International Space Station has become the largest and most complex structure ever constructed on orbit. It has realized the goal of the Space Shuttle Program and will lay the foundation of explorations in the future.
The patch is 8 by 9 inches with a merrowed border. It is not fully embroidered as the black area of "space" is black twill. This allows the artwork to be highlighted in a three dimensional effect.

© 2010 Tim GagnonThis design was created by Tim Gagnon of Titusville, Florida, a graphic and portrait artist with a life long passion for space exploration. His work is on display at the Kennedy Space Center, in a number of museums and aboard the International Space Station.