Topic: Our Generation: Apollo 11, 11/3 on THC
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42986 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 11-02-2006 09:01 PM
Our Generation is the new History Channel series that takes you on a journey to visit the places, the people and events that have shaped the largest and most vocal generation in American history: The Baby Boomers.The History Channel's resident historian, Steve Gillon, tells the stories of the unforgettable events that defined this generation and changed the world. The November 3 episode, airing at noon and 6 p.m. CST, is titled, Apollo 11: The Moon Landing: quote: With one small step for man, the dream of a hopeful nation finally became a reality. It was a tumultuous time for an embattled generation, but for one brief and shining moment, there was unity and wonderment at the great potential of mankind.
The episode will re-air on November 5 at 7:30 p.m. CST. For more information, see The History Channel's website. |
Rob Joyner Member Posts: 1308 From: GA, USA Registered: Jan 2004
posted 11-03-2006 07:13 PM
Good show - Buzz Aldrin at JSC, Apollo employees in Titusville, a glimpse of the Rocket Garden at KSCVC and archival footage. Just wish it was an hour long instead of 30 minutes. Near the end during the slashdown segment the 1969 commentator announced, "The Apollo 11 spacecraft with three courageous cosmonauts on board splashed down into the Pacific today." I don't think I've ever heard that, or at least noticed it. "Cosmonauts"? Does anyone know who the commentator was and if anything was talked about later regarding his commentary that "cosmonauts" had splashed down?
ringo67 Member Posts: 179 From: Seekonk, Mass., USA Registered: May 2003
posted 11-03-2006 09:29 PM
I don't know who the interviewer was, but could he ask a question that didn't start with "How did it feel ..."I'm a newspaper copy editor by trade and as a young reporter I was told to never ask that type of question. It shows the reporter is not doing their homework. I always cringe when TV reporters shove a microphone in the face of a grieving family member and ask "How did it feel when your son/daughter was shot?" There's always a better question to ask. - Paul Ring |
FFrench Member Posts: 3161 From: San Diego Registered: Feb 2002
posted 11-03-2006 09:37 PM
It just finished here. One of the better new space history shows I have seen on TV in a while, I thought. I always like shows where they stay quiet and let those who were there do the talking. And although 'astronaut talking next to Saturn V / in Mission Control' has been done many times before, it felt fresh and immediate in this instance.I picked up on "courageous cosmonauts" too - I think the reporter trying some grandiose-sounding alliteration was my take on it... |
mensax Member Posts: 861 From: Virginia Registered: Apr 2002
posted 11-04-2006 07:19 AM
I liked the part where the group of Apollo employees were gathered in sight of the launchpad. When asked what it was like to witness the launch of Apollo 11, one of the guys grabbed the interviewer and shook him back and forth. Another worker commented that Apollo 11 was the greatest event in history.Noah | |
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