Topic: If NASA finds an ocean on Mars, America eats free Giant Shrimp
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42986 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 01-16-2004 07:53 PM
Long John Silver's, Inc. Press Release Long John Silver's announced today that it will give America free Giant Shrimp if NASA's Mars Exploration Rover project finds conclusive evidence of an ocean on Mars by February 29, 2004. The out-of-this-world offer from the world's most popular seafood chain celebrates NASA's efforts to find traces of ocean water - and possibly, evidence of life - on Mars.Steve Davis, President of Long John Silver's, Inc., and A&W Restaurants, Inc. sent a letter to NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe, expressing support for NASA's efforts to find conclusive evidence of an ocean on Mars. In addition, Davis announced plans to provide free Giant Shrimp to America if conclusive evidence of an ocean is found. "We have closely followed NASA's recent exploration of Mars and all of us are rooting you on to find ocean water on the Red Planet," Davis wrote. "The 'Free Giant Shrimp' offer is our way of saying NASA's exploration of Mars and the discovery of ocean water would be 'one small step for man, one giant leap for seafood.'" In the letter, Davis also officially registered interest in Long John Silver's becoming the first seafood restaurant on Mars. "It's not a matter of 'if,' it's just a matter of 'when' human beings are able to live permanently on Mars. Long John Silver's mission is to feed people with delicious seafood wherever they are -- on earth or even outer space." "We are strongly behind NASA's efforts to find conclusive evidence of an ocean on Mars for two reasons," said Mike Baker, Chief Marketing Officer for Long John Silver's, Inc. "As Americans, we're proud of NASA's exploration of space; as the world's most popular quick-service seafood chain, we get excited about ocean water, wherever it is. If there's ocean water on Mars, that would be giant news. And giant news calls for Giant Shrimp!" Long John Silver's new Giant Shrimp are huge, measuring nearly a half-foot long. "Our new Giant Shrimp are so big, they're really 'out of this world,'" said Baker. Consumers can buy the new Giant Shrimp at the chain's more than 1,250 restaurants beginning February 16, 2004. If NASA announces the discovery of conclusive evidence of an ocean on Mars prior to February 29, 2004, America gets free Giant Shrimp at participating Long John Silver's restaurants on Monday, March 15, 2004, from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. Baker and his team are closely monitoring the progress of the Mars Exploration Rover "Spirit," which has already begun its quest to find evidence of ocean water on Earth's celestial next-door neighbor. The company will rely on top scientific experts leading NASA's Athena Science Payload Investigation team to ultimately provide an official declaration if conclusive evidence of an ocean has been found on Mars. Long John Silver's will look to the team's Principal Investigator Steven Squyres and Deputy Principal Investigator Ray Arvidson to provide official news on NASA's Mars exploration web site at marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov. In addition, consumers can find updates on NASA's progress and join in the hunt for ocean water on Mars by visiting www.ljsilvers.com. Long John Silver's has purchased an insurance policy to cover the anticipated cost of the free Giant Shrimp redemption, should NASA announce the discovery of conclusive evidence of an ocean on Mars between now and February 29, 2004. In the event NASA makes an official announcement that conclusive evidence of an ocean has been discovered on Mars prior to that date, every person in the U.S. will have an opportunity to obtain one free Giant Shrimp at participating Long John Silver's restaurants in the United States. Redemption will take place on Monday, March 15, 2004, from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. Additional information and offer details will be made available to consumers on the Long John Silver's web site and in press materials, should this event occur. For purposes of Long John Silver's offer, an ocean is defined as a single body of water, the surface area of which equals or exceeds five million square kilometers. See official rules at www.ljsilvers.com for details. Long John Silver's, Inc. based in Louisville, Kentucky, is the world's most popular quick-service seafood chain specializing in a variety of seafood items including batter-dipped fish, chicken, shrimp and hushpuppies. Inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson's classic Treasure Island, Long John Silver's, Inc. was founded in 1969 in response to growing consumer demand for quick-service seafood. Today, there are more than 1,250 Long John Silver's, Inc. restaurants worldwide serving nearly four million customers each week. Long John Silver's, Inc. is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc., (NYSE:YUM) the world's largest restaurant company in terms of system units with approximately 33,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries and territories. |
Spacebug Member Posts: 72 From: Yacolt WA USA Registered: Aug 2003
posted 01-16-2004 09:30 PM
What a fun idea! My only question is, will the insurance payment cover the cocktail sauce too?  |
astronut Member Posts: 969 From: South Fork, CO Registered: Mar 2000
posted 01-16-2004 09:52 PM
Spirit driver quote: "That's one small shrimp for (a) man, one giant shrimp for mankind."  ------------------ Happy trails, Wayno "...you are go for TLI." www.TransLunarInjection.com |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42986 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 01-27-2004 01:20 PM
Long John Silver's, Inc. Press Release Twice the 'Opportunity' on Mars? Landing of Second Rover Gives America Twice the Opportunity for Free Giant Shrimp from Long John Silver'sWith NASA's Mars Rover "Opportunity" making a successful landing in Meridiani Planum on Sunday, January 25, America now has a second opportunity to enjoy free Giant Shrimp from Long John Silver's. Long John Silver's announced on January 16 that it will give America free Giant Shrimp if NASA's Mars Exploration Rover project finds conclusive evidence of an ocean on Mars by February 29, 2004. With the successful landing of a second Rover, America can now pull for either "Spirit" or "Opportunity" to find conclusive evidence of an ocean. According to NASA information, the Meridiani Planum region was selected because of extensive deposits of a mineral called crystalline hematite, which usually forms in the presence of liquid water. Plans call for "Opportunity" to climb out of the small crater in which it landed, and explore a nearby larger crater that may reveal more clues to the Red Planet's past. "We continue to root for NASA in their efforts to find conclusive evidence of ocean water on Mars," said Mike Baker, Chief Marketing Officer for Long John Silver's, Inc. "With the successful landing of a second Rover, we're thrilled that America has even more opportunity to enjoy free Giant Shrimp from Long John Silver's." Long John Silver's President Steve Davis recently sent a letter to NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe, expressing support for NASA's efforts to find conclusive evidence of an ocean on Mars. Davis also announced plans to provide free Giant Shrimp to America if either "Spirit" or "Opportunity" uncover conclusive evidence of ocean water. In the letter, Long John Silver's officially registered interest in becoming the first seafood restaurant on Mars. In fact, Baker and his team are already scouting the surface for development opportunities. "We are thrilled to see these unbelievable images from the Red Planet," Baker said. "We have our development team looking closely at the Martian landscape for potential building sites. From what we've seen, there is plenty of prime real estate available." Long John Silver's new Giant Shrimp are huge, measuring nearly a half-foot long. Consumers can buy the new Giant Shrimp at the chain's more than 1,250 restaurants beginning February 16, 2004. If NASA announces the discovery of conclusive evidence of an ocean on Mars prior to February 29, 2004, America gets free Giant Shrimp at participating Long John Silver's restaurants on Monday, March 15, 2004. The company will rely on top scientific experts leading NASA's Athena Science Payload Investigation team to ultimately provide an official declaration if conclusive evidence of an ocean has been found on Mars. Long John Silver's will look to the team's Principal Investigator Steven Squyres and Deputy Principal Investigator Ray Arvidson to provide official news on NASA's Mars exploration web site at http://marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov. In addition, consumers can find updates on NASA's progress and join in the hunt for ocean water on Mars by visiting www.ljsilvers.com. Long John Silver's has purchased an insurance policy to cover the anticipated cost of the free Giant Shrimp redemption, should NASA announce the discovery of conclusive evidence of an ocean on Mars between now and February 29, 2004. In the event NASA makes an official announcement that conclusive evidence of an ocean has been discovered on Mars prior to that date, every person in the U.S. will have an opportunity to obtain one free Giant Shrimp at participating Long John Silver's restaurants in the United States. Redemption will take place on Monday, March 15, 2004, from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. Additional information and offer details will be made available to consumers on the Long John Silver's web site and in press materials, should this event occur. For purposes of Long John Silver's offer, an ocean is defined as a single body of water, the surface area of which equals or exceeds five million square kilometers. See official rules at www.ljsilvers.com for details. Long John Silver's, Inc. based in Louisville, Kentucky, is the world's most popular quick-service seafood chain specializing in a variety of seafood items including batter-dipped fish, chicken, shrimp and hushpuppies. Inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson's classic Treasure Island, Long John Silver's, Inc. was founded in 1969 in response to growing consumer demand for quick-service seafood. Today, there are more than 1,250 Long John Silver's, Inc. restaurants worldwide serving nearly four million customers each week. Long John Silver's, Inc. is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc., (NYSE: YUM) the world's largest restaurant company in terms of system units with approximately 33,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries and territories. |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42986 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 03-24-2004 07:02 PM
Long John Silver's, Inc. Press Release NASA's March 23 announcement of evidence of the past presence of "a body of gently flowing saltwater" on Mars is big news for America, and giant news for seafood fans.In January, Long John Silver's offered to give America free Giant Shrimp if NASA found conclusive evidence of an ocean on Mars. To celebrate the success of NASA's Mars Rover project, the company is going to give America free Giant Shrimp on Monday, May 10. "This is the big announcement that Long John Silver's has been waiting for since January - that there is evidence of a past salty sea on Mars," said Mike Baker, Chief Marketing Officer for Long John Silver's, Inc. "We can't wait to celebrate NASA's out-of-this-world success, and there's no better way to recognize their giant accomplishments than with free Giant Shrimp for America." On Monday, May 10, between the hours of 2 p.m. and 5 p.m., customers can stop by any participating Long John Silver's restaurant and enjoy a free Giant Shrimp (one piece per customer). Long John Silver's President Steve Davis sent a personal letter to NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe, congratulating NASA on their discovery. "We've been following the Mars Exploration project since the beginning," Davis wrote, "and we've been anxiously awaiting word of evidence of an ocean on Mars. The rovers have been extremely busy since they arrived on Mars - they've had 'plenty of things on their plate.' Now, with the discovery of ocean water, America can add one more thing to its plate - free Giant Shrimp." Davis ended the letter by writing, "This is one small step for man, and one giant leap for Giant Shrimp." He also again expressed interest in Long John Silver's becoming the first seafood restaurant on Mars. Baker added that the Giant Shrimp giveaway is the perfect way to celebrate NASA's historic discovery, which has taken place at the same time Long John Silver's Giant Shrimp introduction has been one of the most successful product launches in company history. "NASA is making history on Mars and Long John Silver's is making history here on earth," added Baker. "Our faith in NASA has paid off. Their giant accomplishment calls for Giant Shrimp." The new Giant Shrimp are the largest shrimp Long John Silver's has ever served. They feature the great-tasting secret batter that has made Long John Silver's famous for fish, shrimp and chicken for 35 years. Every person in the U.S. will have an opportunity to obtain one free Giant Shrimp at participating Long John Silver's restaurants in the United States. Redemption will take place on Monday, May 10, 2004, from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m., local time, while supplies last. Customers can use the store locator at www.ljsilvers.com to find their nearest Long John Silver's locations. Long John Silver's, Inc. based in Louisville, Kentucky, is the world's most popular quick-service seafood chain specializing in a variety of seafood items including batter-dipped fish, chicken, shrimp and hushpuppies. Inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson's classic Treasure Island, Long John Silver's, Inc. was founded in 1969 in response to growing consumer demand for quick-service seafood. Today, there are more than 1,250 Long John Silver's, Inc. restaurants worldwide serving nearly four million customers each week. Long John Silver's, Inc. is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc., (NYSE:YUM) the world's largest restaurant company in terms of system units with more than 33,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries and territories. |
astronut Member Posts: 969 From: South Fork, CO Registered: Mar 2000
posted 03-24-2004 09:06 PM
This just in from JPL's Mission Control "God speed giant shrimp!"------------------ Happy trails, Wayno "...you are go for TLI." www.TransLunarInjection.com | |
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