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  Space Cover 793: Artcraft space stamp FDCs

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Author Topic:   Space Cover 793: Artcraft space stamp FDCs
Bob M

Posts: 2016
From: Atlanta-area, GA USA
Registered: Aug 2000

posted 02-16-2025 08:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bob M   Click Here to Email Bob M     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Space Cover of the Week, Week 793 (February 16, 2025)

Space Cover 793: Artcraft autographed space stamp FDCs

Here are three Artcraft FDC (First Day [of issue] Cover) cachets, with the first one for the issue of the Echo I stamp in 1960; the Gemini "Space Twins" issue in 1967; and the $11.75 Express Mail stamp of 1998.

This is an enlarged example of an Artcraft cachet as an example to show the fine detail, high quality and excellent artistic quality of Artcraft's FDC cachets.

Before I became a space collector, I collected United States stamps and FDCs. During that time I accumulated a large number of Artcraft FDC's, with many commemorating space events. Then after converting to space collecting, I sold most of my Artcraft FDC's, but kept all my Artcraft FDC's that commemorated space events. I then used them over a period of time for autograph requests to astronauts and space officials.

I always considered Artcraft FDCs the best done and best available. In fact they were available and produced for over 75 years, but I was surprised recently to learn that the Washington Stamp Exchange, the producer of Artcraft cacheted FDCs, had discontinued FDC production in 2015. That disappointment resulted in me searching through my collection looking for Artcraft FDCs that I had previously had autographed by astronauts and space officials. Here are some:

A request I sent to John Glenn resulted in this excellent autographed and inscribed Artcraft Mercury stamp FDC. I had sent an Artcraft Apollo 8 FDC to NASA Administrator Thomas O. Paine, who nicely signed this Apollo 8 commemorative stamp FDC.

These are two Artcraft cachet varieties of the C76 moon landing issue of 1969. For that very special occasion and stamp, in addition to their standard black ink engraved cachet, they also did the same cachet in blue. I'd like to say that this was one of my moon landing FDCs I personally used for Armstrong's autograph, but this instead came from a fellow collector for a substantial price. But the one below in blue, autographed by Kurt Debus, was acquired by me for only the price of postage like most of the others shown here.

Making extremely good use of an Artcraft Decade of Achievements FDC, issued during the Apollo 15 flight, Jim Irwin signed it in person for me at his book signing in 1973. This 1973 Artcraft Nicolaus Copernicus 500th anniversary commemorative stamp FDC was autographed by Clyde Tombaugh, Pluto discoverer, and James Christy, discoverer of Pluto's moon, Charon.

This 1975 Artcraft Apollo-Soyuz Test Project FDC was signed by German rocket pioneer Hans Hosenthein, a member of Dr. von Braun's Original 118 Rocket Team from Peenemuende, Germany. In addition to later contributing to the US rocket and space programs, he earlier was involved in the infamous V-2 rocket development at Peenemuende, Germany. Below is another Artcraft C76 Apollo 11 FDC that was very appropriate to be signed by Bruce McCandless, who was the Apollo 11 lunar surface EVA Capcom.


Posts: 708
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posted 02-17-2025 08:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Axman   Click Here to Email Axman     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A remarkable collection of signed ArtCraft space covers you have Bob.

I do not have many ArtCraft covers, and all of mine are unadorned by signatures. I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of their artistic quality - they are second to none.

The first ArtCraft cover I bought is the same you portray at the very top of the thread - an Echo 1 satellite FDC.

When I acquired it I was very impressed with the graphic quality of the cachet art... but very puzzled as to why a lighthouse was prominent in the design! 😶

It is only very recently, after seeing a photograph of the Echo 1's Thor Delta on the launchpad, that I realised what I had assumed to be a lighthouse was in fact the Echo 1 payload atop its rocket. I have searched high and low for graphical cachets of Echo 1, and the only one I have ever found that doesn't just show the generic inflated metallised sphere is ArtCraft's. That in itself is a tribute to their art craft (pun intended).

Antoni RIGO

Posts: 347
From: Palma de Mallorca, Is. Baleares - SPAIN
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posted 02-22-2025 10:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Antoni RIGO   Click Here to Email Antoni RIGO     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Bob, excellent post, as usual.

My little contribution to these examples shown here, would be only two Artcraft FDC covers signed for ASTP stamps.

Bob M

Posts: 2016
From: Atlanta-area, GA USA
Registered: Aug 2000

posted 02-22-2025 03:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bob M   Click Here to Email Bob M     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks, Antoni. Those are very appropriate autographs on your ASTP Artcraft FDCs. Good to see more autographed Artcraft space commemorative stamp FDCs.

Here are two more Artcraft FDCs for the pair of ASTP stamps, but unsigned. But these are of note as the top cover is an unofficial FDC from Cape Canaveral, as the actual official First Day of Issue site was KSC. Ken Havekotte did this cover along with many more of all types for ASTP events.

The bottom cover is special. It's not an unofficial FDC, but an official FDC for the Soviet ASTP stamps and postmarked at Moscow, USSR with the standard Artcraft ASTP cachet. It would also be considered an ASTP launch cover as well as a FDC.

I greatly enjoyed collecting Artcraft FDCs, and the FDCs they did for space commemorative stamps were very appropriate and useful for space-related autographs, as Antoni's and mine have shown.

Antoni RIGO

Posts: 347
From: Palma de Mallorca, Is. Baleares - SPAIN
Registered: Aug 2013

posted 02-24-2025 10:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Antoni RIGO   Click Here to Email Antoni RIGO     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Bob, you opened in this thread another two chapters:
  • Unofficial first day places on Artcraft covers

  • Foreign stamps on Artcraft covers.
Unfortunately, I have not any unofficial FDC on Artcraft covers but two Russian ASTP first day of issue on Artcraft covers. See below:

Do you know why there are not in black and white but color? Do you know why design is different?

Bob M

Posts: 2016
From: Atlanta-area, GA USA
Registered: Aug 2000

posted 02-25-2025 02:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bob M   Click Here to Email Bob M     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Antoni, those are two excellent ASTP Artcraft FDCs with Moscow cancels. They are unusual covers, with one Artcraft cachet in red and the other in blue and both with a different cachet design than usual, but with similar elements and also arranged differently.

Perhaps these were provided mainly for use in the Soviet Union on their ASTP FDCs. These would probably also be official FDCs, being for the Soviet ASTP stamps and canceled in Moscow.


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posted 02-25-2025 05:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for yeknom-ecaps   Click Here to Email yeknom-ecaps     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Artcraft did design/print cachets for other organizations/businesses — a hint might be the logo in the lower right hand corner of the cachets.

The image is not large enough in this image to read.

Antoni RIGO

Posts: 347
From: Palma de Mallorca, Is. Baleares - SPAIN
Registered: Aug 2013

posted 02-28-2025 12:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Antoni RIGO   Click Here to Email Antoni RIGO     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for the answers Alan and Tom.

See a close-up image.

I hope it can read now. Otherwise the logo stands for Postal Commemorative Society.


Posts: 925
From: Northville MI USA
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posted 02-28-2025 10:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for yeknom-ecaps   Click Here to Email yeknom-ecaps     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, these were specifically produced for the "society" members by Artcraft. Artcraft could not just add the logo to their cachets sold to "anyone."

Society members were paying a premium for society covers so similar but different cachets were produced.

The society was really just mass-marketing to non-stamp collectors that ultimately lowered the value of FDCs.

Antoni RIGO

Posts: 347
From: Palma de Mallorca, Is. Baleares - SPAIN
Registered: Aug 2013

posted 03-01-2025 06:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Antoni RIGO   Click Here to Email Antoni RIGO     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for this additional info Tom, which was unknown for me. A pleasure you share your wide philatelic knowledge with others.

Robert Pearlman

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posted 03-01-2025 12:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Robert Pearlman   Click Here to Email Robert Pearlman     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
From collectSPACE reader Stephane Sebile:
A scan of my Artcraft 1958 IGY FDC.

Bob M

Posts: 2016
From: Atlanta-area, GA USA
Registered: Aug 2000

posted 03-02-2025 01:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bob M   Click Here to Email Bob M     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great Artcraft FDC and stamp, Stephane, and most appropriate to be autographed by both James A. van Allen and William H. Pickering, who were involved with the Explorer 1 satellite that discovered the Van Allen Radiation Belts around Earth during IGY. And also during the IGY, the Soviet Union launched Sputniks 1, 2 and 3; a great year in space exploration.

Here are two more Artcraft space stamp FDCs with two more excellent designed cachets. The top cover commemorates US space achievements in 1981 and has one stamp from the block of 8 stamps from that issue - with an image in the cachet closely resembling the stamp. Walter C. Williams, NASA Chief Engineer, 1975-82, signed the cover.

The bottom Artcraft FDC is a joint production of Chris Calle's, who designed the stamp, and Ken Havekotte's, who used the stamp to create an impressive quadruple-cancel unofficial FDC for the 20th anniversary of the first moon landing (cancels from KSC, Cape Canaveral, Merritt Island and Titusville, FL).

Ken Havekotte

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posted 03-03-2025 12:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ken Havekotte   Click Here to Email Ken Havekotte     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Good to see some of those high-quality engraved Artcraft first day covers with space exploration themes. I, too, have acquired Artcraft first day covers during my 55-years of space cover collecting, but also, with Fleetwood and Artmaster cachet makers that I have always admired, among a few others too.

Unfortunately, as Bob pointed out, there are no further Artcraft covers during the last decade as they are no longer available. First produced in 1939 by the Washington Stamp Exchange, the decreased volume of sales could no longer sustain the high cost of their production for all U.S. stamp first day cover issues. Millions of covers were produced up to 2015 with nearly 100 different space-themed Artcraft covers printed.

Just like Bob, Antoni, and Stephane, here are nearly three dozen more Artcraft space first day covers with authentic signatures of astronauts, rocket and space pioneers, other Space Age leaders, and scientists. Most of the signers should be recognized and note that each autograph pertains to his aerospace career in connection to the space cover theme.

They should be perfect fits so-to-speak and my apologies to Bob for using similar covers signed by Glenn and Armstrong. But it just goes to show that we know there are at least two Project Gemini Artcraft FDC's signed by the first man to walk on the moon. On the contrary though, there must be thousands of Glenn-signed Project Mercury 4-cent stamped first day covers by the first American to orbit the earth. Most of the other astronaut signed covers below are vintage signatures of the late 1960's to early 1970's.

Not included below are many more autographed Artcraft first day cachet covers with different cachets not yet seen. Thanks for looking and the support in sharing space cover topics with us like this. It's much appreciated.

Bob M

Posts: 2016
From: Atlanta-area, GA USA
Registered: Aug 2000

posted 03-04-2025 10:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bob M   Click Here to Email Bob M     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Along with Ken's large and impressive display of more Artcraft space stamp FDCs with autographs by many space personalities, I've now shown more Artcraft signed covers from my collection.

Below are twelve Artcraft FDCs, with each autographed by a well-known US space program leader of the Mercury-Gemini-Apollo era.

All these I've now shown resulted from my collecting the "old fashioned way," in that they all came from requests I sent through the mail (TTM) to each person. Finding addresses and the time and effort in preparing and mailing out autograph requests was quite an involved process. But the payoff was generally good results and the anticipation of daily mail delivery with something often coming from NASA.

Now, eBay purchases are the current collector's primary means of acquiring space autographs for their collections and probably much of their time spent now is surfing eBay and sending out payment via PayPal.

Those signing these twelve covers are a virtual Who's Who in US space exploration history. I've included little extra information about their illustrious careers because most have added career information themselves.

Those very knowledgeable of US space exploration history should know the names of these 12 significant space program personalities who's autographs are found below:

James Webb, T. Keith Glennon, Robert Seamans, Robert Gilruth, Joseph Shea, Sam Phillips, John Houbolt, Eugene Shoemaker, Joseph Gavin, Thomas Kelly, Guenther Wendt and Carl Seiberlich.

Webb and Glennon were the first two NASA Administrators

After the Apollo 1 fire, Sam Phillips was appointed Apollo Program Director

Houbolt was instrumental in NASA selecting LOR for Apollo lunar missions

Gavin and Kelly led Grumman's design and development of the Lunar Module

All times are CT (US)

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