Space Cover 640: Space Achievements 1971 FDCsThe USPS has issued several "Space Achievements" multi-stamp issues. The 'Space Achievements' issue of 1971 depicts the Earth, Sun, Lunar Module, the Lunar Roving Vehicle and astronauts. Two 8-cent se-tenant stamps commemorating a decade of space achievements were placed on sale August 2, 1971, at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, and Houston, Texas. However, first day covers were postmarked at three different post offices (Kennedy Space Center, Florida; Houston, Texas; and Huntsville, Alabama rather than the usual one because of extraordinary popularity of the space program at the time of issuance.
This issue was designed by Robert T. McCall of Paradise Valley, Arizona. Upon close examination of this issue one can see that it has an accurate depiction of the Lunar Rover, sitting on the Lunar surface. The Apollo Lunar Module can also be seen in the background. This issue (pair) came in sheets of 50 (100 individual stamps), with an initial printing of 150 million.
Though covers with individual First Day of Issue cancellations are very common, it is more difficult to find a cover with multiple different post office first day of issue cancels on the same cover. The one pictured above has a Houston FDI machine cancel and a Huntsville FDI hand cancel.
Looking at the two cancels reminded me of something that most collectors have not noticed – there are TWO different FDI machine cancels from Huntsville. The difference is the "R" in "FIRST" with the first version being wider and a "Curve" to the diagonal line while the second is narrower and has a "Straight" diagonal like the hand cancel.
Kennedy Space Center and Houston FDI machine cancel only have the wider version.
Interestingly, FDCs from the same cachet maker can have both of the different cancels as shown with the Space City Cover Society covers depicted above.
I don't know if a breakdown is known of the quantity of the two cancels produced but it seems that the wider cancel is more prevalent.
So, while you are on the hunt for the 1971 Decade of Space Achievements FDCs covers, see if you can find the Huntsville variety...