Space Cover 582: INTA-NASA Madrid red meter (part 2)Above pictured cover is unique in any way. It commemorates the launch of Pioneer G spacecraft (most known as Pioneer 11) and is canceled Madrid Apr 6, 1973.
INTA-NASA Madrid red meter shows a face value of 0000 but it is not a proof.
Collector who made this cover was authorized to use this INTA-NASA Madrid red meter with the acceptation of no charging the machine with any amount. So, it was free of cost for Spanish space agency.
In order to avoid that covers came out with face value, collector added one stamp with face value (which is too an anomaly in philately as meters do not require usage of stamps, the own meter comprises postage, cancel and propaganda).
Philatelic full details for this red meter are as follows:
INTA-NASA INTA-NASA ESTACION ESPACIAL DE MADRID MANNED SPACE FLIGHT NETWORK Apartado 50860 MADRID-SPAIN red meter number 6192 was a Francotyp machine with date of uses from Jun 22, 1969 until Oct 25, 1974, when it was retired. So, this INTA-NASA Madrid red meter was only in service for five years.
And why this Spanish space cover is unique?.
For all Spanish space covers with INTA-NASA Madrid red meter it was always used the meter number 6191(see SCOTW 581) and just for the launch of Pioneer G, and only for this launch, the red meter number 6192 was used.