Space Cover #330: MR-3 Space Craft Limited Edition CoversWe've discussed the Swanson Space Craft Limited Edition Mercury-Redstone 3 covers before, and shown several, but this week I'd like to show more, that includes a special one with a cancel added on the 50th anniversary of MR-3.
Carl Swanson produced 300 of these limited edition MR-3 covers and having one in your collection is a must.
I'm glad to have two, with one acquired from E&E Space Covers (Ed and Eddie Bizub) years ago and my second, acquired a few years ago that Eddie gave special attention to. That double canceled cover is the highlight cover this week.
That cover, number 215 of 300, has a second cancel dated May 5, 2011 from Cape Canaveral to mark the 50th anniversary of MR-3. And as noted on the back of the cover by Eddie, on that special day, it "...was placed on the launch table at Launch Complex 5 at the Cape Canaveral AFS....for the 50th anniversary of Alan Shepard's Mercury Redstone-3 launch."
To make these covers even more special, Eddie affixed the just-released Shepard/MR-3 commemorative stamps to his anniversary covers. Below the cover is an information stuffer card that was inserted inside all the MR-3 Special Edition Space Craft covers.

The top cover is from Ken Havekotte's collection, which Shepard signed in person, with "Freedom 7" added. The cover below was acquired from E&E Space Covers back in the '80's and then signed by Shepard.
While only 300 of these special MR-3 covers were made, they can still be found and possibly Eddie still has some available, along with some canceled for the 50th anniversary.
Note: I'm filling in for Ray Cartier this week, as Ray has had serious health problems, but I'm very glad to say has been recovering well. We wish him the best and are looking forward to having him back posting with the rest of the SCOTW gang.