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  Space Cover of the Week: Index and comments

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Author Topic:   Space Cover of the Week: Index and comments
Bob M

Posts: 1917
From: Atlanta-area, GA USA
Registered: Aug 2000

posted 04-20-2009 07:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bob M   Click Here to Email Bob M     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is to announce the start of a weekly series in the "Stamps and Covers" section of collectSPACE that will be entitled "Space Cover of the Week." To promote and encourage space cover collecting, several of us ATA/Space Unit members have decided to begin a series that will feature a different space cover here each week.

At this time, only a few of us will participate in this weekly feature, but we invite others to join us and contribute with some of their own special covers.

We intend to span the large and rich field of astrophilately, which will include covers marking mostly significant space events, but occasionally even little-known events will be included. This series will display many various covers, cachets and cancels, along with information about them, that will show how meaningful and interesting collecting space covers can be.

We plan to continue this weekly series with a new cover every Monday and will begin with a cover that marks the beginning of one famous spacecraft's long road to space and into history.

  1. Columbia's Overland Move
  2. The X-15's Teething Pains
  3. RMS First Deploy and Testing
  4. Apollo-Soyuz Test Project
  5. Hubble Space Telescope
  6. Apollo 10 Recovery
  7. Apollo 17, Last Men on Moon
  8. Maiden Shuttle Launches
  9. STS-125 Launch Delay 9/2008
  10. ASTP Tracking Station
  11. Apollo 11 Bendix Cachet
  12. Apollo 11 Paul Calle Cachet
  13. Apollo 11 TV Brought to Earth
  14. Apollo 11 Moonlanding
  15. Apollo 11 20th Anniversary
  16. Mariner 6 and 7 Reach Mars
  17. DOD Manned Orbiting Lab
  18. Hubble Space Telescope
  19. X-24B Official Cachets
  20. First Lifting Body That Wasn't
  21. First Men on the Moon 40th
  22. Gemini V in Space
  23. ASTP Launch Cover
  24. LOFT-1 Rocket Flown Cover
  25. Gemini's Paraglider
  26. Tracking Skylab
  27. SL-4 Recovery Retun to Port
  28. Cassini Mission to Saturn
  29. Space Stamps
  30. All Shook Up!
  31. Lunar Prospector
  32. Ares I-X Launch
  33. Sam I Am!
  34. Milestone Shuttle Launches
  35. Clusters' Last Stand
  36. LCROSS Impact on the Moon
  37. Shuttle SRB Retrieval Ships
  38. Soyuz 4/Soyuz 5 turns hot
  39. V-2 Test, Made in the USA
  40. Gemini Twin Stamp FDC
  41. Tracking or Recovery?
  42. STS-107/Columbia
  43. John Glenn Returns to Space
  44. Stafford Gets Scrubbed
  45. V-2, Is That You?
  46. Space artist Bob McCall
  47. Space Junk to Space Cover
  48. Mercury Stamp FDC's
  50. Apollo 13 Grumman Cover
  51. Apollo 13, Lucky Number 13
  52. Apollo 13: "At least something worked"
  53. Apollo 13 Covers
  54. Apollo 13 PRS USS Iwo Jima
  55. Mercury Pad Abort Test
  56. Mercury's Original Iron Man
  57. Two for One
  58. ASTP Cachet and Cancellations
  59. Early Apollo KSC cachets
  60. The First KSC Cachet
  61. Willow, Hawaiian Missile Mail
  62. Just Another Redstone?
  63. MSFC Skylab & ASTP RSCs
  64. Helios Offical NASA Cachet
  65. Revisiting Mariner II
  66. Secret Space Stamp
  67. Testing the Saturn Engine
  68. SRB Static Firing RSC
  69. Unofficial Space FDCs
  70. Gemini 5 Velvetone Cachet
  71. USS Essex & Apollo 1 Fire
  72. Armstrong Gets His Wings
  73. Comet Kohoutek
  74. The Space Age: Day One
  75. A Space Suit Precursor(?)
  76. Scatback the Space Monkey
  77. Did Harry notice?
  78. Solar Max Repair Mission
  79. Mir-Flown Kniga Cover
  80. John McKay
  81. Mt. Palomar and V-2 Test
  82. Did Morris Beck notice?
  83. SRB Parachute Test Cover
  84. Smithsonian Milestones of Flight
  85. Space City Cover Society Covers
  86. Rarest of the Gemini PRS Covers
  87. X-Plane Pilot and Apollo 16?
  88. Apollo Insurance Covers
  89. Viking Parachute Test Covers
  90. First Recovery Ship Cover?
  91. Unflown STS-8 Challenger Cover?
  92. USS Fox and Apollo 10? No but...
  93. Shuttle Multi-Canceled Covers
  94. Pioneer-Venus Parachute Landing Tests
  95. Do-It-Yourself Dyna-Soar
  96. Famous NASA test pilot Fred Drinkwater?
  97. Apollo 17 S-II Arrives at KSC
  98. Discovery of Uranus Ring System
  99. Rockwell Space Division Stamp Club Covers
  100. Triple Digits!!!
  101. Hail Columbia!
  102. Special Message from USS Intrepid
  103. Distinct USS Okinawa Cover
  104. Yuri Gagarin
  105. US Space Covers with Only Foreign Postage
  106. Saturn S-II Stage Test
  107. USS Midway V-2 Rocket Test, 1947
  108. First US Man in Space 50th Anniversary
  109. Soyuz-28 Intercosmos Cosmonaut
  110. Alan Shepard, MR-3 Launch Covers
  111. The Douglas Skyrocket
  112. Did the USS Myles C. Fox participate or not?
  113. Apollo Admirals' Covers
  114. Soyuz 3 Flight
  115. Space Anniversary Covers
  116. A 4th of July Surprise
  117. A Unique Aussie Cover
  118. Test Pilot Mike Adams' flown X-15 cover
  119. When the Race for Space Began
  120. ASTP Precursor Soyuz 16
  121. World's 1st Privately Funded Rocket
  122. X-2 Flown Cover
  123. Cosmic-Ray Research Flight
  124. SR.53 Rocketplane
  125. Viking missions to Mars
  126. More Viking Mars Covers
  127. Palestine, TX Balloon Cover
  128. Double Cancels
  129. Early Arkansas Space Covers
  130. Palomar Mountain
  131. Skylab space station
  132. Captain's Covers for First U.S. Orbital Flights
  133. The Misunderstood Mercury-Scout
  134. Lifting Body and Hot Rod
  135. USS Observation Island
  136. Rollout of Shuttle Enterprise
  137. Astronaut Autographed NASA/KSC VIP Cards
  138. Edwards Rocket Test Site Postmarks
  139. James Lovell Czech in Space
  140. Space Craft Covers Season's Greetings From the Moon
  141. Russian Apollo-Soyuz Test Project FDCs
  142. Space Shuttle's Final Flight
  143. Forrest Petersen
  144. Unknown USS Guam Atlantic Recovery Force, 1970
  145. Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center dedication
  146. STS-135 Shuttle Flight Directors
  147. Space Stamp First Day Covers
  148. John Glenn launch scrub
  149. Glenn Fever!
  150. After the Flight Glenn Fever Continues
  151. Paul Calle's Mercury astronauts
  152. Payload specialist Robert Wood
  153. Morris Beck Crew Covers
  154. Apollo-Saturn V Center Grand Opening Cover
  155. Erin Creek Missile Launch
  156. First Space Shuttle Cover?
  157. NASA Comes, Cities Go
  158. Soyuz 12
  159. Space Cover Cachet Errors
  160. Mercury Atlas-7 USS Pierce
  161. Yeager Flown X-1A Cover, 1953
  162. Carpenter General Space Craft Covers Cachet
  163. Voskhod 1 covers
  164. John Glenn/Friendship 7 50th
  165. Bob White and the X-15
  166. Early Station Related Postmark
  167. A Gemini 4 Mystery Cover
  168. Shuttle Crew Escape Sled Tests
  169. Flown on final shuttle flight
  170. X-15 (incl. Boy Scout cachet)
  171. who was Barbara Baker?"
  172. Bumerang really a Boomerang?
  173. Space shuttle RCS testing
  174. Viking: 36 years before Curiosity
  175. M2 Lifting Body Cachets
  176. RIP Neil Armstrong,1930-2012
  177. Goldey Space Cover Page
  178. Félix or Félicette?
  179. Pioneer Venus Program
  180. Enterprise and the ALT Program
  181. HL-10 Lifting Body Cachets
  182. About a Date?"
  183. STS Abort Landing Sites
  184. Soyuz 30 Intercosmos
  185. Multi-signed and well-traveled
  186. Wally!
  187. Orange?"
  188. NAASM card?
  189. Soyuz-31 Intercosmos Cosmonaut
  190. Astronaut Flown Covers
  191. Celebrating Apollo 17 in covers
  192. Numeroff X-15 Flown Cover
  193. A Skylab 4 Holiday to Remember
  194. Soyuz-36 Intercosmos Cosmonaut
  195. Shuttle Carrier Aircraft Flown Covers
  196. Joe Walker
  197. Which One is It?"
  198. Discoverer 26 AKA Corona 9019
  199. Canadian Astronaut Stamps FDC
  200. Teacher in Space Project
  201. Apollo 11 Flight Directors
  202. Life?
  203. Before Skylab and Mir - MOL
  204. "El Kabong" Dropped at Fort Hood
  205. Kennedy Space Center cancels
  206. Flown on Soyuz, Mir, Atlantis
  207. Scott Crossfield
  208. Triskaidekaphobia!
  209. Vandy Officials
  210. Rocket, Tin Can Mail at Niuafo'ou
  211. NASA's 25th Anniversary Cancel
  212. Heritage Craft Apollo Covers
  213. The Last Mercury
  214. "You Call These Space Covers?"
  215. USS Barbero missile mail
  216. Tracking Map Envelopes
  217. Friedrick Tsander
  218. Apollo 11 Anniversary Covers
  219. Fifty Years of Women in Space
  220. Deke!
  221. Fireproof mail
  222. Launch Security
  223. One Small Step
  224. ASSESS-2 Spacelab Simulation
  225. "Chasing" the Space Shuttle
  226. Bob Rushworth and the X-15
  227. Sam, Miss Sam Monkeynauts
  228. Boilerplate mail
  229. Kennedy Visits McDonnell
  230. Pioneer Venus Parachute Test
  231. A Tribute to Skylab
  232. ASSET 1
  233. A Lab in the Sky, Skylab!
  234. The Skylab is falling
  235. Skylab Development, Support
  236. SSS Explorer-45 Launch
  237. Skylab Prime Recovery Ships
  238. Skylab suit fit check covers
  239. Almost Impossible!
  240. AS-201
  241. Flight Director Randy Stone
  242. FAR OUT! Pioneer 10, Voyager 1
  243. Milt Thompson and the X-15
  244. Apollo 8 Confirms Santa Claus
  245. USS Yorktown Apollo 8 Recovery
  246. Pioneer Venus
  247. Apollo 8: Off to the Moon!
  248. Apollo 8 TWA Cachet
  249. Schirra Doesn't Pull the D-Ring
  250. 1966 Voyager Test
  251. IAF Congress 1973
  252. First Shuttle Landing at KSC
  253. Pete Knight and the X-15
  254. Flown on Regulus 2, Venice, Fla.
  255. Parachutes and Gemini 6A
  256. Russia's Collectors Day 1961
  257. Tribute to Bill Pogue and Skylab 4
  258. Bill Dana and the X-15
  259. The Mercury 13!
  260. USS Algol and Apollo 9
  261. Buzz opts not to commercialize
  262. "First To The Stars" exhibit
  263. Little Joe II
  264. Bill Dana, Rest in Peace
  265. R/V Neil Armstrong Christened
  266. To the Stars Philatelic Exhibition
  267. My Favorite Space Cover Cachets
  268. X-15 First Glide Flight
  269. Charles Riser Covers, Too Good to be True?
  270. Troubled Flight for the X-15
  271. To The Stars Philatelic Exhibition
  272. "We have a cutoff..."
  273. Ranger 7 at 50
  274. Voyager 1, Are We There Yet?
  275. Keweenaw Rocket Range
  276. Apollo Soyuz Test Project anniversary
  277. Apollo-Soyuz Test Project: After Splashdown
  278. The MX-324 – America's First Manned Rocketplane
  279. Big Joe, Not Your Average Joe
  280. Neil Armstong Burial at Sea
  281. Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Anniversary
  282. Flown Into the Stratosphere Balloon Cover
  283. First launch at Cape Canaveral
  284. SpaceShipOne Takes the X-Prize
  285. Incredible 4-inch flight of MR-1
  286. Pegsat
  287. Apollo-Soyuz anniversary
  288. TM-18 and Mir space station
  289. Hubble Trouble: Deploy and Repair
  290. Development of the X-15 Engine
  291. Limited edition Space Craft Covers
  292. Ariel 1
  293. SRB Nosecap Ejection Tests
  294. Lt. Uhura and Sally Ride
  295. Planet Pluto: 1930 to 2015
  296. The First Spacecraft Cachet
  297. Happy New Year!
  298. Gemini 5 Space Craft Cover
  299. Soyuz TMA-15M launch to ISS
  300. Soviet crashed nuclear sats
  301. Pilot Tom McMurtry: A Tribute
  302. Gemini 2 at 50
  303. Hubble Muddle Toil and Trouble
  304. MA-7 Captain's Covers
  305. Viking 1, Arecibo and boulders
  306. Pioneer 10/11 and Mariner 10
  307. Orion EFT-1 Launch & Recovery
  308. What, a Beck Space Cover?
  309. Gemini 3 at 50
  310. Nation of Celestial Space
  311. International Ultraviolet Explorer
  312. Japan Planet B to Mars
  313. Mars Observer disappears
  314. X-1 First Supersonic 50th
  315. Shuttle launch from San Clemente
  316. Glenn MA-6 flight NASA locations
  317. Small Astronomy Satellite
  318. XCOR EZ Rocket First Flight
  319. John Glenn at 94: A Tribute
  320. Gemini 4 at 50
  321. Astronaut arrest scrubs mission!
  322. Apollo 11 Hornet dual cancels
  323. SEASAT-A Launch
  324. ASTP at 40 years
  325. ASTP +40: Pre-launch covers
  326. ASTP +40: Favorite flight covers
  327. Pluto Has A Heart!
  328. Dawn Arrives at Ceres
  329. Vostok 2
  330. MR-3 Space Craft LE covers
  331. Gemini 5 at 50: USS Du Pont
  332. Barking Sands Rocket Launches
  333. Goodbye, Pluto!
  334. HEAO-C Launch
  335. Thor-Able Minnie Mouse
  336. Barbarella rocket launch
  337. Atlantis 30th Anniversary
  338. Engle Goes for Three
  339. Robot Astronaut!
  340. Apollo 17 return to port?
  341. SITE communications (India)
  342. US Balloon flights, 1933-4
  343. Centaure rocket launch
  344. Slick-Six and Polar Express
  345. The X-2 Lights Its Fire
  346. Lucky Flight of Apollo 13
  347. Gemini 3 Tracking Ship
  348. Shenzou 5 Mission
  349. Christmas in Space
  350. Kronogård launch site
  351. SRB Retrieval Ship Covers
  352. Gemini 7/6 at 50
  353. Baker's flown X-15 covers
  354. Crazy Cachets
  355. Khrushchev Mars 3 cover
  356. Rassvet MRM-1
  357. Edgar Mitchell: A Tribute
  358. Bassett and See
  359. Remembering Charlie Bassett
  360. Project Gemini (abort) cover
  361. SERT and PAET
  362. Viking Mars Landings
  363. Sun Eclipse Jun 30, 1973
  364. Tribute to Fred Haise
  365. The X-2 Spring
  366. A Station in Space!
  367. Glenn visits Hamburg
  368. GT-12 Captain's cover proof
  369. SvalRak launch site
  370. A Tribute to Wally Schirra
  371. Gemini 9A 'Spacewalk From Hell'
  372. Apollo 12 Hit by Lightning
  373. Skylab Workshop Re-entry
  374. MSFC Official Cachets
  375. First space shuttle crews named
  376. A Tribute to Bob Crippen
  377. Viking-A "turnaround" covers
  378. Gemini Hits Its Stride
  379. All seven astronauts!
  380. NASA’s Original Snoopy
  381. Istres, France TAL site
  382. Apollo 14 golf shot - signed
  383. ISEE-C
  384. STS-1 and STS-2 at 35
  385. The End of the X-2
  386. Cooper Flight
  387. Supersize That?
  388. STS-115 Launch
  389. Stratoscope II Balloon
  390. Santiago de Chile station
  391. GT-12's 50th Anniversary
  392. Stapp
  393. The Flight of XS-1
  394. Standard Oil: sat tracking?
  395. One Year on the Station
  396. STS-47 (Spacelab-J)
  397. Christmas in space
  398. GRAIL enter lunar orbit
  399. Lunar Module's First Flight
  400. Apollo Fire at 50
  401. Iven Kincheloe, Ace Test Pilot
  402. Project Bumper Atlas
  403. STS-60
  404. Soviet crashes in Americas
  405. Shenzhou 2
  406. Progress collision with Mir
  407. Joe Engle, A Tribute
  408. Surveyor 3 at 50
  409. Space monkeys everywhere!
  410. Company Business
  411. Shuttle SRB static test
  412. GT-12 proof Captain's cover
  413. Showa Station
  414. Soviet 'Space Bike'
  415. Space Shuttle's First Three Landing Sites
  416. Vladimir Komarov
  417. Early Gemini Space Covers
  418. Glenn Goldcraft Cards – They do exist!
  419. Helios-B Launch
  420. Proton rocket launch to Mars
  421. Columbus and his Lunar Eclipse
  422. ISS – the beginning
  423. STS-8: The Space Cover Flight
  424. Pete Knight Earns the DFC
  425. Vega Venus Balloon
  426. Scatback, Rarest of the Space Monkeys!
  427. Statue of Liberty FDC
  428. Apollo 15 Insurance Cover
  429. Marathon in space
  430. Vostok 3-4 group flight
  431. Astronaut Gene Cernan: A Tribute
  432. Not Quite Muroc
  433. Incredible Mission of Apollo 12!
  434. Gemini 4 Return-to-Port
  435. Moon or Mars Lander?
  436. A Requiem for Cassini
  437. Sputnik 60th anniversary
  438. Cassini-Huygens Tribute, Part 2
  439. First Spanish stamps launched to stratosphere
  440. V2 rocket comes to America!
  441. Not Supposed to Exist
  442. Soyuz 11 Crew Autographs
  443. Soyuz T-4 to Salyut 6
  444. Postmarked twice, no double cancels
  445. Golitsyno-2 postmark
  446. Apollo 17, 45th Anniversary
  447. An End to a Tragic 1967
  448. USS Yorktown Happy Holidays
  449. Rocket-powered Mach flight
  450. Columbia over Albuquerque
  451. Scrubbed launches
  452. Soyuz TM-24 crew change
  453. Farewell to Four Astronauts
  454. X-15 cover mystery solved
  455. Apollo 8 goes to the moon!
  456. GT-5 launch, splashdown
  457. MIA Minnie Mouse
  458. Shuttle Bedrest Tests
  459. Space places: Vernon
  460. Buran OK-GLI Story
  461. Anniversaries with a twist
  462. Ames Research Center
  463. Earliest Atlas Cover?
  464. Pioneer 11 Saturn encounter
  465. STS-107 foam impact tests
  466. Strongarm
  467. Ham's spaceflight delight!
  468. US Rockoons
  469. Leonov: Cosmonaut, artist
  470. Rarest Little Joe cover?
  471. US Space Stamps Sheet
  472. First American Rocketplane
  473. Range instrumentation ships
  474. SCC Skylab Covers?
  475. Pioneer-Venus 40th
  476. Suspect space cover cancels
  477. Space wheel, an old dream
  478. Soyuz T-13 to Salyut 7
  479. The ship that got there first
  480. MR-4 PRS w/added cachet
  481. The Redstone Missile
  482. Apollo 13 USS New Cancels
  483. What it took to be the best
  484. Uranus Ring Discovery
  485. Gemini parasail, paraglider
  486. Cachet portion used twice
  487. Soyuz TM-17 postmark error
  488. Tracing back rare cancels
  489. NASA's 60th Anniversary
  490. Apollo 7 at 50
  491. Great MA-4 Recovery
  492. NASA Mining Competition
  493. STS-71 Shuttle Mir
  494. NEEMO 9
  495. Chinese space covers
  496. ATV-5 Georges Lemaitre
  497. Apollo 8 50th anniversary
  498. Michael Adams' last flight
  499. Unsung Mother Planes
  500. Space Monkey Old Reliable
  501. Orbit Covers Binders
  502. Flash Gordon 'Mars Attacks'
  503. SOFIA observatory
  504. ATV-1 sails to Kourou
  505. Personal space dates
  506. USS Lake Champlain PRS
  507. Apollo 9 at 50
  508. '...before the big one!'
  509. Challenger recovery
  510. Apollo 16 observatory
  511. PRS cover cancels
  512. Corrected space cover
  513. MAKS 99
  514. Create your own cachets
  515. Another Riser Cover
  516. A Dyna-Soar Dig
  517. Apollo 11 goal achieved
  518. GaoFen-11 Launch
  519. Soyuz TMA-2 to the ISS
  520. Unnumbered Beck cachets
  521. STS-51J Houston postmark
  522. TUBSAT-N launch
  523. Montclair to the Moon
  524. Apollo 11 plus 50
  525. Apollo 11 Recovery
  526. Apollo 12, Ever a Sim?
  527. Apollo 10 Special Handling
  528. STS-40/SLS-1 Launch
  529. First postmaster in space
  530. CONTOUR mission
  531. Montclair to the Moon (2)
  532. NASA Lifting Body Aircraft
  533. Soyuz 6, 7, 8 Kniga
  534. Apollo 13 proves lucky
  535. Commercial recovery fleets
  536. Soyuz Club Cachets, Part 1
  537. San Marco launch site
  538. Who Is OSCAR?
  539. Robert Rank Velvet covers
  540. Apollo 11, plus 50
  541. Apollo 12 Recovery Team
  542. Orbit Covers with a Twist
  543. Apollo 11 50 Year Cancels
  544. Navstar-1 Launch
  545. Exhibiting tips for awards
  546. Sea Launch
  547. Unsual Swanson cachet
  548. Moon Map Space Covers
  549. Jim Irwin: A Tribute
  550. The Xf-91 Rocketplane
  551. Rocket Sled
  552. LAGEOS-A launch
  553. April 7, 1961 cover
  554. Koch cachet covers
  555. BIOS-2 Recovery Cover
  556. Remembering Al Worden
  557. Chuck Yeager: A Tribute
  558. X-23, 24, RV and X-38
  559. WWII USMC rockets
  560. Luna 3
  561. Enterprise ALT, SCA crews
  562. Club for the Future
  563. Club in the past
  564. Surveyor 6 Space Craft
  565. Robert Lawrence
  566. Spacelab's first flight
  567. HL-10 Lifting Body
  568. Tracking Project Mercury
  569. Mailer's Postmark Permit
  570. Kosmos-782
  571. Astronaut air accidents
  572. China, first sea launch
  573. Doc's Local Post
  574. Artwork of Robert McCall
  575. Shuttle orbiters first flights
  576. M2-F2 and F3 lifting body
  577. NASA cachets from KSC
  578. Multiple space FDI cover
  579. Ultraviolet Explorer
  580. Comet Kohoutek
  581. INTA-NASA Madrid (part 1)
  582. INTA-NASA Madrid (part 2)
  583. Apollo 7 Beck cachets
  584. Neil Armstrong's first flight
  585. The X-24B lifting body
  586. X-24B lifting body, part 2
  587. Von Braun rocket team
  588. Veronique Rocket
  589. TESS
  590. Life found on Mars (?)
  591. NASA-INTA Las Palmas
  592. NASA STDN Madrid
  593. Clyde Sarzin
  594. Katzowitz's cancels
  595. My First Space Cover
  596. STS-8 cancellation error
  597. Dutch Space Travel Archives
  598. 51L signed launch cover
  599. USS Furse GT-4
  600. MA-6 USS Antietam
  601. Quarantine
  602. Politicians in Space
  603. What's a Muroc?
  604. Gemini 3 'Space Twins'
  605. Chimp-onauts
  606. Early STS Test Cover
  607. Shuttle Mission 51-D
  608. X-15 rocketplane records
  609. Cover without postmark
  610. Possible 2nd Enos SCC
  611. Gemini IV
  612. Carpenter and Aurora 7
  613. Soyuz 11 at 50
  614. Mercury 7 astronauts
  615. GT-3 recovery mysteries
  616. HEAO-C launch
  617. Johnston Island launches
  618. Shaba launch site
  619. USS John Young tie-in
  620. H.N. Local Post Cover
  621. NASA MSFC Anniversary
  622. Conestoga 1 private launch
  623. Apollo 13 emergency ships
  624. Tereshkova visits home
  625. Commercial astronauts
  626. Zaragoza TAL site
  627. Gemini 2 Beck Crew Cover
  628. Venera 4 mission
  629. A launch on my birthday
  630. X-1 Rocket Flight at 75
  631. Sokolsky Cachets
  632. Cassini's Grand Finale
  633. Soviet 'Mars 1' club cachets
  634. Ariel 1 tracking ship
  635. Supposed to be an SCC?
  636. Rank flocked Apollo 1
  637. Soviet 'criminals'
  638. Surprise Apollo 11 ONCs
  639. Titan II at 60
  640. Space Achievements 1971
  641. Landsat 50th anniversary
  642. Cooper at Hickam AFB
  643. The Jupiter Effect
  644. Gemini 3 double cancel
  645. Great Ukrainians in Space
  646. Apollo 1 replica ONC
  647. Apollo 16 at 50
  648. M2-F2 Glide Flights
  649. Flown to the Moon
  650. Mars Hope tracking covers
  651. Unusual Apollo 15 with error
  652. Apollo 11 Coin FDC
  653. Early Soviet Satellite Comms
  654. OFTs: Shuttle and Starliner
  655. X2 First Glide Flight
  656. First Beck Space Cover
  657. Women in space
  658. Pegasus, rockets and debris
  659. Telestar-1 active comsat
  660. Apollo 11 splashdown
  661. ASTP modern postmarks
  662. Fourth of July space events
  663. SMEAT and canned meat
  664. Andromeda FDC
  665. Fred Haise and the X-15
  666. First moon rocket launch
  667. We Choose the Moon
  668. Postponed launches
  669. Pioneering balloon flights
  670. Shuttle-Mir docking postmarks
  671. Teacher-In-Space, Part 2
  672. Russian launches at Wallops
  673. Ukraine Unofficial FDC
  674. Happy 140th Dr. Goddard
  675. SpaceX Inspiration4
  676. ASTP recovery APS covers
  677. Apollo lunar module in space
  678. Apollo 17 at 50
  679. NASA Group 2 selection
  680. US joins the space race
  681. Apollo 16 lunar surface UVC
  682. GT-6 scrub tracking ship?
  683. Space Shuttle STS-107
  684. Lunokhod 2 at 50 years
  685. NASA contractor covers
  686. D-558-II Skyrocket First Flight
  687. Apollo 11 FDC Extra Cancel
  688. STS-107 debris search
  689. Bion-10
  690. Gemini 6A 'borrowed' cachet
  691. TKM-Volna ICBM flown
  692. Unusual carried covers
  693. Joe Kittinger
  694. No Cancel, No Problem!
  695. Apollo 11 and USS Arlington
  696. USNS Croatan mobile range
  697. Chelyabinsk 10th anniversary
  698. Unicover Apollo 11 cachets
  699. Ferry Flight Stopovers
  700. LLRV and LLTV
  701. Brigadier General Aldrin
  702. Sputnik, Arkansas and Grechko
  703. Challenger landing at KSC
  704. Gemini-6/7 NASA cachet error
  705. Firsts by women astronauts
  706. X-24B taxi tests
  707. Surveyor Program
  708. Discoverer recoverer
  709. STS-67 numbered cover
  710. Marisat satellites
  711. Rank combo cancellations
  712. June 8, 1937 solar eclipse
  713. Covers with appropriate stamps
  714. The Ranger Program
  715. Lunar Orbiter Program
  716. Liberty Bell 7
  717. With or without cachet?
  718. Reused recovery cachets
  719. All in the family
  720. USS Alstede, Skelley cachet
  721. My favorite X-15 covers
  722. Skylab 3 at 50
  723. Sally-Amy-Moe Zero over One
  724. Echo
  725. Not a cover but a memento
  726. My Mom Heard The Landing!
  727. Colonel Frank Borman
  728. Launch excitement VIP cards
  729. Ken Mattingly: A Tribute
  730. X-15 and U-2
  731. MOL and its pilots
  732. Lunar Prospector
  733. Mismatched image and event
  734. Explorer-1 Whitney with a twist
  735. Autographed, unfinished business
  736. Port Canaveral Post Office
  737. USS Noa and MA-6 recovery
  738. Yeager Flies the M2F1
  739. Project Mercury FDC
  740. Vostok 1
  741. Hand and mechanical postmark
  742. A Tale of two Saturn V's
  743. Fort Bliss Centennial Stamp
  744. That image looks familiar
  745. 'Decade' on Apollo 15 PRS
  746. Gene May and the Skyrocket
  747. More Orbit Covers
  748. STS-8 flown cover error
  749. Fulton Stamp shuttle cover
  750. The launch that started it all
  751. The General. Tom Stafford.
  752. Orsino, Florida
  753. Favorite programs 1972-82
  754. Metered postage
  755. Gemini lesser-known ships
  756. Shenzhou 1 flown cover
  757. Shenlong space plane
  758. Bill Anders
  759. Rare Gemini-3 PRS covers
  760. Official city, unofficial cancel


Posts: 1303
From: Shady Side, Md
Registered: Sep 2004

posted 05-10-2009 10:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Apollo-Soyuz   Click Here to Email Apollo-Soyuz     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
We encourage comments from all space collectors especially Space Unit members. If you have a cover you would like to participate to the Cover of the Week feature, email Bob McLeod with your cover idea. We would like more participation from all. There are many different ways to collect. We are hoping to stimulate new collectors.


Posts: 1778
From: Washington, DC, USA
Registered: Apr 2003

posted 01-02-2024 02:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for micropooz   Click Here to Email micropooz     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It's hard to believe that Bob started Space Cover of the Week (SCOTW) almost 15 years, and 700+ articles ago! And it's still fun to write these!

Many thanks to Robert for giving us the forum to write about space covers and also for putting together the index of articles you see above. That index has been used a zillion times by us SCOTW authors to see if we've already covered a subject, or what else has been said about a subject. But we're a victim of our own success because sorting through 700+ entries is getting difficult (But Robert, please don't stop adding to the index!).

So, I have developed an Excel spreadsheet, breaking down our first 734 articles (through 2023) into topics (e.g. - programs, flights, space places, collector info, etc). The spreadsheet is available to any of you collectors by sending me an email request. And I hope to update it after the end of each subsequent calendar year. My email addy is available by clicking the mail icon above this message.

All times are CT (US)

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