Many national flags incorporate red, white and blue. So combining them created a nice royal purple color which works well as a background color with the symbols.The outer border is gold as a nod to the more than 50 year history of "Capsule Communicators."
You'll notice radio waves emanating out into space from Houston. They are ghost stitched.
The symbols of past and current programs surround the design. Past programs are in gold current are in full color.
The "A" in CAPCOM is a modified Astronaut Symbol, another nod to the history of the position.
The "O" is the a split Moon/Mars representing past and future goals.
The stars pay tribute to the crews we lost on Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia.
It was a pleasure for Jorge Cartes R and I to help the CAPCOM Team realize their vision. I know they will wear it with pride.(Before anyone asks, there are no current plans to make this patch commercially available.)