Topic: ISS Expedition 44/45: Kimiya Yui's JAXA patch
MSS Member
Posts: 633 From: Poland Registered: May 2003
posted 02-21-2015 11:52 AM
Here is the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's (JAXA) patch for Kimiya Yui's Expedition 44/45 stay onboard the International Space Station:
Posts: 1310 From: Staten Island, New York USA Registered: Nov 2007
posted 02-21-2015 01:28 PM
Nice design using the ISS cupola as the back of what I believe is a sea turtle? I know Wally Schirra would be pleased!
Robert Pearlman Editor
Posts: 42984 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 03-20-2015 09:43 AM
From @Astro_Kimiya:
My name "Kimiya" means "Beautiful turtle" in Japanese. That's why a beautiful turtle on my JAXA mission patch.
p51 Member
Posts: 1642 From: Olympia, WA Registered: Sep 2011
posted 03-20-2015 08:52 PM
I assume someone has already given him the infamous, "Are you a turtle?" bit...
Robert Pearlman Editor
Posts: 42984 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 03-20-2015 09:50 PM
He is almost certainly aware of it given that he is an astronaut today because of the film "The Right Stuff." It was watching that movie (repeatedly, both alone and with his wife) that drove him to apply to be a JAXA astronaut.