Topic: NROL-39/Atlas V mission patch
SkyMan1958 Member Posts: 1214 From: CA. Registered: Jan 2011
posted 12-06-2013 02:55 PM
NROL-39 was launched last night (Dec. 5, 2013) from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. From its flight parameters it is inferred to be a radar reconnaissance satellite. Its mission patch is an octopus with arms surrounding the world and the phrase, "Nothing is Beyond Our Reach" at the bottom of the patch. I've already seen comments in the Russian media about how it is an evil looking octopus strangling the world. I'm a little surprised given the NSA's current PR disaster that the NRO didn't make a more politically-correct type patch. Of course, radar reconnaissance is typically a more military related endeavor as opposed to signal intelligence type satellites.  |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 48730 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 12-06-2013 02:57 PM
NRO spokesperson Karen Furgerson provided this explanation to Forbes: NROL-39 is represented by the octopus, a versatile, adaptable, and highly intelligent creature. Emblematically, enemies of the United States can be reached no matter where they choose to hide. "Nothing is beyond our reach" defines this mission and the value it brings to our nation and the warfighters it supports, who serve valiently all over the globe, protecting our nation. |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 48730 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 07-02-2014 01:15 PM
Business Insider received documents via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that show that the NROL-39 insignia was based on a hardware problem during testing of the satellite. The NRO coordination sheet, a document passed along with information about the logo meant for signatures up the chain of command contains an interesting handwritten note with the NRO Director's approval: "Ok," it reads, "A little sinister!!"While the agency came under fire for its choice of logo at a time of increased scrutiny on U.S. intelligence services, the documents show the logo was approved on Feb. 13, 2012, long before Snowden's disclosures. In an article meant for internal consumption at NRO and "The Five Eyes" intelligence services called "The Patch Story," the agency explains how it was thought up: "The secret origin of the patch is initially from [redacted] where the problem during the test stage in the thermal vacuum was traced to a large piece of cabling called an octopus harness," the article reads, while also mentioning the intelligence of the octopus and how it can reach prey in intricate spaces. "The running joke for the crew was that the octopus harness had taken over the world." |
James913 Member Posts: 305 From: Houston, TX Registered: Oct 2004
posted 07-03-2014 03:15 AM
Thanks for the new background info, Robert. Just in case anyone missed it, Jon Stewart did a hilarious bit on this patch on his Daily Show, concluding that: "Seriously, that logo is one terrified schoolgirl away from being a very popular comic in Tokyo..." |
Glint Member Posts: 1073 From: New Windsor, Maryland USA Registered: Jan 2004
posted 07-03-2014 12:01 PM
Just re-reading this thread again and something in the original post stood out: quote: Originally posted by SkyMan1958: Of course, radar reconnaissance is typically a more military related endeavor as opposed to signal intelligence type satellites.
Just wondered if there was some basis for this assumption, particularly the apparent inference that SIGINT missions are somehow less militarily related?Very nice patch. |
butch wilks Member Posts: 336 From: Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK Registered: Mar 2007
posted 09-14-2014 04:49 AM
I think it looks like an update to the logo for SPECTRE from the James Bond 007 moves, SPECTRE's logo being a Octopus. SPECTRE is an acronym for Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion. I think the Octopus on the patch means that the satellite has been taken over by SPECTRE.Plus, the Atlas 5 launch rocket had a patch made for it by the USAF launch team as part of its fundraising activities in the community. Known as the L-39 Bella patch it features Bella as a superhero, I think this is app as she is going to rescuer us all from the sinister NROL-39 Octopus satellite. | |
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