Topic: ISS Expedition 17 insignia
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42984 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 10-15-2007 05:26 PM
Expedition 17 insignia  Expedition 17 commander Sergei Volkov and Flight Engineer Oleg Kononenko will launch to the station aboard Soyuz TMA-12 in Spring 2008. Expedition 16 flight engineer Garrett Reisman, who will already be aboard the station, will join the Expedition 17 crew after they arrive. On STS-124, Discovery will deliver NASA astronaut Gregory Chamitoff to the station. He will replace Reisman as Expedition 17 flight engineer. Sandra Magnus, who launches on Endeavour's STS-126 mission, will in turn replace Chamitoff as the fifth and final member of the ISS 17 crew.
NavySpaceFan Member Posts: 655 From: Norfolk, VA Registered: May 2007
posted 10-15-2007 07:37 PM
Another nice one!!! |
Tom Member Posts: 1597 From: New York Registered: Nov 2000
posted 10-15-2007 09:44 PM
Any idea what the 19 stars represent (20 counting the larger one)? Thanks. |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42984 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 10-16-2007 03:22 PM
NASA posted today the insignia and its description to their website (four different versions: three crews and the nameless edition), but the symbolism behind 19 of the 20 stars is left unexplained: The Expedition 17 patch is meant to celebrate current human achievements in space as well as symbolize the future potential for continuing exploration. The Earth, represented at the bottom of the patch, is the base from which all space exploration activities initiate. The International Space Station (ISS), shown in low Earth orbit, illustrates the current level of space operations. The arrow and star point outwards, away from the Earth, towards the wider universe indicating the direction of future activities as human beings build on what has already been accomplished. The flags, representing the home countries of the crew members, Russia and the United States, are touching, highlighting the cooperative nature of the space program and symbolizing the merger of science and technical knowledge of these two experienced space-faring nations. |
Moonbase Alphan Member Posts: 108 From: Space City, Texas Registered: Dec 2006
posted 10-23-2007 03:44 PM
The Reisman version has just been slightly modified to center the name a bit better on the right hand side: |
FutureAstronaut Member Posts: 372 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted 11-23-2007 08:19 PM
I don't know where I had read this, but I was under the impression that all American/Russian joint missions that included flags had to have the American flag on the left. Does anyone know of this? it may be for just shuttle patches. |
KSCartist Member Posts: 2896 From: Titusville, FL USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted 11-24-2007 04:49 AM
The exception to this rule may be because the commander of this expedition is a Russian, Sergei Volkov. Not to mention they launch aboard the Soyuz.Obviously on a shuttle mission patch, the vehicle is built in the U.S. and the commander is always an American so our protocol for displaying the colors is observed. |
ShuttleDiscovery Member Posts: 152 From: Registered: Feb 2007
posted 03-19-2008 01:17 PM
Interesting that they're wearing the patch with just Reisman and Chamitoff. I suppose with STS-126 launching during the October Soyuz flight Magnus won't really be part of Expedition 17... Cropped from JSC2008-E-027004 |
PowerCat Member Posts: 193 From: Herington, KS, USA Registered: Feb 2006
posted 03-28-2008 02:04 PM
AB Emblem shows the Expedition 17 patch is available on their website. The design has no crew names. |
KSCartist Member Posts: 2896 From: Titusville, FL USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted 03-30-2008 04:01 AM
quote: Originally posted by ShuttleDiscovery: I suppose with STS-126 launching during the October Soyuz flight Magnus won't really be part of Expedition 17...
It looks like STS-126 may not fly until December. If that turns out to be the case, then Magnus won't be a member of Expedition 17 but instead Expedition 18. |
KAPTEC Member Posts: 578 From: Madrid, Spain Registered: Oct 2005
posted 03-30-2008 07:09 AM
And have a look at the "e" in KONONeNKO name on NASA's site. All the images had the wrong "e" instead the capital one "E" as seen on the patch... |
Harald Kraenzel Member Posts: 304 From: Dinslaken,Germany Registered: Nov 2005
posted 03-31-2008 01:12 PM
quote: Originally posted by PowerCat: The design has no crew names.
AB Emblem says they made Expedition 17 patches with three and four names for NASA but these will not be stocked and therefore will not be available for the public. Looks like that only the patch with no names will be available. |
Mike Z Member Posts: 451 From: Ellicott City, Maryland Registered: Dec 2005
posted 03-31-2008 11:29 PM
I was wondering what other patch collectors are thinking knowing that we may not be able to get the Expedition 17 patches with the astronauts' names? |
Bill Hunt Member Posts: 399 From: Irvine, CA Registered: Oct 2002
posted 04-01-2008 02:21 AM
I want patches as worn by the astronauts during the mission. That's kind of the whole point. I don't want a generic mission patch, I want the same patches the crew have. |
ShuttleDiscovery Member Posts: 152 From: Registered: Feb 2007
posted 04-01-2008 12:07 PM
Maybe they're just making one version with no names so they don't have the risk of wasting money making patches with the name of a particular crew member who never launched in time for that expedition due to delays (like Tani for example), or if they got replaced by a back-up crewmember for whatever reason. I too would like them to produce every version of the Expedition 17 patch but it makes sense just to make one with no names as it cheaper for the manufacturer and the buyer... |
Jacques van Oene Member Posts: 861 From: Houten, The Netherlands Registered: Oct 2001
posted 04-07-2008 09:41 AM
I think this will be the patch the crew is going to wear tomorrow on their Sokol suits. This photo was taken today, it's a four name Expedition 17 patch... |
Harald Kraenzel Member Posts: 304 From: Dinslaken,Germany Registered: Nov 2005
posted 04-08-2008 10:06 AM
NASA did update their Expedition 17 page. Looks like that we now can see the complete picture Jacques has enlarged the patch from. |
Jacques van Oene Member Posts: 861 From: Houten, The Netherlands Registered: Oct 2001
posted 04-08-2008 10:09 AM
So looking at the photos from today's crew walk out, I saw a four name Expedition 17 patch on their Sokol suits... |
KSCartist Member Posts: 2896 From: Titusville, FL USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted 04-08-2008 12:07 PM
Based on my communication with AB Emblem, the Astronaut Office has not approved a four name version, but has approved a three name version with either Reisman or Chamitoff as the third name.Maybe after STS-124 launches AB will be allowed to offer a four name version. |
Bill Hunt Member Posts: 399 From: Irvine, CA Registered: Oct 2002
posted 04-08-2008 07:20 PM
So let me see if I have this right:The three-name patch is the only one officially approved by NASA's astronaut office aside from the no-name patch, but... The four-name patch is the one being used by the Russians for the Sokol suits? |
KSCartist Member Posts: 2896 From: Titusville, FL USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted 04-10-2008 11:58 AM
I contacted JSC and requested some clarification to this apparent discrepancy between what AB currently offers and what we saw launched.Here is the reply (with my edits). Hopefully it will help us all understand why. Currently long-duration crewmembers are very limited on the number of names they can include on a patch before they fly. This is to minimize the number of patches produced with incorrect names, for instance in case of a shuttle launch slip or crew swap. The informal policy is that crewmembers can only order and launch with a limited number of patches with the names of the crewmembers that are currently on-board for their expedition (and their own name included). They are not to include names of crewmembers that have not yet flown. That way there won't be hundreds of patches lying around with the wrong names. Once they are on-board, the office orders more patches with the limited names. Once an expedition is complete, the patch with all the names of crewmembers that were on the expedition is produced. The only downside is that that complete patch did not fly with the crewmembers. The vendor makes a limited number "pre-production" patches with all the names for approval by the crew. In this case, you saw the only two full-name patches that I know of. These "pre-production" patches were delivered to Russia for the Sokol suits. So my take is that once Expedition 17 is complete AB Emblem should be able to offer a four name patch. |
KAPTEC Member Posts: 578 From: Madrid, Spain Registered: Oct 2005
posted 04-14-2008 05:02 AM
Anytime will be on board the ISS a three names patch? I do not believe it. |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42984 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 04-21-2008 09:18 PM
Jorge, believe it...  And zooming in on the Expedition 17 patch... You can also see Garrett Reisman wearing the same patch. |
Bill Hunt Member Posts: 399 From: Irvine, CA Registered: Oct 2002
posted 04-21-2008 11:27 PM
Fascinating. Reisman (in that linked image of the crew) is wearing the three-name version, but it still has the little dot near his name. Meanwhile, the three-name version without the dot goes up on the station bulkhead. And Volkov and Kononenko are both wearing the four-name verison, except that you can tell the patches are clearly of different manufacture, or were at least an earlier prototype. The thread colors are visibly different. So frankly, it seems as if the ONLY patch that isn't in space right now is the blank one that AB is selling to the public (unless someone posts a picture of that patch in orbit too)! |
Harald Kraenzel Member Posts: 304 From: Dinslaken,Germany Registered: Nov 2005
posted 04-22-2008 02:10 AM
And it looks like both patches (Reisman and Volkov/Kononenko) do have the "e" instead of an "E" in the name Kononenko. |
KAPTEC Member Posts: 578 From: Madrid, Spain Registered: Oct 2005
posted 04-22-2008 04:49 AM
quote: Originally posted by Robert Pearlman: Jorge, believe it...
As we said here in Spain I must to eat my words... You had the reason and I beg your pardon: here is the three names one. So we have (by the moment) two "official" patches, the three (on ISS) and the four (launch day) names... Will we get all of them, 3-4-5, but the no names as official patches at last? |
KSCartist Member Posts: 2896 From: Titusville, FL USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted 05-07-2008 07:16 AM
When the STS-124 crew arrived in Florida for their TCDT, was Greg Chamitoff wearing a three name Expedition 17 patch (Volkov, Kononenko, Chamitoff) or a four name version (with Reisman and Chamitoff) on the "American" side? |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42984 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 05-07-2008 07:19 AM
Chamitoff was wearing the four-name version: |
ShuttleDiscovery Member Posts: 152 From: Registered: Feb 2007
posted 06-09-2008 11:46 AM
The ISS now has the four name version onboard!Notice how Garrett has velcroed the three name one to his leg (the photo must have been taken just after they changed the patches). |
keith.wilson Member Posts: 87 From: Callander, Stirling, Scotland Registered: Jun 2002
posted 06-10-2008 03:56 PM
Latest photos coming down from the ISS show three different versions of the ISS Expedition 17 crew patch being worn by crewmembers! Check out photo S124-E-007918:4 name version (Reisman and Chamitoff) 3 name version (Reisman) 3 name version (Chamitoff) All official crew patches! |
lm5eagle Member Posts: 429 From: Registered: Jul 2007
posted 06-13-2008 02:39 AM
Well I have now seen photographs of individuals wearing three name and four name versions of the Expedition 17 patch and both versions displayed on interior of the ISS. But has anyone seen the no name patch being worn by any spacefarers? After all it is a NASA approved design, but to what avail if nobody uses it! |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42984 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 06-13-2008 08:41 AM
quote: Originally posted by lm5eagle: But has anyone seen the no name patch being worn by any spacefarers?
I am fairly certain I have seen it on NASA TV, or at least embroidered versions of it on ISS crew apparel, though have not captured any screenshots to share. There are also patches stowed in the ISS OFK, which could very well be the no name version. |
hoorenz Member Posts: 1031 From: The Netherlands Registered: Jan 2003
posted 05-19-2011 07:33 AM
It has been some time, but here is the version that was worn on the Sokols by Volkov and Kononenko.  Only 20 or so were made locally in Russia from the original artwork (like the TMA-12 patch that was on the same suits). This was before NASA got hold of the artwork and made their own digital version. You will notice that the "E" in Kononenko is in fact an "E" and not an "e", as was mistakenly drawn in the NASA artwork and translated into the embroidered AB Emblem patches. Also, the names are positioned more to the sides. |
hoorenz Member Posts: 1031 From: The Netherlands Registered: Jan 2003
posted 05-19-2011 08:03 AM
And here is a corrected "E" version of the AB Emblem patch, made last year when Kononenko and Volkov re-ordered it to use as gifts to museums and schools etc. |
hoorenz Member Posts: 1031 From: The Netherlands Registered: Jan 2003
posted 10-29-2014 02:09 AM
A video still showing production of the Chamitoff-only patch at AB Emblem. |