Topic: Jacques Tiziou's STS-121 "Birthplace" Emblem
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42984 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 06-27-2006 12:57 AM
From the designer of the Skylab 2 "wives" patch: The First Birthplace Emblem was an idea of Jacques Tiziou for the Discovery STS-121 crewmembers and designed with the help of Catherine Lari.  He is the Editor of JTNS (Jacques Tiziou News Service) in Washington DC . He graduated as an Aerospace Engineer, but after becoming a professional journalist. He has covered the Space Program since Sputnik 1 and first visited KSC and MSC in July 1962. Catherine is responsible for Space Education for the French Paris School System. She is the creator, director and animator of the French "Club Apollo." She is presently in the US to cover the STS-121 mission and learn more about the US Space Program. As he has done for many emblems since Apollo, and Skylab, Tiziou just copied the original crew patch and modified it. He made the emblem look more positive, with less black even if black is the color of Space. He drew a larger Space Shuttle Discovery, as seen after undocking from the ISS following a successful mission, ready to come back to Earth. He added atmospheric control flaps and what he thinks is the most important part of a Space Shuttle: A landing gear. The names of the crewmembers were replaced by their actual birthplaces as mentioned in their NASA bios, not what they consider as their hometowns. |
cspg Member Posts: 6210 From: Geneva, Switzerland Registered: May 2006
posted 06-27-2006 04:17 AM
Jaques Tiziou's name sounds familiar although I can't remember where from (I probably should since on this side of the Atlantic, most space info used to be in French for years- the web changed that considerably!). Does he have a web site? Never heard of his "alternate" Skylab 2" patch. |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42984 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 06-27-2006 05:48 AM
You may remember Tiziou from a similar post last year about his STS-114 tribute.Tiziou's Skylab II wives patch can be seen and read about on the lower half of Gene Dorr's page about the mission or on |
cspg Member Posts: 6210 From: Geneva, Switzerland Registered: May 2006
posted 06-27-2006 10:14 AM
Thanks for the info (and remembering me which radio stations he work(ed?) for. I used to listen to both of them but I haven't heard him for a while. |
Jacques van Oene Member Posts: 861 From: Houten, The Netherlands Registered: Oct 2001
posted 06-27-2006 01:35 PM
Are the astronauts going to wear it? Or someone is going to put them aboard Discovery? |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42984 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 06-27-2006 01:43 PM
No, but what sets apart Tiziou's designs from others is that they are made for the crew for their personal use (and I have personally seen past crew members with them). Not all emblems associated with a mission fly to space; that doesn't make them any less interesting. |