Topic: Michael Key's 3D printed models, dioramas
mode1charlie Member Posts: 1169 From: Honolulu, HI Registered: Sep 2010
posted 03-25-2014 07:38 PM
Looks fantastic! |
AussiePete Member Posts: 104 From: Adelaide, South Australia Registered: Jan 2014
posted 03-25-2014 09:27 PM
Wow Michael wow. Looks fantastic. |
history in miniature Member Posts: 600 From: Slatington, PA Registered: Mar 2009
posted 03-26-2014 12:54 PM
Michael, that is beautiful. |
Norman.King Member Posts: 375 From: Herne Bay, Kent, UK Registered: Feb 2010
posted 03-26-2014 02:23 PM
A very impressive piece, well done. |
keymichael1855 Member Posts: 176 From: Virginia Beach, VA, USA Registered: Feb 2012
posted 03-28-2014 10:33 PM
Thanks to everyone for the kind words on the F-1 Mirror Display! I usually don't get into "novelty" type items, but when Shapeways announced that they could 3D print in ceramic, I had to give it a shot. The fact that I can 3D print an item that I can eat or drink out of is a crazy thought to me. When thinking about what I could attach to a mug to do a test print, it didn't take me very long to come up with something to try. Here is the mug as it arrived from Shapeways- gloss black: I then thought that I could have a little fun with it, and decided to paint the handle a metallic silver to set it apart from the rest of the mug:  Then I took it one more step and added in a few decals that I created to give it a little more flair:  
I'm not a coffee drinker, so this will most likely become a pen and pencil holder on my computer desk. If anyone would like to own one of these and have the craziest coffee mug in the office, just let me know! Comments welcome... Thanks! |
apolloprojeckt Member Posts: 1447 From: Arnhem, Netherlands Registered: Feb 2009
posted 03-29-2014 02:00 AM
Great idea!!! |
space1 Member Posts: 853 From: Danville, Ohio Registered: Dec 2002
posted 03-29-2014 05:51 AM
Very clever! Looks great. |
the clocks running Member Posts: 382 From: Rochester, NY Registered: Jan 2012
posted 03-29-2014 01:50 PM
I love it!!! |
keymichael1855 Member Posts: 176 From: Virginia Beach, VA, USA Registered: Feb 2012
posted 05-01-2014 08:31 PM
In order to bring the beautiful Bandai Saturn V to life, I began to offer a 3D printed Mobile Launch Platform and LUT background seen here: Many of you have asked if there was a similar display for the Bandai Space Shuttle, and I finally have one available. It has been carefully designed to fit perfectly atop the existing Bandai base, and utilizes the existing clear support stands to hold the model in place. Very importantly, the MLP does not block the spotlights to illuminate the shuttle. I think the MLP and SS backdrop really bring this beautiful model to life! Here are a few images, more can be seen here. If you are interested in the MLP and service structure background, please contact me. Thanks!  

jonspace Member Posts: 169 From: Registered: Jan 2014
posted 05-02-2014 12:29 PM
That is beautiful! I start my new job in July and will be picking this up for my Bandai shuttle. |
moonguyron Member Posts: 191 From: Trinity, FL USA Registered: Jan 2011
posted 05-02-2014 06:05 PM
Beautiful Michael. Can you shed some "light" on details of the spotlights on the Shuttle. I am guessing they're LED's. In what kind if housing. I am trying to light my 1/48th Saturn V with spotlights and high intensity LED's. Any suggestions. Thanks |
keymichael1855 Member Posts: 176 From: Virginia Beach, VA, USA Registered: Feb 2012
posted 05-02-2014 11:12 PM
Jon and Ron, thanks for the kind words on the display! Jon, whenever you are ready, just let me know and I'll be glad to help out. Ron, as for your question, the lighting on the Bandai shuttle is the lighting that is included with the model. I think it is LED, but I'm not 100% sure. As for ordering lighting solutions for your Saturn V, I have used FrightProps with great success. They have a full line of LED products, and video tutorials on how to get everything set up correctly. Hope this helps! |
keymichael1855 Member Posts: 176 From: Virginia Beach, VA, USA Registered: Feb 2012
posted 05-22-2014 09:37 PM
Several of you have asked if I would be willing to produce some 1:6 scale moon tools to accompany the Dragon Apollo Astronaut or Ignacio's resin figures. I finally have some available. Here are some pictures: 

Here is the link to them in my Shapeways shop. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. Thanks! |
apolloprojeckt Member Posts: 1447 From: Arnhem, Netherlands Registered: Feb 2009
posted 05-23-2014 07:38 AM
mode1charlie Member Posts: 1169 From: Honolulu, HI Registered: Sep 2010
posted 05-23-2014 02:47 PM
More outstanding work, Michael. I'll definitely be picking up a set of these. |
Philip Member Posts: 5952 From: Brussels, Belgium Registered: Jan 2001
posted 05-24-2014 06:17 AM
Now all we need is a 1/6the scale gnomon  |
history in miniature Member Posts: 600 From: Slatington, PA Registered: Mar 2009
posted 05-24-2014 09:32 AM
There is a 6th scale Gnomon on Norman's vignette over in the Homage forums latest pictures. |
mode1charlie Member Posts: 1169 From: Honolulu, HI Registered: Sep 2010
posted 05-24-2014 09:48 PM
Michael, what do you recommend as the best material for these? |
keymichael1855 Member Posts: 176 From: Virginia Beach, VA, USA Registered: Feb 2012
posted 05-24-2014 10:36 PM
Hey Burke, I would suggest ordering them in one of the detail materials. These that you see were ordered in Frosted Detail. I sprayed about 3 or 4 coats of a filler primer, sanded them smooth with 400 grit sandpaper, and painted them with Alclad. Frosted Ultra Detail might come to you a touch smoother, but with a little work FD can be finished just as nice. I would stay away from the Strong and Flexible material on these unless you want to do a lot of work to them. Hope this helps! |
mode1charlie Member Posts: 1169 From: Honolulu, HI Registered: Sep 2010
posted 05-24-2014 11:09 PM
Exactly the advice I was looking for - thanks, Michael. By the way, I'll ping you by email regarding another project this coming week. |
c11esh Member Posts: 34 From: UK Registered: Mar 2009
posted 06-20-2014 11:17 AM
I recent purchased the Shuttle MLP and Service Structure background to go with the Saturn V one I had bought previously.Again Michael has done an excellent job and was a pleasure to deal with. Thanks Michael!!!! |
keymichael1855 Member Posts: 176 From: Virginia Beach, VA, USA Registered: Feb 2012
posted 06-21-2014 10:52 PM
Earle, thanks for the kind words on the pieces that you received from me, and you are very welcome. I owe Earle a special thank you, in that he was willing to send me a piece from his Bandai shuttle stand that allowed me to get the dimensions that I needed to produce the MLP. I'm glad that my pieces enhance the look of that beautiful model. Thanks again! |
Apollo14LMP Member Posts: 291 From: UK Registered: Nov 2007
posted 06-28-2014 12:40 PM
Can anyone tell me who makes the decals for the models... the RCS and so on and are they commercially available? Thanks. |
Daugherty54 Member Posts: 591 From: Cabot, Arkansas, USA Registered: Sep 2010
posted 06-28-2014 06:33 PM
Does anyone produce a 1/6 scale gnonom for sale? I would love one for my Cernan figure. |
keymichael1855 Member Posts: 176 From: Virginia Beach, VA, USA Registered: Feb 2012
posted 06-28-2014 07:28 PM
Apollo14LMP, I created the decals for the RCS engines myself in a photo editing program. If you would like a set, please let me know.Daugherty54, I could probably produce a 3D printed gnomon, as well as color banded decals for you to install on it. The problem is that at that scale, the supports would have to be "beefed" up to hold their shape correctly, and might look a bit out of proportion. 3D printed materials get tricky with long, thin "wire" shapes like these. I'd be glad to give it a shot if you like, however. Just let me know. Thanks! |
Norman.King Member Posts: 375 From: Herne Bay, Kent, UK Registered: Feb 2010
posted 06-29-2014 03:26 AM
quote: Originally posted by Daugherty54: Does anyone produce a 1/6 scale gnonom for sale?
If it proves to be to delicate to 3D print one, Steve made me this gnonom that does the job nicely. |
Philip Member Posts: 5952 From: Brussels, Belgium Registered: Jan 2001
posted 06-29-2014 08:35 AM
Superb realistic gnomon with great colors! |
keymichael1855 Member Posts: 176 From: Virginia Beach, VA, USA Registered: Feb 2012
posted 07-29-2014 09:31 PM
I had a customer of mine and fellow cS member recently request a smaller scale Service Module panel to accompany his 1:1 RCS engine. He wanted to show the engine "in context" and have the panel displayed right beside the engine. Here is how it came out: 
And here is how it looked beside the engine:  It was a fun little project for me and I think it fits in nicely next to the 1:1 RCS. Comments are welcome. Thanks! |
keymichael1855 Member Posts: 176 From: Virginia Beach, VA, USA Registered: Feb 2012
posted 08-26-2014 10:36 AM
About 6 months ago, I completed a model build for my friend and fellow cS member Jeff. In talking with him about what project that he would like to do next, he mentioned that he would like to have an RCS quad display like I had built in the past. When I asked him about scale and suggested a 1:3 or 1:2, he said that he wanted full 1:1 scale or nothing. After sending him 2D CAD drawings for scale and warning him how big it was going to be, he told me that he would be disappointed with anything but 1:1. So, we made it happen!The final display is 32" by 48" in size, and is made of a mixture of materials. The housing (doghouse) and engines are 3D printed models, and the background skin is real metal. There is real hardware used for the rivets, and decals that I printed myself. I want to say thanks to Steve Nichols for helping out with the blue combustion chambers on the build- they were perfect! Luckily, I was able to hand deliver this model, as he lives only a few hours away. It was a pleasure to build this for Jeff, and I'm glad that he dreamed BIG!!!  

And here is the display on location in Jeff's collection:  As always, comments are welcome- thanks! |
apolloprojeckt Member Posts: 1447 From: Arnhem, Netherlands Registered: Feb 2009
posted 08-26-2014 11:15 AM
Very nice Michael and great paint work Steve, top piece!!! |
Norman.King Member Posts: 375 From: Herne Bay, Kent, UK Registered: Feb 2010
posted 08-26-2014 11:41 AM
A striking piece to be sure - Wonderful. |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42982 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 08-26-2014 12:09 PM
Very impressive Michael. It would be great to find a comparable shuttle orbiter detail that could make for a similar display. The only 1:1 feature that might be small enough to make sense would be a vernier RCS thruster from the aft section, though I am not sure how recognizable that might be modeled alone... |
GACspaceguy Member Posts: 2474 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 08-26-2014 12:31 PM
WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!!! |
keymichael1855 Member Posts: 176 From: Virginia Beach, VA, USA Registered: Feb 2012
posted 08-26-2014 09:31 PM
Thanks for the nice words on the display! Robert, if you come up with any ideas on some recognizable 1:1 pieces of hardware from the shuttle, just let me know.I have some more 1:1 projects in development and construction, including something from Project Mercury that I'm really excited about. I will be posting those builds in the coming weeks/months. |
Ronpur Member Posts: 1211 From: Brandon, Fl Registered: May 2012
posted 08-26-2014 10:06 PM
That is amazing! As for 1/1 shuttle parts, maybe tiles? |
Jeff Member Posts: 474 From: Fayetteville, NC, USA Registered: May 2009
posted 08-27-2014 07:34 AM
While visiting Huntsville years ago on business, I was able to visit the U.S. Space and Rocket Center. I was impressed with all the displays but the one thing that stuck with me was the immense size of the vertical Saturn V replica outside in the entrance area. Having never been fortunate enough to see an actual Saturn V launch in person, this was the closest I've ever been to one. I've visited Johnson and walked the length of the flight article on its display stand, but it just isn't the same as seeing one that's vertical. It's been said that everything about that rocket was grossly out of proportion with the rest of the world... and that was my mindset when I approached Michael with this project. I wanted people who came in to look at my collection of artifacts to be knocked over by the sheer size of the hardware it took to get us to the moon. A huge shout out to Steve Nichols for the help on this build and to my friend Michael Key for making this vision become reality, you nailed it. |
history in miniature Member Posts: 600 From: Slatington, PA Registered: Mar 2009
posted 08-27-2014 06:59 PM
Jeff, that is one beautiful display you have and I am honored to have been a small part of the construction. Michael deserves the compliments from everyone who has posted. |
keymichael1855 Member Posts: 176 From: Virginia Beach, VA, USA Registered: Feb 2012
posted 08-28-2014 08:56 AM
Jeff, this was a lot of fun to build, and it looks fantastic next to some other great pieces in your collection. These RCS quads, in relationship to the whole rocket, seem almost insignificant. But when seen up close like this one at 1:1, they are really large! It just goes to show how large of a scale that SV really was.Steve, thanks for the nice words, and I'm glad that you could be a part of the build. Hopefully you will get to see it in person one day! |
keymichael1855 Member Posts: 176 From: Virginia Beach, VA, USA Registered: Feb 2012
posted 10-07-2014 05:34 PM
Continuing with my recent obsession of 1:1 hardware, I wanted to show pictures of my most recent build. It is a full scale lunar hammer replica, made from 3D printed parts. In addition to the metal finish, it has also been filled with a filler material in order to help it "feel" like the real thing as well- nice and heavy.I thought about weathering it to make it look used, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it! So, the "showroom shine" is still present. Also, I didn't want to put a lot of complexity into the wood base, because the hammer is removable. I figured the owner would like to display it in among other items in his/her collection.  

If you would like to order the parts and build it yourself, click here. Comments are always welcome — thanks! |
mode1charlie Member Posts: 1169 From: Honolulu, HI Registered: Sep 2010
posted 10-07-2014 06:53 PM
Wow. Very cool. |