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  Space shuttle 1:200 ferry flight tail cone

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Author Topic:   Space shuttle 1:200 ferry flight tail cone

Posts: 68
From: West Covina, CA USA
Registered: Jun 2011

posted 12-22-2012 07:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SuperKungFu   Click Here to Email SuperKungFu     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Does anyone know where I can get a Space Shuttle Tail Cone in 1:200 scale?

The only company I know that makes this is Hasegawa 747 SCA with Space Shuttle, but that's the entire kit. The reason why I just need the tail cone alone is because I plan on purchasing Inflight200/Aviation200 newest 747 with Space Shuttle but as you guys can see, that space shuttle is very disappointing, and yes that is the final production model. The vertical stabilizers would be corrected though. I will be getting this model in a few weeks so I'll do my review when it comes but I need to come up with a plan to replace that shuttle.

I was thinking of just buying a decent orbiter in 1/200 scale made from wood, like this one from Amazon and simply adding a tail cone behind it.

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