Topic: Karst-onian Kollection: "A Place for Space"
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 53481 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 03-22-2015 03:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by GACspaceguy: Also added are the era vehicles to show the scale, which is about 1/24.
The addition of the cars really puts the entire model into scale and brings it to life. Fred, any temptation to scratch build the rest of the Saturn IB? |
GACspaceguy Member Posts: 3121 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 03-22-2015 06:50 PM
Thought about building the rest of the Saturn, but felt cutting the hole in the roof was beyond my skills.  I think the rest could be done though, as the real hard part, the boat tail, is already there. |
apolloprojeckt Member Posts: 1565 From: Arnhem, Netherlands Registered: Feb 2009
posted 03-23-2015 12:23 AM
Is the entry of the house not higher where the stairs are? |
GACspaceguy Member Posts: 3121 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 03-23-2015 10:41 AM
Okay, so now I am thinking "maybe I could do the rest of the vehicle up to the point that it would hit the ceiling." Hmmmmm. |
Retro Rocket Member Posts: 484 From: Santa Paula, Ca,. USA Registered: Dec 2007
posted 03-23-2015 06:30 PM
Build the upper part, just hang it from the ceiling! "This is where they originally intended the S1 to be hinged..."
GACspaceguy Member Posts: 3121 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 03-26-2015 02:16 PM
The latest addition to the Kollection is a frangible nut from STS-108. The nut was used to secure the solid rocket booster to the mobile launch platform and there was a total of eight per flight — this one is marked six. It was another eBay find and the seller is a former space shuttle employee. He was in the program for 32 years and retired at the end of the program as the production manager for the SRBs. The artifact is doubly special to me as not only was it a piece of critical equipment for a shuttle launch, it was for STS-108. That particular flight was the first launch my wife Cheryl and I had ever attended together. We saw the launch from the causeway after seeing it scrub from Titusville. For those who may not connect the dots or are new to cS, Cheryl and I had been married for 20 years and with a sad heart I must tell that she passed away in December of 2007 in an accident while riding a horse. Yes, I have been blessed with two wives that have embraced the passion for collecting space Cheryl for 20 years and now Jackie for seven. Now the grandchildren are catching the fever with drawings of rockets and games that include space shuttles.  

apolloprojeckt Member Posts: 1565 From: Arnhem, Netherlands Registered: Feb 2009
posted 03-26-2015 03:29 PM
Great piece, Fred! I saw it and follow this nice piece. I still want have one. |
GACspaceguy Member Posts: 3121 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 03-26-2015 06:32 PM
Thanks Pascal, the mission number makes it extra special for me. |
the clocks running Member Posts: 383 From: Rochester, NY Registered: Jan 2012
posted 03-26-2015 07:18 PM
It appears that this relic from STS-108 was meant to be in your possession. Please enjoy it in good health.  |
pupnik Member Posts: 122 From: Maryland Registered: Jan 2014
posted 03-26-2015 07:59 PM
I've got that exact same table.Now I'll have to find a frangible nut to put on it. |
GACspaceguy Member Posts: 3121 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 03-29-2015 11:42 AM
Some time back I bought a collection of used models for parts. It was cheap, about $20 and when it arrived within the many old parts was a topping Mercury spacecraft. There was no base or tower.Well, in steps Michael Key (again) and once I sent some basic dimensions back came a beautiful 3D model of a tower. I produced the base from a scrapped piece of wood round stock cut in half lengthwise. Added the Mercury 7 medallion from a purchase from a cS member who sold them here in cS world some time back and below are the results. Turned out great and another big shout out to Michael (who is working on some parts for a Viking model and a Saturn I even now for us, more to come)!  
apolloprojeckt Member Posts: 1565 From: Arnhem, Netherlands Registered: Feb 2009
posted 03-29-2015 12:04 PM
Great to see this |
Gilbert Member Posts: 1526 From: Carrollton, GA USA Registered: Jan 2003
posted 03-29-2015 02:24 PM
Awesome. |
capoetc Member Posts: 2403 From: McKinney TX (USA) Registered: Aug 2005
posted 03-29-2015 10:12 PM
Very nice, Fred! |
Joel Katzowitz Member Posts: 891 From: Marietta GA USA Registered: Dec 1999
posted 03-30-2015 07:35 AM
Nicely done Fred, as usual.I saw that frangible nut on eBay and thought it was a very cool artifact. |
joe bruce Member Posts: 131 From: Spokane, WA Registered: Nov 2004
posted 03-30-2015 09:07 AM
Great display. Do you know which flight your front shuttle tire is from? My front Shuttle tire was mounted and prepared for flight but never flew.
GACspaceguy Member Posts: 3121 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 03-30-2015 12:45 PM
Based on what I have found it appears this tire is not flown. |
Joel Katzowitz Member Posts: 891 From: Marietta GA USA Registered: Dec 1999
posted 03-31-2015 08:25 AM
It may not be flown but Fred is going to mount it to his truck so at least it'll be driven. |
press4meco Member Posts: 68 From: Merritt Island, FL Registered: Jul 2001
posted 03-31-2015 08:29 PM
This certainly solves the lingering question as to who outbid me on that STS-108 frangible nut. At least it went to a very worthy collection, and more so that it has especially personal meaning for you! |
GACspaceguy Member Posts: 3121 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 04-01-2015 02:49 PM
Sorry we were bidding against each other. Glad you quit when you did. And yes, it is a special part of the Kollection. |
GACspaceguy Member Posts: 3121 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 04-04-2015 04:49 PM
Earlier in this thread I posted pictures and information on the LC-37 Launch complex and Saturn IB with strap-ons. In the box of parts that came with it was this "panel" that looked like it should be part of that assembly. We never could figure out where it went so we picked up the model but said to ourselves that we would figure it out when we got home. Well, we figured it out alright, as included at the bottom of the box of parts was an ascent stage of a lunar module concept. The model measures out at around 1/24 scale. Jackie cleaned it up using walnut blasting to remove all the paint that was falling off the model. I had it checked out and behold the model is made out of pure inconel. It was then when I decided that I would leave it in its raw state and figure out some sort of display. Here is the end result shown below. I fashioned the lower section of the SLA and used that as the base for a display. Then, while moving a box of "parts" around my home office I realized I could a build a 1/48 scale flight version of the same display using a leftover ascent stage from a Danbury Mint model and a Revell kit for the SLA. Shown is the latest addition to the Kollection.  

apolloprojeckt Member Posts: 1565 From: Arnhem, Netherlands Registered: Feb 2009
posted 04-04-2015 05:16 PM
That is a great surprise this bug model, and neat renovation Fred and Jackie. |
Rocketman! unregistered
posted 04-21-2015 11:17 PM
What a fantastic find! I wonder what it was created for, being that it is pure Inconel. Perhaps for some kind of engineering tests? Also, wondering if a descent stage was made ... and where it is now. |
GACspaceguy Member Posts: 3121 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 04-22-2015 07:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by Rocketman!: Also, wondering if a descent stage was made ... and where it is now.
Me too! If anyone has it let me know.  |
GACspaceguy Member Posts: 3121 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 05-16-2015 12:05 PM
I spent a little time this week finally getting some shuttle flown flags flying again, but not nearly as high.  The first is from the STS-75 tether flight. I work with a fellow who was on the program and he gifted it to me so I had to display it with a few of our favorites in the entrance foyer to the house. It is beside Crippen's signature above me with Gemini XII at the Cosmosphere during restoration and then signed by Lovell and Aldrin, and next to our copy of Kim Poor's "Howdy," which is signed by most of the astronauts we have meet. The second flag display is a Kollection of flags flown on the Approach and Landing Test and then one from each of the first four flights of the shuttle, the "test flight" series. I put them in the stair well with the flown Atlantis cargo bay liner removed for testing of the Mir reaction control contamination, an engine horse collar and an SRB skirt panel. Not the best photos but with limited access I think you can see the results.  

GACspaceguy Member Posts: 3121 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 09-06-2015 09:56 AM
We picked up a 1/48 scale Delta II on eBay, looks to be a Nick Proach. We added it to the shelf that holds the Delta IV model and realized we had generations of Deltas, Thor, Augmented, II and IV.  |
moonguyron Member Posts: 191 From: Trinity, FL USA Registered: Jan 2011
posted 09-06-2015 01:43 PM
Fred, your collection has to be one of the most complete and unique in private hands. I would like you to do a walk around and show us some close-ups of all you have hanging on your walls. You seem to have a lot of one of a kind items. |
GACspaceguy Member Posts: 3121 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 09-06-2015 02:14 PM
Thank you so much. I just sent you an e-mail with a pdf version of a house tour. |
GACspaceguy Member Posts: 3121 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 09-08-2015 06:25 PM
We have had a Gemini Titan Topping model for some years. It was not in bad shape except it was missing the Gemini spacecraft. I had hoped to come across one but it has never happened. Well thanks to the skills of Michael Key and his ability to model in 3-D and finish the results we now had a complete model. Talking to Michael he said it would not be to difficult to do the complete model if any one was interested. I know there have been discussions about putting after market models out there that look like original Topping but with a few markings on the base. I think that can be addressed.  |
keymichael1855 Member Posts: 182 From: Virginia Beach, VA, USA Registered: Feb 2012
posted 09-10-2015 10:09 PM
Fred, that Gemini Titan model looks great!!! I was glad to help out on this project. I love these old contractor models, and I was glad to provide the missing link to complete it. Hopefully one day you will find an original, but in the meantime my capsule can be a good "placeholder" until you do. I would be curious to see if anyone would be interested in replicas of these old and rare pieces. It would be fairly easy to produce, but no sense pursuing it if there isn't any interest. Would like to hear any thoughts...Thanks!!! |
apolloprojeckt Member Posts: 1565 From: Arnhem, Netherlands Registered: Feb 2009
posted 09-11-2015 02:36 AM
Nice done!!!! |
GACspaceguy Member Posts: 3121 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 09-24-2015 08:28 AM
Picked up a 1/72 scale MOL model on eBay. Turns out it is from one of our fellow cSers. Added it to the related shelf on MOL, Dyna Soar and NERVA. 

GACspaceguy Member Posts: 3121 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 10-24-2015 04:37 PM
We had Michael Key build up one of his amazing SLA/CSM/BPC/LES model in 1/24 scale. Michael used the delivery as reason to come down and visit the Karst-onian as well. The detail and finishing are fantastic. It has joined the modified Saturn IB display as they are the same scale. 
Jurg Bolli Member Posts: 1243 From: Albuquerque, NM Registered: Nov 2000
posted 10-24-2015 04:57 PM
Beautiful! |
apolloprojeckt Member Posts: 1565 From: Arnhem, Netherlands Registered: Feb 2009
posted 10-24-2015 05:09 PM
Nice!!! |
keymichael1855 Member Posts: 182 From: Virginia Beach, VA, USA Registered: Feb 2012
posted 10-25-2015 09:44 PM
Fred, it was a true pleasure to deliver the model to you this weekend — thanks for the nice words! You and Jackie were extremely generous hosts, and I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to the Karstonian. The pics here on cS really don't do your Kollection justice — it is IMPRESSIVE!!! |
Gilbert Member Posts: 1526 From: Carrollton, GA USA Registered: Jan 2003
posted 10-26-2015 02:15 PM
The Karstonian just keeps getting better and better. |
GACspaceguy Member Posts: 3121 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 10-27-2015 02:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gilbert: The Karstonian just keeps getting better and better.
Come on down for a tour update.  |
Joel Katzowitz Member Posts: 891 From: Marietta GA USA Registered: Dec 1999
posted 10-27-2015 04:25 PM
Come on Gilbert, let's saddle up and head down there... |
GACspaceguy Member Posts: 3121 From: Guyton, GA Registered: Jan 2006
posted 12-02-2015 04:43 AM
A while back we picked up the booster stage of a Titan IVB in 1/48 scale. It turns out it was a Proach model. I decided to build the payload like that which launched Cassini. Found the right diameter tube as a clear section. That was when I thought that I would once again solicit Michael Key's 3D talents and create a nose cone and the spacecraft itself. I managed to build the lower adapter and below is the final results that the long weekend afforded me to complete.  
