Topic: Dragon Wings 2010-11 diecast space program
cspg Member Posts: 6210 From: Geneva, Switzerland Registered: May 2006
posted 07-14-2010 11:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by c11esh: Has any one seen any pictures of any of the Dragon Wings Apollo Command and Service Module (CSM) models?
Not sure it's a picture per se, but at least it should give you (and us) an idea of what it looks like. |
GoesTo11 Member Posts: 1309 From: Denver, CO Registered: Jun 2004
posted 07-23-2010 12:54 PM
Just received the Dragon Enterprise w/SCA and Atlantis w/SRBs and ET. Both very sharp-looking, though I agree with Chris' earlier post on the SCA landing gear... probably not worth messing with.I think the individual Dragon Wings models are a little pricey for the scale, but together they should make for a very nice collection. |
cspg Member Posts: 6210 From: Geneva, Switzerland Registered: May 2006
posted 07-26-2010 11:58 PM
quote: Originally posted by c11esh: Has any one seen any pictures of any of the Dragon Wings Apollo Command and Service Module (CSM) models?
This link (actually it's "links" if you click on "next" you'll have more details) looks more like of a photo than the one mentioned in my previous post. |
c11esh Member Posts: 34 From: UK Registered: Mar 2009
posted 07-27-2010 03:19 AM
Thanks for those links. |
dsenechal Member Posts: 539 From: Registered: Dec 2002
posted 07-28-2010 11:40 PM
According to the 2010 Dragon Wings catalog, they will be releasing two versions of their exceptional 1/6 astronaut figures. Does anyone know if this is factual, and if so, when we might expect the re-issue? |
cspg Member Posts: 6210 From: Geneva, Switzerland Registered: May 2006
posted 07-28-2010 11:48 PM
As the catalog date suggests (2010-2011), between now and the end of 2011? I don't know and neither do retailers, it would seem.
ringo67 Member Posts: 179 From: Seekonk, Mass., USA Registered: May 2003
posted 07-29-2010 05:01 PM
I'd love to see Dragon put out a space shuttle Discovery with ET and boosters.I'd snap that up in a second, because that was the only shuttle I've seen launch (STS-131 in April). |
cspg Member Posts: 6210 From: Geneva, Switzerland Registered: May 2006
posted 08-19-2010 03:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by cspg: As the catalog date suggests (2010-2011), between now and the end of 2011? I don't know and neither do retailers, it would seem.
...and from what I've been told, it's not because a model appears in their catalog that it will be actually be produced. |
cspg Member Posts: 6210 From: Geneva, Switzerland Registered: May 2006
posted 08-27-2010 12:04 AM
There's a web site dedicated to Dragon Space Collection.Pity the 1:72 scale shuttle link is... empty! There's one being planned? |
James Brown Member Posts: 1287 From: Atlanta, Georgia, USA Registered: Jun 2000
posted 09-10-2010 07:31 PM
Received an e-mail regarding my order a few months ago. The Apollo 7 Saturn 1B model has been shipped. Yea! |
GoesTo11 Member Posts: 1309 From: Denver, CO Registered: Jun 2004
posted 09-10-2010 09:01 PM
Also, pics are now available of the Dragon 1:72 Apollo 7 CSM. Looks nice. |
dsenechal Member Posts: 539 From: Registered: Dec 2002
posted 09-11-2010 10:19 AM
quote: Originally posted by James Brown: Received an e-mail regarding my order a few months ago. The Apollo 7 Saturn 1B model has been shipped. Yea!
Where did you order yours from? Flying Mule, or somewhere else? They were on Amazon a month or two ago, but are no longer listed. |
James Brown Member Posts: 1287 From: Atlanta, Georgia, USA Registered: Jun 2000
posted 09-11-2010 01:10 PM
Flying Mule. |
ilbasso Member Posts: 1522 From: Greensboro, NC USA Registered: Feb 2006
posted 09-11-2010 01:26 PM
It's a beautiful model - but didn't Apollo 7 fly without a docking probe and collar? |
cspg Member Posts: 6210 From: Geneva, Switzerland Registered: May 2006
posted 09-14-2010 12:45 AM
quote: Originally posted by James Brown: The Apollo 7 Saturn 1B model has been shipped.
Mine shipped yesterday (9/13) along with Shuttle Atlantis (DRW-56185).The Atlas V model (DRW-56246) has been formally announced. |
Gilbert Member Posts: 1328 From: Carrollton, GA USA Registered: Jan 2003
posted 09-14-2010 06:17 AM
My Apollo 7 Saturn 1B shipped yesterday also. Looking forward to getting it. |
James Brown Member Posts: 1287 From: Atlanta, Georgia, USA Registered: Jun 2000
posted 09-17-2010 07:40 PM
Saturn 1b landed today. Good looking model. |
apolloprojeckt Member Posts: 1447 From: Arnhem, Netherlands Registered: Feb 2009
posted 09-18-2010 03:16 AM
I saw this on a German site, big program with also the 1/6 Dragon figures. |
cspg Member Posts: 6210 From: Geneva, Switzerland Registered: May 2006
posted 09-21-2010 08:23 AM
quote: Originally posted by cspg: Mine shipped yesterday (9/13) along with Shuttle Atlantis (DRW-56185).
Arrived today (9/21). I wonder if Dragon will produce a non-separable stage version of the Saturn V. It would be nice to display such version next to the Saturn 1B.The Atlantis shuttle is rather neat! Orbiter markings are quite impressive. |
starhopper Member Posts: 58 From: Kathleen, GA, USA Registered: Aug 2005
posted 09-21-2010 02:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by cspg: I wonder if Dragon will produce a non-separable stage version of the Saturn V.
I purchased the Dragon non-separable version of the 1/400 Saturn V - got it last year! Must be available somewhere! |
backof Member Posts: 32 From: Katonah, NY USA Registered: Oct 2005
posted 09-21-2010 05:41 PM
I just got the Apollo 7 Saturn 1B today and it looks sweet next to my Apollo 13 Saturn V. |
alanh_7 Member Posts: 1252 From: Ajax, Ontario, Canada Registered: Apr 2008
posted 09-21-2010 05:56 PM
Does anyone know when the 1/48 Apollo Soyuz is coming out? |
Gilbert Member Posts: 1328 From: Carrollton, GA USA Registered: Jan 2003
posted 09-21-2010 08:32 PM
UPS delivered the Apollo 7 Saturn 1B today. Awesome! |
jeffbassett Member Posts: 109 From: Toledo Registered: Feb 2005
posted 09-21-2010 09:36 PM
I also received the Saturn 1B and it looks incredible, Dragon really went all out on this one. I am thinking of getting the Apollo 13, I have the Apollo 11 model, but also wonder as a few others have posted, if the markings are different from the 11 to 13 model. Anyone here with them that can comment on such? |
cspg Member Posts: 6210 From: Geneva, Switzerland Registered: May 2006
posted 09-21-2010 11:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by starhopper: I purchased the Dragon non-separable version of the 1/400 Saturn V - got it last year!
Which model is that? The Apollo 11 40th anniversary model is a separable stage version, so are you referring to the Apollo 13 model? |
Gilbert Member Posts: 1328 From: Carrollton, GA USA Registered: Jan 2003
posted 09-22-2010 08:11 AM
I would also like to know if there are any differences between the Apollo 11 Saturn V and the Apollo 13 Saturn V, other than the box. |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42982 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 09-22-2010 08:19 AM
The Dragon Saturn V released prior to the 40th anniversary Apollo 11 version did not separate at its stages. It was released around the same time as Dragon's Can.Do series, which packaged individual Saturn V stages into randomly assorted sets. |
starhopper Member Posts: 58 From: Kathleen, GA, USA Registered: Aug 2005
posted 09-22-2010 02:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by starhopper: I purchased the Dragon non-separable version of the 1/400 Saturn V - got it last year!
My Dragon 1/400 Saturn V is not labeled as "Apollo 11" or "Apollo 13" - it precedes those models - just plain Apollo Saturn V - and the stages are unseparable!
backof Member Posts: 32 From: Katonah, NY USA Registered: Oct 2005
posted 09-22-2010 05:42 PM
I purchased the Apollo 13 Saturn V a couple of months ago and it does have separate stages. Sounds like the only difference from the Apollo 11 Saturn may be that the base says "40th Anniversary Apollo 13" on it. |
cspg Member Posts: 6210 From: Geneva, Switzerland Registered: May 2006
posted 10-14-2010 12:40 AM
quote: Originally posted by c11esh: Has any one seen any pictures of any of the Dragon Wings Apollo Command and Service Module (CSM) models?
Mine was shipped 10/13 from the Flying Mule. |
cspg Member Posts: 6210 From: Geneva, Switzerland Registered: May 2006
posted 10-21-2010 08:13 AM
Arrived today, 10/21.For $43, you might wonder why they don't go all-plastic or all-metal. I don't mind plastic parts (like the thrusters, antenna and even the engine nozzle on this model) but the plastic-Command Module feels really cheap. And it's a bit loose too, as is this rectangular box shaped part that links the CM and SM (never been able to figure out what it is; my guess is a latching device- it looks retracted when pictures were taken of the Apollo 13 SM) which is a pity since it's facing down when the model is on its stand...Only the SM is in metal. Not that it's a bad-looking model but I think it could have been better (even it that meant putting a few extra dollars). And since there's no competition, maybe we shouldn't be too picky about it but that doesn't address the price issue and furthermore, will it make sense to buy the other CSM planned (namely Apollo 8,9,11, and 13 -although only 8 and 9 do not appear in Dragon's catalog, only on the web site)? Maybe another one with the SIM bay open.
blacklion1 Member Posts: 35 From: Bronx, New York Registered: Nov 2007
posted 10-23-2010 04:25 PM
I just received the Dragon Wings 1/72 scale Apollo 7 CSM. It is a beautiful model, however you have to apply manually the four RCS quads to the SM. For me not an easy task as they would not lock into place. A little care and glue was necessary. The larger Danbury Mint edition of the CSM is a much better model and the CM separates from the SM. The Dragon Wings edition does not. |
cspg Member Posts: 6210 From: Geneva, Switzerland Registered: May 2006
posted 11-03-2010 09:43 AM
Dragon has announced their Challenger-in-orbit model. Basically it looks the same as their Columbia model issued in 2005 (Model No. 55532). |
cspg Member Posts: 6210 From: Geneva, Switzerland Registered: May 2006
posted 11-25-2010 08:30 AM
Dragon has announced their Apollo 8 CSM. It looks exactly the same as the Apollo 7. |
Apolloman Member Posts: 148 From: Ledignan, Gard (30), France Registered: Mar 2009
posted 11-25-2010 10:03 AM
They could make the effort to sell a 1/6 figurine equipped with a spacesuit A7LB.
cspg Member Posts: 6210 From: Geneva, Switzerland Registered: May 2006
posted 11-25-2010 02:51 PM
Talking about making an effort, why not indicate on the support stand which CSM it is? If the difference lies only with the packaging, why bother producing several models? |
arjuna unregistered
posted 11-25-2010 03:50 PM
No, I have the Apollo 7 model, and the Sector 4/Sector 1/RCS panel colors are different than the pics they show of the Apollo 8. In Apollo 7 they are white, but as noted on this page they are aluminum color on Apollo 8 to 13.One thing I think they still have incorrect though is that the SM antennas were actually black (or at least dark gray) on the actual spacecraft. (And for that matter, my understanding is that Apollo 7 didn't have them at all, but it is on the model.) |
cspg Member Posts: 6210 From: Geneva, Switzerland Registered: May 2006
posted 12-16-2010 09:34 AM
quote: Originally posted by cspg: If the difference lies only with the packaging, why bother producing several models?
Because not all CSM mdels are the same! See the Apollo 9 one.  |
cspg Member Posts: 6210 From: Geneva, Switzerland Registered: May 2006
posted 12-28-2010 10:09 AM
Santa was a bit late so those arrived today: - DM-56216 Saturn V/ Skylab: despite what it says on the box, it's not a separable-stage version. And I'm glad, it's much better that way. Cool model.
- DM-56227 Saturn IB/Skylab 2. Cool model.
- DM-56215 Saturn V - Apollo 13. Well, that's the A11 model with a different packaging... It's a pity that Dragon didn't produce a non-separable stages version of the standard Saturn V.
- DM-56214 Space Shuttle Challenger in orbit. I like the display case. All models should come with one!. As for the model itself, I didn't try to change the payload doors because it must handled with upmost care. I'm not sure about the precise reproduction of the tile markings, especially over the crew compartment. Columbia had apparently different insulation (white tiles and thermal blankets) than the other orbiters but I'm not sure.
- DM-56186 Space Shuttle Endeavour landing mode. Cool model. Again the display case is a real plus here!.
- DM-56213. Nice model. The orbiter and ET/SRB stack fit nicely. Accuracy of the markings is the same as for DM-56214.
Overall, nice collection. Models between Bandai's scale (1/144) and Dragon's (1/400) would be nice. |
Tykeanaut Member Posts: 2212 From: Worcestershire, England, UK. Registered: Apr 2008
posted 01-10-2011 03:04 PM
I've only just come across the Apollo 13 Dragon Wings Saturn V and an ordinary version in my local stockist. At £35 each I think they are a little on the expensive side considering the quality. Am I am being too critical? |