Topic: Danbury Mint: Milestones in Space Exploration
dsenechal Member Posts: 539 From: Registered: Dec 2002
posted 04-07-2003 12:11 PM
Danbury Mint just released a 1/48 scale model called "Apollo 13", that features a beautiful 1/48 scale lunar module (LM) and command/service module (CSM) in a docked configuration, on a black base with Apollo 13 info inscribed. The LM model features retractable landing gear and is nearly as nice as the Franklin Mint model. The CSM is incredible, with a mirror finish CM. Best of all is the price: just a little over $100 plus shipping. I received my model on Friday, and liked it so much I just ordered another one. |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42982 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 04-07-2003 12:42 PM
I've asked Danbury to forward pictures and information, which as soon as they arrive (they weren't sure they could e-mail) I will post to the site. I also ordered one for myself, so at the latest, I'll have my own pictures when it arrives. |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42982 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 04-10-2003 07:51 PM
I had planned to post a review and pictures of the new "Apollo 13" model released by the Danbury Mint today (thanks to Dave Senechal for the heads-up). The model is the first in their new "Milestones in Space Exploration" collection. Unfortunately, when the replica was delivered today, it was DOA -- damaged on arrival. So, the review and gallery will have to wait until a replacement arrives. To their credit, Danbury's staff were very professional, quick to offer the exchange even before I had returned the broken model to its box. Instead, I'll post a teaser: one picture (above) showing the model as it arrived and the names of the three additional models in the line to be released: Saturn V, Friendship 7, and Space Shuttle Columbia. Want to know more? Wait for the collectSPACE review coming soon... |
Rizz Member Posts: 1208 From: Upcountry, Maui, Hawaii Registered: Mar 2002
posted 04-11-2003 12:28 AM
Geez, considering that the model is of Apollo 13, and not noticing any damage to the SM, how ironic a situation, that if they did in fact land on the moon safely, they would have the ladder fall off. |
andrewcarson Member Posts: 349 From: Liverpool UK Registered: Sep 2002
posted 04-22-2003 06:49 AM
Does anyone know which website is offering this piece for sale? |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42982 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 04-22-2003 09:33 AM
Unfortunately, at this time there is no online ordering available. Danbury Mint has said they only sell their sports collectibles through their website. |
CPIA New Member Posts: From: Registered:
posted 04-22-2003 11:54 AM
I just ordered the Danbury Mint Apollo 13 display. Now I wait 10 days for the model. |
tedc Member Posts: 123 From: Renton, WA USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 04-22-2003 05:01 PM
Does any one have any comments on how this Danbury Mint CSM and LM compares quality wise to the Code 3 Collectibles' Smithsonian LM on the moon replica? I would like to purchase one of these and am determining where to spend my money. Thanks. |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42982 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 04-22-2003 05:07 PM
I would say they are in different classes. The Code 3 Collectibles (Smithsonian Collection) LM is more of a diaroma with lunar base and astronauts. The LM itself is more statue than its a model.The Danbury Mint LM is diecast, with moving parts, and its much more a standalone model. Of course, the Danbury Mint includes the CSM as well, but it tells less of a 'story'. As both represent different stages of the mission, I think they complement each other nicely. In fact, combined with the Space Voyagers Ultimate Saturn V (or similar model) and the Corgi Apollo Rescue Diaroma, you can now assemble models to recreate each stage of a typical Apollo lunar landing mission. |
Rizz Member Posts: 1208 From: Upcountry, Maui, Hawaii Registered: Mar 2002
posted 04-28-2003 04:09 PM
Got mine today.Aside from a few minor flaws including a loose pin on the LM ascent docking hatch, a CM/SM Umbilical cord permanently bent away from the model, a landing pod swiveled the wrong way, and the ladder and porch somewhat mis-aligned, it looks pretty darn good, (from far away). All in all, it's worth the $100+. |
Philip Member Posts: 5952 From: Brussels, Belgium Registered: Jan 2001
posted 05-05-2003 02:56 AM
Looks like the ladder is too wide in comparison to the astronaut figure. |
Rick Mulheirn Member Posts: 4167 From: England Registered: Feb 2001
posted 05-08-2003 07:10 PM
For anybody in the UK thinking of buying a Danbury Mint Apollo 13 model; the item is not available from the UK offices. It is sold through Danbury US only. This evening I was quoted $144.17 inclusive of postage and packing. |
Rizz Member Posts: 1208 From: Upcountry, Maui, Hawaii Registered: Mar 2002
posted 05-19-2003 06:09 PM
I'm happy to report that the Mint sent me out a new Apollo 13 model. This one is just fine, none of the flaws that graced the first one. They even paid for return postage.Thumbs up for the Danbury Mint service dept. |
Bob McClimon Member Posts: 18 From: Coronado, CA Registered: Nov 1999
posted 06-06-2003 11:40 PM
There is a very nice colorful ad in Flight Journal Magazine (Aug. 2003) for the Danbury Mint 1/50 scale Apollo 13. The model is selling really well. |
Mike Dixon Member Posts: 1397 From: Kew, Victoria, Australia Registered: May 2003
posted 06-09-2003 04:03 AM
Does anyone have any information regarding date releases for the other ("Friendship 7" / Saturn V) models? |
Rizz Member Posts: 1208 From: Upcountry, Maui, Hawaii Registered: Mar 2002
posted 06-09-2003 02:32 PM
Friendship 7 will be released this summer, followed by Saturn V this fall, and Columbia around the winter.
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42982 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 08-02-2003 12:10 AM
Danbury Mint has begun sending out a new flyer promoting their series of Nick Proach-designed diecast models, "Milestones in Space Exploration". This is the first mailing in which the three remaining models to be released -- Friendship 7, Columbia, and the Saturn V -- have been pictured: Originally Danbury Mint was to release the next model this summer. Instead, the next model is expected to ship in January 2004. |
Michael Clemente Member Posts: 186 From: Atco, New Jersey, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 08-02-2003 01:48 PM
Thanks for the update and the pictures of the upcoming models. I just got my notice in the mail today about the next release in January 2004. I haven't received the flyer concerning the other models and what they look like. Do you think they will do a Gemini capsule also? |
Peter Member Posts: 15 From: Milwaukee,WI Registered: Aug 2001
posted 08-03-2003 01:30 PM
I hope that the "Saturn V - Apollo 11" pictured is not the final version. The paint job (first stage roll pattern) is wrong. Besides that, the rest look great! |
jutrased Member Posts: 65 From: North Smithfield, RI USA Registered: Aug 2003
posted 08-18-2003 10:17 AM
Has anyone else had problems with the Danbury Apollo 13?I received mine about two weeks ago. After putting it together, I place it on a display shelf. This past weekend I was startled by a loud crash! My LM was on the floor with several broken pieces. The cause was the small round hole/ring at the top of the command module where the LM is connected. That metal(?) hole was pulled out of the command module. The piece had a very sticky glue on it, and also in the top of the command module. The glue apparently failed. I've already contacted Danbury Mint and a replacement is on the way. (Thank you) Has anyone else had this problem? More importantly, anyone who has the Danbury Apollo 13 should probably check their model to see if they have this problem. |
072069 Member Posts: 206 From: Sayreville, NJ USA Registered: Oct 2003
posted 11-04-2003 01:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by jutrased: I've already contacted Danbury Mint and a replacement is on the way.
Just wondering if anyone else has had to have their Apollo 13 model replaced because of part failure at the Command Module docking pin? The weight of the Lunar Module on mine pulled the docking pin out of the Command Module socket. The folks at the Danbury Mint were great about sending a replacement but I've hesitated redocking them for fear that it might be a structural design flaw in the model. The problem is that when the Lunar Module is placed feet down on the stand it doesn't really fit. The span between the lander's feet is just a tad wider than the width of the base. |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42982 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 11-04-2003 01:39 PM
I had (have) this very same problem and it resulted in my doing a little self-surgery to the piece to rig the pin to offer more support to the LM. The problem is that the hole for which the pin to fit into the CM is not a perfect fit, rather it tapers inwards and therefore there is not a solid connection between the two. My "fix" looks fine as long as you do not try to separate the two, but otherwise is not what I would call an ideal situation. I didn't send it back as they already replaced the model once due a broken leg. |
072069 Member Posts: 206 From: Sayreville, NJ USA Registered: Oct 2003
posted 11-04-2003 02:02 PM
Well, I guess I won't reattach it. I do wish the base was just a fraction wider, though, so the Lunar Module's feet would fit without sliding off. It's such a beautiful model, you'd think they'd have managed to perfect those last few details to make it perfect, eh? |
Rizz Member Posts: 1208 From: Upcountry, Maui, Hawaii Registered: Mar 2002
posted 11-04-2003 04:17 PM
I've been having a 'gravity issue' with the LM.I too have recieved a replacement already, due to a couple of minor problems. The replacement LM now occasionally tries to undock the CM from the SM. arrrghh. |
Robert Pearlman Editor Posts: 42982 From: Houston, TX Registered: Nov 1999
posted 02-06-2004 10:21 PM
Photos of Danbury Mint's Columbia courtesy Larry McGlynn:

Peter Kemp Member Posts: 91 From: Chelmsford, Essex, United Kingdom Registered: Jul 2002
posted 08-07-2004 06:32 AM
I received a postcard this morning here in the UK from Danbury Mint stating that the next release from their "Milestones in Space Exploration Collection" would be available by early September.Has anybody Stateside subscribing to this series also heard from them? Anybody have any advance information as to which of the two remaining items its going to be, Saturn V or Friendship 7? |
mikepf Member Posts: 441 From: San Jose, California, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 08-07-2004 02:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by Michael Clemente: Do you think they will do a Gemini capsule also?
So where is the Gemini model? The series seems a bit misnamed without one! |
AlanLawrie Member Posts: 95 From: hitchin, herts, UK Registered: Oct 2003
posted 08-16-2004 08:02 AM
It's a pity that the first stage of the Saturn V has the identification of S-IC-11 because if it's supposed to be Apollo 11 it should have been S-IC-06. |
1202 Alarm Member Posts: 436 From: Switzerland & France Registered: Nov 2003
posted 08-16-2004 12:34 PM
Have you received your Saturn V? If so, can you give us a small review as to size and quality? Because, as many others, I got the first two, but I'm not sure on this one now that I bought the Dragon Wings 1/400th model. In fact, I called Danbury to cancel my automatic order. |
flyboy Member Posts: 30 From: Kansas City,MO,USA Registered: Sep 2004
posted 09-10-2004 01:51 PM
I just got the Danbury Mint's Friendship 7 model yesterday. It's awesome!!! |
Rick Mulheirn Member Posts: 4167 From: England Registered: Feb 2001
posted 09-10-2004 04:02 PM
A post on cS in mid-August went in to great detail about Danbury's latest release, the Saturn V model. We would now appear to have Friendship 7 too. Can somebody confirm which one it is, or are both now available? |
flyboy Member Posts: 30 From: Kansas City,MO,USA Registered: Sep 2004
posted 09-11-2004 03:06 PM
I haven't made any decision to get the Saturn V rocket yet, so I don't know any info on that, but I can confirm I received the Friendship 7 (again I repeat, awesome) capsule Sept 9th. |
Peter Kemp Member Posts: 91 From: Chelmsford, Essex, United Kingdom Registered: Jul 2002
posted 09-14-2004 09:37 AM
I received the Danbury Mint Friendship 7 Model this morning.I was expecting the Saturn V Model and some members of the Yahoo Space Modelers Group to which I also subscribe have, in the last few days posted photos of the Saturn V Model, which they have received. They don't mention the Mercury Model at all. Perhaps Danbury have released both together? I may fire off an email to them to check what the situation is. |
1202 Alarm Member Posts: 436 From: Switzerland & France Registered: Nov 2003
posted 09-14-2004 10:38 AM
I'm living the opposite situation. Got my Saturn two weeks ago and no Mercury yet! Though it's normal, since I called them to wait until my firm order... as I have the Code 3 Mercury model, I want to be sure this one is adding something to my collection. Can someone take and put online here a couple of pictures of their Danbury Mint Mercury? Along with an idea of its size? |
Peter Kemp Member Posts: 91 From: Chelmsford, Essex, United Kingdom Registered: Jul 2002
posted 09-14-2004 03:33 PM
Further to my previous post, I emailed Danbury Mint Customer Services asking about the release of the Saturn V model.I very quickly received a reply from them confirming that it is in stock now, although I am not scheduled to receive mine until December 2004. They have offered me the option of shipping it early, which I will probably accept. |
flyboy Member Posts: 30 From: Kansas City,MO,USA Registered: Sep 2004
posted 09-15-2004 10:15 AM
quote: Originally posted by 1202 Alarm: Along with an idea of its size?
The capsule is the same size as the Code 3 model (both are scale 1:24). In my opinion the Danbury Mint model has a better display (better stand, includes the tower and the retrorockets). Don't get me wrong, the Code 3 model has it's pluses as well, due to the the window is clear (it's painted on the Danbury Mint model), you can remove the hatch and see the nice details inside. |
Michael Davis Member Posts: 528 From: Houston, Texas Registered: Aug 2002
posted 01-29-2006 02:01 PM
The Friendship 7 Mercury model from Danbury is the only one of the series that I don't own. I'm not dying to get it, but was wondering if others thought it was a good purchase. Any input from those who own the model is appreciated. |
Rick Mulheirn Member Posts: 4167 From: England Registered: Feb 2001
posted 01-29-2006 05:27 PM
In my humble opinion the Danbury Mint Friendship 7 model was not outstanding but a nice model all the same and good value for money too. It stacked up well with the Danbury Apollo 13 piece which most people seemed pleased with (apart from the fact the docked craft on occasion separated involuntarily). I would recommend it. |
Dennis Beatty Member Posts: 356 From: Registered: Jan 2000
posted 01-29-2006 05:34 PM
I purchased... then returned the Friendship 7. While the model was very nice, the insignia (as well as other lettering) was done with decals. When applied over the ribbed surface of the capsule, it looked very poor. Additionally, the decals could only adhere to the high points, leading to my concern that they would not be permanent. It was a real shame as I would have liked to have added it to my collection. |
starhopper Member Posts: 58 From: Kathleen, GA, USA Registered: Aug 2005
posted 01-30-2006 11:13 AM
I originally had the Mercury but sent it back - I wasn't impressed with what I got for the same money I spent on the superb Apollo 13 from Danbury. |