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  Why aren't all Robbins medallions flown?

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Author Topic:   Why aren't all Robbins medallions flown?
Dennis Beatty

Posts: 390
Registered: Jan 2000

posted 03-03-2025 07:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dennis Beatty   Click Here to Email Dennis Beatty     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm curious...why weren't all of the Shuttle era Robbins medallions flown? What criteria was used to determine the quantity flown versus the quantity produced?

Robert Pearlman

Posts: 54092
From: Houston, TX
Registered: Nov 1999

posted 03-03-2025 07:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Robert Pearlman   Click Here to Email Robert Pearlman     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My understanding (and it could be wrong) is that Robbins medallions were/are only available for purchase by the past and present members of the astronaut office.

Only the crew for which the medallion was issued could buy silver medallions to be flown on their mission; the other astronauts could purchase unflown medallions. Gold medallions were restricted to the crew and only one per person.

The crew could fly the other astronauts' silver medallions, as we know was done in the Official Flight Kit for the first several space shuttle missions, but for the most part, the Robbins medallions were packed in the astronauts' personal preference kits.

All times are CT (US)

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