This document, reprinted here for reference only, can be found as part of NASA's Online Directives Information System (NODIS) Library.
NASA Policy Directive
NPD 7100.10C: Control of Lunar Materials
Effective Date: March 19, 1999
Expiration Date: March 19, 2004
Responsible Office: S / Office of Space Science
This NASA Policy Directive (NPD) sets forth the basic policy for the control of lunar materials and related program management and operations. Natural materials returned from the lunar environment represent a unique and limited national resource and future heritage. Accordingly--
- A vigorous and effective program of analysis, description, and other scientific and technical research on these materials must be pursued to derive the maximum scientific or technological information from them.
- The optimum use of these materials requires special allocation, coordination, and managerial control to ensure the optimum benefit to sciences, technology, education, public information, and the interest of the United States.
- A representative sample of the lunar materials will be stored in as undisturbed a condition as possible for studies that may be carried out in the indefinite future.
This NPD applies to NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers, including Component Facilities.
42 U.S.C. 2473(c)(1), Section 203(c)(1) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as amended.
- The Associate Administrator for the Office of Space Science (OSS) is responsible for implementation of this policy. The following are the responsibilities of the Associate Administrator:
- Selection of scientific and technological investigations and investigators using lunar materials, in accordance with current NASA Research Announcements (NRA) issued by OSS or to meet programmatic requirements.
- Approval of the allocation of lunar materials for approved scientific and technological investigations, education and public display, and to meet other NASA requirements. Approval of engineering investigations as described in current NRA's, with the concurrence of the Office of Space Flight.
- The Associate Administrator for the Office of Space Flight (OSF) will select engineering investigations using lunar materials, in accordance with current NRA's issued by OSF or to meet programmatic requirements.
- The Director of Space Science and Aeronautics Division, Office of External Relations, will review and concur on arrangements with the foreign sponsoring agencies in all cases where foreign Principal Investigators are to be involved in research on lunar materials.
- The Director of the Johnson Space Center (JSC) is responsible for the following:
- The accomplishment of the Lunar Sample Research Program as assigned by NASA Headquarters, including documentation, preparation, and distribution of samples for research, education, and public outreach.
- The physical security, protection, preservation, and environment of lunar materials at JSC in the prime storage point; the Lunar Sample Laboratory Facility, under the supervision and responsibility of the Curator of the facility; and the suitable off-site storage of a representative sampling of the lunar materials.
- The development and maintenance of the system of detailed procedures through which the distribution of lunar materials is controlled and the implementation of that system in conjunction with other NASA offices as necessary.
- The development and maintenance of a unified, thorough, and up-to-date handbook on the operations, control, and security of lunar materials.
- The authority for directing and managing the programs and operations using lunar materials may be delegated to the Director, Research Program Management Division, Office of Space Science, by the Associate Administrator for Space Science. These delegated responsibilities include selection of scientific and technical investigations and investigators using lunar materials, preparation of budgets, maintenance of appropriate balance between elements of the program, development of long-range plans, interaction with other NASA programs and offices, and such other responsibilities and obligations as may be necessary to maintain and protect the lunar materials, and to approve the allocation of lunar material for scientific and technical investigations, education and public display, and other NASA programmatic requirements.
- The authority for development and management of operational aspects of the lunar sample curation and distribution program, as assigned to JSC, may be delegated to the Lunar Sample Curator by the Director of JSC.
NMI 7100.10B, dated December 12, 1991.

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