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Forum:Commercial Space - Military Space
Topic:Yusaku Maezawa%7CAPO%7Cs dearMoon SpaceX mission
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Robert PearlmanYusaku Maezawa has named the dearMoon crew:
  • DJ and producer Steve Aoki
  • Youtube creator Tim Dodd
  • Artist Yemi A.D.
  • Photographer Karim Iliya
  • Photographer Rhiannon Adam
  • Filmmaker Brendan Hall
  • Actor Dev Joshi
  • Musician T.O.P.
It's been a year and a half since MZ first opened the dearMoon admission to the public in search of artists to join him on this lunar orbital mission.

After numerous interviews, medical checks and face-to face gatherings, we are finally ready to announce the crew members who will be joining MZ on this extraordinary trip to the moon on SpaceX’s Starship.

SpaceAholicdearMoon release
Announcement Regarding The dearMoon Project

In 2018, Yusaku Maezawa and SpaceX announced the dearMoon project, a spaceflight mission around the Moon aboard SpaceX's Starship transportation system. Throughout the week-long journey, the multinational crew of artists, content creators, and athletes who have been selected for this mission will be the first to fly around the Moon aboard Starship, travel within 200 km of the lunar surface, and safely return to Earth. Initially targeted to liftoff in late 2023, the launch will not take place this year due to the on-going development of Starship.

The vehicle's first flight test in April 2023 provided numerous lessons learned that are directly contributing to upgrades being made to improve the probability of success on future Starship flights.

The upcoming second integrated flight test will inform development and the dearMoon mission timeline, and we will share an update once we know more

Robert PearlmandearMoon release
Notice of Project Cancellation

In 2018, Yusaku Maezawa announced dearMoon, the world's first civilian circumlunar voyage aboard SpaceX's space vehicle, Starship. The plan had included artists from around the world who would participate in the project to share the invaluable experience in space with the rest of the world. Arrangements were being made with SpaceX to target the launch by the end of 2023.

Unfortunately, however, launch within 2023 became unfeasible, and without clear schedule certainty in the near-term, it is with a heavy heart that Maezawa made the unavoidable decision to cancel the project. To all who have supported this project and looked forward to this endeavor, we sincerely appreciate it and apologize for this outcome.

Although dearMoon is cancelled, Maezawa and dearMoon crew members will continue to challenge themselves in their respective fields.

We will hold deep respect for SpaceX as they continue to venture into uncharted territories, while we ourselves will move on to the next challenge.

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