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Forum:Publications %7CAMP%7C Multimedia
Topic:Yuri Gagarin%7CAPO%7Cs %7CQUT%7CFirst Orbit%7CQUT%7C %28film by Chris Riley%29
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April 12th 1961 – Yuri Gagarin is about to see what no other person has seen in the history of humanity – the Earth from space. In the next 108 minutes he'll see more than most people do in a lifetime. What sights awaited the first cosmonaut silently gliding over the world below? What was it like to view the oceans and continents sailing by from such a height?

In a unique collaboration with the European Space Agency, and the Expedition 26/27 crew of the International Space Station, we have created a new film of what Gagarin first witnessed fifty years ago.

By matching the orbital path of the Space Station, as closely as possible, to that of Gagarin's Vostok 1 spaceship and filming the same vistas of the Earth through the new giant cupola window, astronaut Paolo Nespoli, and documentary film maker Christopher Riley, have captured a new digital high definition view of the Earth below, half a century after Gagarin first witnessed it.

Weaving these new views together with historic recordings of Gagarin from the time, and an original score by composer Philip Sheppard, we have created a spellbinding film to share with people around the world on this historic anniversary.

The film will be released online for streaming and downloading on April 12, on the 50th anniversary of Gagarin's flight. It will also be shown at more than 100 Yuri's Night parties. has partnered with Riley to host the film and present it as an additional download site for our readers and the public. Other distribution partners include: Imperial College, London; Radio Zero in Portugal; d::gen network; and the KiwiSpace Foundation in New Zealand.

capoetcLooks interesting. Thanks for hosting the film, Robert!
Paul23I've just seen there is an article on the BBC website about this film.
A movie has been made on the space station that tries to show what Yuri Gagarin might have seen on his historic flight around the Earth in 1961.

FirstOrbit is being released as a free download to celebrate the Russian cosmonaut's achievement 50 years on.

No film exists showing what Gagarin saw through the viewports of his Vostok capsule; there is only an audio recording of his observations.

This has now been matched to high-definition video shot from the station.

"When you combine these pictures of what he was genuinely able to see with the excitement and tingle in his voice, it's quite amazing," film director and space historian Dr Chris Riley told BBC News.

Glint has partnered with Riley to host the film and present it as an additional download site for our readers and the public.
Just wondering where on cS this will be available for download and, if known, what its filesize is? Thanks.
Robert PearlmanThe download site will be announced tomorrow (April 12). The file sizes span between 500 megabytes and 5 gigabytes depending on chosen resolution.
Robert PearlmanFirst Orbit can now be screened in its entirety on YouTube.

Links to download a copy of the movie will be posted soon.

paulushumungusI love the opening Gagarin sequences. Composer Philip Sheppard also did a great job on the musical score for "In the Shadow of the Moon".
Originally posted by Robert Pearlman:
Links to download a copy of the movie will be posted soon.

Hope you don't mind me asking, how soon "soon" is?

Robert PearlmanApologies for the delay; the "First Orbit" is now available for download here:

The free film is available in three sizes: low, medium and high resolution.

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