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Forum:Hardware %7CAMP%7C Flown Items
Topic:Werenbach watches made from Soyuz metal
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Robert PearlmanThe Kickstarter campaign came to its end on Monday (May 29), having successfully raised CHF 768,039 (about $788,220 US) from 1,231 backers.
That was such a tremendous success! Thank you so much for your support. Our project did not only reach several funding goals — its is also the most funded project on Kickstarter from Switzerland!
Because of the success, Werenbach upgraded the mechanism in each watch ordered from a Japanese to Swiss movement.

If you missed out on the 45 percent discount offered by the campaign, but still desire a watch, Werenbach is now offering the watches through its website at 30 percent off its full price.

We will reduce the discount on Tuesday to 30%. Later we will further reduce it stepwise to 0% until the watches are available at regular conditions.
Larry McGlynnI received my Werenbach Model 5 Soyuz watch today. Now this campaign was an excellent example of a successful Kickstarter project. The watch was worth the risk. Very unique and well done on Werenbach's part.

After wearing this watch for a few days, I wrote a short review of the watch on my blog.

TomReceived my watch as well... FANTASTIC!!
TomLarry, I noticed your watch is from the Soyuz MS-04 launch vehicle. Mine is from Soyuz MS-02. I wonder if any were produced from Soyuz MS-03 material?
Larry McGlynnTom, it is probably based on the strap on boosters that they found out in the Steppes. The Kazakhstan tribes that inhabit the area grab those boosters and use them for shelter and home repair. So the MS-03 boosters may have landed in a different place or where found by the local tribe, who scavenged it for parts.

You could ask the guys at Werenbach via the Kickstarter comments section.

Robert PearlmanFrom their Facebook updates, it appears Werenbach is continuing to travel out to Soyuz launches to gather fairing parts. Their most recent updates mentioned Soyuz MS-05 and MS-06.

They have also now introduced a "Leonov" collection, which includes built-to-order models, where you can pick the specific face (among other components) from which your watch will be assembled. These faces include signs (some extensive) of burn marks, scratches, paint chips and the divisions between paint colors and/or the bare metal of the Soyuz rocket.

Larry McGlynnYes, I have grown fond of looking at the 4.5 Megaton Chronograph.
Robert PearlmancollectSPACE
New wristwatches with flown rocket metal link to live view from space

A watchmaker that saw success crafting timepieces from rocket-flown metal is now looking to connect outer space to your wrist.

In 2017, Werenbach crowdfunded more than $785,000 for its first line of watches, which were made out of spent Russian Soyuz rocket stages used in the launch of astronauts and cosmonauts to the International Space Station. On Tuesday (June 12), the Zurich-based company returned to Kickstarter for its next merger of space and time.

"After one of the most successful watch stories in Kickstarter history, we wanted to return to you, our supporters, with something new once again – a watch with a real piece of rocket at its heart that now also connects you to space to share the view of an astronaut in real time," the watchmaker announced.

Robert PearlmanThe Mach 33 campaign was fully funded within in its first hour.
Larry McGlynnI put in for the Gravity edition of the watch.

I have to say that the original edition of the watch has been very enjoyable to wear and the orange color makes for a unique dial face. The watch keeps excellent time. This is the best Kickstarter investment that I have made.

Greggy_DI received a notification today that my watch shipped from Switzerland. This was from the most recent Kickstarter campaign.
PhilipInterestingly Danish ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen wore a '57 Werenbach Spaceborn chronograph on Soyuz TMA-18M in September 2015.

This spring, Werenbach will celebrate ten years of their unique concept for making wristwatch dials from spent Soyuz launch vehicle boosters recovered downrange of the Baikonur launch site in Kazakhstan.

Robert PearlmanWerenbach is back on Kickstarter, this time with a new model watch featuring a dial made from melted down rocket metal from the Soyuz MS-09 launch in 2018.

The campaign, which began today (Sept. 17) seeking $65,710, has already raised more than $250,000 from 325 backers. The watches begin at $547 (CHF 499) as an early bird special and climb to $1,095 (CHF 999) for the "Superlative" model in a limited "Deep Black" edition.

The design of the watches is adapted to the properties of the rocket material. The material is melted down to form the dials. Because of this, our self-developed dial design can only be realised using sophisticated casting technology.

The result is a unique 3D profile. The logo and hour markers are raised, while other areas, such as the 'ROCKET MATERIAL' and 'ORBIT' lettering, are set into depressed grooves in the dial. This transforms the watches into truly unparalleled timepieces. The dials are a world innovation - the first to be produced using aluminium injection moulding technology.

Robert PearlmanWerenbach has announced it is ceasing production of its Soyuz metal watches.
It's hard, but everything comes to an end eventually. So, sadly, does the era of rocket watches. But if it has to come to an end, then at least there shall be a great one.
They are selling off their stock with a 50 percent off sale (with discount code "itwasabadasstime") and will hold an event on Nov. 25 at their offices in Zurich:
On this day, we will bring the most beautiful rocket parts to our studio to give away to our biggest fans. Please register for the event and find out what it takes to secure one of these unique rocket pieces.

Note: The fantastic rocket parts are only available to those who purchase a mechanical watch at full price from now on.

Robert PearlmanFrom Werenbach:
...some of our most beautiful rocket parts will be auctioned off at an international auction - with a surprise: each part comes with a gift. A matching watch.

Important for interested bidders: The auction will take place on December 4. There are a total of five selected rocket parts: An engine part, a part of the engine cowling, a Progress rocket logo and a fire extinguisher....

Further details on the exhibits can be found directly on the Koller Auctions website.

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