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Forum:Stamps %7CAMP%7C Covers
Topic:USPS 2018 %7CAPO%7CSally Ride%7CAPO%7C commemorative stamp
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RMHDoes anyone know if Ken Havekotte (Space Coast Cover Service) is producing any special covers for this stamp issue?
Ken HavekotteYes, I'll be offering two to three different cachet design covers for Sally Ride's official FDC issue on May 23rd. Will also have a few unofficial first day cover productions as well.

Once everything is completed, I'll post here again.

RossI notice that the two special postmarks that I've seen for the Sally Ride stamp are for La Jolla which I believe is a suburb of San Diego. I was wondering why La Jolla was selected rather than say Los Angeles which is Sally's hometown.
Robert PearlmanLa Jolla is where Sally Ride served as a professor of physics at the University of California San Diego, it is where Sally Ride Science is now based, and it is where she was residing when she died in 2012.

Tam O'Shaughnessy, Ride's life and business partner, chose UC San Diego for the USPS dedication ceremony.

RossThanks Robert. That makes sense. I wonder if anyone thought to produce covers with a L.A. postmark. They would make a nice addition to the official postmarks.
Robert PearlmanUSPS video
America's first woman in space, Sally Ride (1951–2012), inspired the nation as a pioneering astronaut, brilliant physicist and dedicated educator. This tribute video features colleagues at NASA and those who lives have been forever touched by Ride's contributions and legacies, and it highlights Ride's importance as an American hero, a role model to young women, and her impact on our nation and future generations of space explorers.

This video debuted at the First-Day-of-Issue ceremony, prior to the revealing of the Sally Ride Forever Stamp at the University of California, San Diego on Wednesday, May 23, 2018.

Robert PearlmanThirty-five years ago today (June 18), Sally Ride became the first American woman in space. Pictured here, a cover previously postmarked on June 18, 1983 at Kennedy Space Center for Sally Ride's launch on space shuttle Challenger's STS-7 crew is stamped and postmarked again on May 23, 2018 in La Jolla, Califonria for the first day of issue of the USPS stamp honoring Ride.

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