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Topic:The Chieftains In Orbit %28with Cady Coleman%29
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irish guyHope to have this album by St. Patrick's Day.

Met Cady and her husband at the Kennedy Space Center press site where she told me she would be returning one of the flutes to their home in Mayo. She is such a lovely, friendly lady, hope to meet her again.

irish guyReturned to sender!

Astronaut Cady Coleman joined her friends for a few songs in Dublin a few nights ago and also got the chance to return those much traveled and very famous flutes from Paddy and Matt of the Chieftains.

Robert PearlmanCady Coleman, Dan Burbank and — live from orbit, Chris Hadfield — performed with The Chieftains when they came to Houston on Feb. 15, 2013:

domA very nice sound considering the obvious technical issues involved! And, Chris Hadfield continues to cement his position as Ireland's favourite astronaut.
domThe influential Irish musician Paddy Moloney has died. He had many fans in NASA.
Robert PearlmanCady Coleman paid tribute to Paddy Moloney (via Twitter):
I loved playing Paddy Moloney's tin whistle on the ISS while floating/watching earth go by. Paddy had the rare ability to connect with people across the globe and I treasured our time together. My heart is with his family and musical family everywhere — he/his music will forever be missed.

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