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Forum:Publications %7CAMP%7C Multimedia
Topic:The Challenger Disaster %28VM Productions film%29
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Originally titled "Angry Men" before it was picked up by Vertical for distribution, the film is more "inspired by" than "based on" the tragic events of Jan. 28, 1986. According to its Facebook page, the filmmakers are hosting premiere events at movie theaters in Richmond, Texas on Jan. 22 and in Dallas on Jan. 24, 2019.

KSCartistI looked at the film info on the IMDB website. None of the actors are portraying real people. Dean Cain is portraying lawyer "Larry Arnold." An actress is portraying "Teacher Astronaut."

If they don't have permission to use real names then this is going to be over sensationalized BS. I love historical drama as much as anyone but No! Hard Pass.

onesmallstepI am open-minded about historical-based films, but I raise an eyebrow whenever names are changed to protect the guilty/innocent/people not consulted in the making of a film. That said, I'm glad they changed the title too to avoid confusion — I'm sure it can't hold a candle to the classic 1957 courtroom drama "12 Angry Men" starring Henry Fonda.

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