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Topic:Space Sessions%3A Songs from a Tin Can %28Chris Hadfield%29
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The first 500 CDs ordered will be autographed by Hadfield. He also has bundles available with a Space Sessions patch, t-shirt, vinyl record and/or hoodie.

Chariot412Rats. Shipping to the U.S. costs more than the CD. Might have to pursue the digital option.
328KFI went in for the CD/T-shirt/patch option. It's neat that you're getting the first album recorded in space, and I think the cover art on the shirt is awesome... a lot of things going on there.

I wonder if this was "approved" project by the ISS partners? Did anyone know about it in advance?

Robert PearlmancollectSPACE
Astronaut Chris Hadfield releasing 'Space Sessions' album recorded in orbit

In the first single off of Chris Hadfield's new music album, the first album to be primarily recorded in space, the Canadian astronaut croons, "Can't stand on my own two feet, I just float away, I took a ride in a hot, hot seat, now I'm ready to play, far away."

And play he does.

Hadfield, who is maybe best known (at least musically) for his zero-g rendition of David Bowie's "Space Oddity," fills "Space Sessions: Songs From a Tin Can" with 11 original tracks that he wrote, sang and played guitar for, all while serving as a crew member aboard and commander of the International Space Station in 2013.

"Bit by bit, squeezed into all of the work that was going on up there, I recorded those songs," said Hadfield as part of a behind-the-music interview posted on his website. "They were changed by the place. A couple of them I wrote from scratch, inspired by being up there."

music_spaceI was reading the above cS news item about Chris Hadfield releasing the "Space Sessions" album where Hadfield notes: "I hung a sign on the outside of my [sleep pod] door that said, 'Recording in Session'..."

That's a sign I'd like to have. Plus a few of these CSA guitar picks. The flown ones, I mean.

Plus, in the following still from a CSA video:

Hadfield Kayuta

...the posture of the astronaut seems to suggest that he is subjected to gravity, like he is hanging from the door frame...

I hope that no history revisionists will call the whole thing a hoax!

music_spaceMemorabilia related to the album, including an insignia, is available through Chris Hadfield's site.

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