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Forum:Soviet - Russian Space
Topic:Soyuz TMA-14M%3A Viewing%2C comments%2C questions
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Originally posted by Hart Sastrowardoyo:
This would have been the perfect expedition for the "Don't panic!" emblem...
Already done.... by the astronauts! Just about prefect (pun intended).
mikepfWas that a bowl of petunias I saw floating by the station?
Originally posted by mikepf:
Was that a bowl of petunias I saw floating by the station?
Oh no, not again!

By the way, despite the new Italian cappuccino machine, no word as to whether a decent cup of tea can be had on the ISS.

Robert PearlmanExpedition 41 flight engineer Reid Wiseman via Twitter:
Awesome view of the Soyuz with only one array deployed. Flown by the best!
Robert PearlmanSoyuz TMA-14M landed in Kazakhstan tonight (March 11) at about 9:07 p.m. CST (0207 GMT March 12). Butch Wilmore, Alexander Samokutyaev and Elena Serova are safely home!

Robert PearlmanAbsolutely stunning shots by NASA's Bill Ingalls:

PhilipVery nice blue ROSCOSMOS blankets...
MSSThis was the 20th direct return for USOS crewmembers.

Astronauts, Cosmonauts & their flights

OV3DiscoveryThat is quite a large parachute placed into a relatively small Soyuz spacecraft, does anyone know what the thickness of the parachute is?

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