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Forum:Commercial Space - Military Space
Topic:SNC Dream Chaser%3A Second phase of flight tests
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Robert PearlmancollectSPACE
Dream Chaser space plane makes captive carry test flight

A small space plane was lifted into the skies over southern California on Wednesday (Aug. 30), in a test supporting future commercial cargo deliveries to the International Space Station.

A Columbia 234-UT Chinook helicopter flew Sierra Nevada Corporation's Dream Chaser engineering test article on a "captive carry" flight above the dry lake bed at Edwards Air Force Base and NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center. The one hour and 41 minute-long fight was the first of two captive tests before a "free flight," or drop test, planned for later this year.

Robert PearlmancollectSPACE
Dream Chaser space plane glides to Earth on flight test steeped in history

A small space plane has repeated history — both its own, and that of an earlier iconic winged spacecraft.

Sierra Nevada Corporation's (SNC) Dream Chaser flew its first fully successful approach and landing test on Saturday (Nov. 11), dropping from altitude below a carrier helicopter to an autonomous touchdown at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The Veteran's Day test flight repeated a feat carried out in 2013, but without the engineering test article suffering damage from a landing gear failure.

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