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Forum:Hardware %7CAMP%7C Flown Items
Topic:Russian Soyuz rocket debris lands in Wyoming
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kyraI saw it here as I was driving west at about 6:15 am. Didn't know what it was at first. Heard rumors all day long, but I guess its all settled.
Robert Pearlman
NORAD spokesman Sean Kelly said the agency was trying to confirm a report that a piece of the rocket may have hit the ground near Riverton, Wyoming, at about 6 a.m.
The AP report says that the rocket debris is from the launch of the French planet-finder Corot last month.
fuzzfootK2TV News is reporting that a police officer was called out to investigate 'burned snow' in Casper, Wyoming, though no debris has been found.

If snow can burn, then fire can freeze...

Robert Pearlman
Originally posted by fuzzfoot:
...though no debris has been found.
Another AP report includes, "One piece of debris reportedly landed in Riverton, Wyo. near Highway 28."
86hornBeing a teacher, this would be an awesome example of such a phenomenon to show kids and help them distinguish between what they see, what they hear about, etc.

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