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Forum:Space Places
Topic:Restoring and upgrading NASA Ames%7CAPO%7C Titan I
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Though this image is years old, I saw the Titan there recently.

Another Titan I is found erected alongside I-75 at Exit 99 in Cordele, GA.

hlbjrThe Florida Today article "Rocket too rusty to be refurbished" [Editor's note: from the collectSPACE 2005 entry] is not an active link. I searched for the original article at the Florida Today but didn't find the story. Oh well.

I remember examining that rocket one morning waiting for a shuttle to launch. I was amazed how beautiful some of the piping and wiring was which hadn't been affected by the ravages of time.

mikejI have a few pictures of the Cordele Titan I on my web site.
art540Interesting about the 1969 arrival date. I have two images of the Titan arriving at ARC captioned as August 1967.

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