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Forum:Mercury - Gemini - Apollo
Topic:Recovery and reuse of Saturn V%7CAPO%7Cs first stage
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HeadshotHas any liquid-fueled rocket engine that has been immersed in ocean water ever been re-launched?
Paul78zephyrDid anyone ever consider a non-water vertical landing for the S-IC like the Blue Origin New Shepard or SpaceX Falcon? Now that would have been something.
HeadshotBlue Origins plans to attempt a vertical landing of the first stage of their huge New Glenn launch vehicle. While slightly smaller in diameter than a S-IC, it will be taller (longer).
Robert PearlmanI'm not aware of any proposals to vertically land the S-IC.

Assuming for the moment that there were sufficient fuel reserves (which very well might not have been the case), the lack of a modern guidance computer and GPS would present a challenge. (For example, SpaceX requires GPS for its droneship to maintain its position.)

There were proposals for a winged S-IC that would fly itself back to Kennedy Space Center and land like an aircraft.

Jim Behling
Originally posted by Headshot:
Has any liquid-fueled rocket engine that has been immersed in ocean water ever been re-launched?
Static tested, yes, but launched, no.

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