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Forum:Free Space
Topic:RSVLTS x NASA limited-run space apparel
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Robert PearlmanFrom RSVLTS:
If we're not mistaken, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an agency whose purpose is to shoot human beings out of metal tubes into outer space to fight aliens and do triple backflips off crater ramps into the lunar atmosphere on Moon buggies while wearing Apollo mission patches featuring eagles, golden chariots, planets, space shuttles, and weird abstract 80s shapes. That's pretty cool.

Anyway, here's a new lineup of KUNUFLEX button downs from the NASA x RSVLTS Collection!

Robert PearlmanRSVLTS has announced that its NASA collection will be restocked and for sale again on May 3, 2022 at 4 p.m. EDT, along with a "brand new design with a secret message."
mode1charlieHas anyone here bought one of these shirts? The material appears to be something called Kunuflex, which is described as a polyester, four-way stretchable material.

As a connoisseur of Hawaiian style shirts (I live in Hawaii, so this isn't altogether unusual) I'm skeptical of any material that isn't cotton or at least cotton blend. The breathability and feel of artificial fibers is generally not what I like. But I'm willing to give this shirt a chance — if anyone has experience with it, I'd appreciate his/her thoughts.

Mahalo! (Thanks)

Robert PearlmanRSVLTS shirts have a satin/silk feel to them. They are not traditional Hawaiian shirts, but more like a button-down dress shirt with a bold print.

If you are interested in the NASA designs, act quickly, as they have a tendency to sell out on the same day of the drop.

The new design with a secret message was "NASA 'Dare Mighty Things'":

When NASA sent Perseverance, the rover from the Mars 2020 mission, to the red planet, they sent a secret message with it. The colored strips on the parachute that helped Perseverance safely touch down acted as a binary code, spelling out DARE MIGHTY THINGS. And just like that, the RSVLTS flag was planted on Mars.

We damn well couldn't find out that our mantra was being flashed to martians without making a shirt to honor that glorious moment in human (and martian) history. Designed with the help of artist Matt Neary, this red, white, and blue Kunuklex button down features Perseverance parachutes over a binary code background that spells out DARE MIGHTY THINGS.

There are so many levels to this thing. You're going to blow people's minds when they ask about your shirt.

mode1charlieThanks, Robert. Upon your suggestion I did go ahead and order the lunar rover shirt. I'll post my thoughts here after it arrives.
Robert PearlmanFrom RSVLTS:
Say goodbye to gravity and hello to...

The Smithsonian Air and Space Collection!

Gear up for liftoff with this Space Age tribute to the Apollo program in celebration of the grand reopening of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Starring spacecraft schematics, a galactic roadmap, and a catalog of the coolest suits on (and off) Earth, this collection is one giant leap for your wardrobe.

Oh yeah, and because it's Smithsonian, you know there's something extra for your inner nerd. Each shirt has a built-in QR code that links to special info about the design. Someone just found their new party trick.

Robert PearlmanFrom RSVLTS:
Put that ball into orbit in these brand-new... NASA All-Day Polos from BRKFST!

You take a deep breath, wave goodbye to your loved ones, and walk in slow motion to your special transport vehicle. Ok fine, your buddy's truck. Either way, there's no turning back; you're embarking on a mission to eclipse your personal best. The world is watching. Or at least your one non-texting friend. So shoot for the moon in these sweet Space Age polos.

328,855 miles to the pin. You got this.

Robert PearlmanAstronaut Raja Chari was photographed wearing RSVLTS "NASA One Small Putt For Man" polo (as linked above) while participating in virtual reality testing of the Gateway lunar space station in Johnson Space Center's Building 15 VR Lab on Feb. 13, 2024.

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