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Forum:Soviet - Russian Space
Topic:Progress M-08M %2840P%29 ISS resupply craft
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The Russian resupply craft is headed to the International Space Station and delivering 1,918 pounds of propellant, 1,100 pounds of oxygen, 498 pounds of water and 2,804 pounds of food, spare parts and supplies.

Progress M-08M will dock to the Pirs docking compartment Saturday at 12:39 p.m. The new cargo craft replaces the ISS Progress 37 (M-05M) which undocked Monday at 10:25 a.m.

Robert PearlmanNASA video release
Station Crew Welcomes New Supply Ship

The ISS Progress 40 cargo ship docked to the Pirs Docking Compartment at the International Space Station October 30, 2010, delivering 2 and a half tons of food, fuel, spare parts and supplies for the Expedition 25 crew. The manual docking came three days after the Progress was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
Lewis007Roscosmos release
Progress M-08M Departed from the ISS

Progress M-08M undocked from the International Space Station at 00:42:43 GMT on Jan. 24.

The de-orbit burn occurred at 05:16:44 GMT. The engine worked for 155 seconds, which produced a delta V of 85 meters per second.

The Progress M-08M ship descended from orbit and burned up in the atmosphere, with surviving fragments - if any - falling in a remote area of the Pacific Ocean (coordinates: 51° 18' south latitude and 135° 54' west longitude) at 06:07:03 GMT.

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